Woot! Went out with my sis and her group of 6 medical friends. Think it's a mini-celebration for graduating from Medicine. Congrats sis (& fellow friends of hers if they are reading this) for suffering through the 5 years of hard work and emerging as a full-fledged doctor...soon! xD
We had a 4-hour fun with board/card games at settler's cafe. Played Snorta, Saboteur, Give Me The Brain, Dragon Delta and Taboo (singapore version). Playing Taboo with a bunch of medically-driven minds is quite amusing as they'll relate medical terms with the given word to send it across to their team mates smoothly.
We somehow got misled by the pricing of the package that we had to pay for extra $3 per hour per person for the last 2 hours of stay who asked for the student package. Eventually, we paid $120 for the bill! But I managed to get their VIP card! lolx Next time can get discount till end of next year.