It was good that I've read the book before hand as I think it would be rather confusing and difficult to comprehend the movie at first hand; too much information download. As usual, codes never cease to amuse me. Anagram, morse, number patterns - cryptology is a serious field of study but with much fun within. The story talks much about the history of religions and with concentration in Christianity. The 'facts' stated in the movie seem too real to be true as the 'evidences' they used really do exist in the real world; not just in the reel world. It was made believed but it's up to more researching and cross-referencing in order to justify the 'axiom'.
The fact-or-fiction aside, all the codes and how the story flows was cleverly planned. It must have took lots of time to churn out such believable truths and mind-boggling codes. I rate it 9/10. But I feel that the story was much better; as it always do.
Hopefully they'll make the movie for Angels and Demons. =p