The first day we went unusually late to my grandma's house to bai nian. There wasn't any other relatives around as expected, so I'm the 'only' one there at that time. It was until late afternoon where the rest of my peers came. We gambled Blackjack for awhile before and after dinner before heading back to our respective homes by 21 30. (However, we did play about 1/2 hour of sparklers at the void deck =p) There wasn't much things happening. Perhaps it was because I didn't bring along any games. lol
The third day, I went for a 4 Francis gathering at PS. We had lunch at Secret Recipe with loba, jc, mark, sherman and of course our form teacher ms. jazilah. We treated her lunch while she treated each of us a drink at Starbucks. Afterwhich, ant. and joel came as well. We talk about the past ( and all the nasty things we did) and also about what we were doing in our NS (and pre-NS). Too bad she had to go back home to drown herself with the mountains of test papers for her to mark; leaving 6 of us (excluding mark) nothing much to do. We actually wanted to catch a movie before going home, but the tickets were all sold out (leaving the midnight movies) both in PS-GV and the cathay. We changed our plan to visiting the Istana. However, after witnessing the extremely long queue (estimated to be about 200m-250m in length), we forgo that thought. Last plan was to go to a LAN shop and have a challenge of COH (Company of Heroes). It was quite fun. haha After playing 2 games (where both teams were tied with 1-1 wins), we switched to playing CS (counter-strike). I didn't really like CS (and it has always been lolx). Maybe it's because I wasn't used to the controls and whatever technical stuffs about weaponaries. The funny thing was more and more strangers login to our network and played along as well. Total about 15 odd. We played for awhile before asking for bill. We played a total of 2+hours which cost us $6.50.
P.S.: Thanks jc for buying the rabbit bell keychain from Japan for us as a gift! =)
On the fourth day, where all (well most I say) NSFs would have booked in or have started their office working hours, I was busy with my SBJ training in the afternoon. haha Later in the late afternoon, I went over to my grandma's house to play with my cousins ( ah kiat, ah hao and aveline). We played PS2 games until 19 00 where we went to watch Epic Movie at TPY. It was a rather lame show. They want to fake also fake until very fake. Okay...whatever... I rate it 5/10. When we returned back to my grandma's house, we played Saboteur...and including my aunt. lolx There was really a generation gap. Shan't comment much. xD
On the fifth day, I went for my SBJ retest at CDA and I jumped 226!! Finally able to get a decent Silver for IPPT. The bad thing was I had to spend 3 hours travelling to and fro; and also had lost my Nalgene bottle along the way there. >_< Anyway, it was good that I'd passed my IPPT for this half of the work year. Woot! Went over to grandma's house again at 17 00, meeting the same group of cousins again. We had Blackmail and Saboteur. Had a whole lot of schemes throughout the 2-3 hours of gaming. lolx
Will we be having lo hei? Long time never lo liao~