Yesterday was Alexandra FS annual function night. We had a lucky draw with 25 prizes to be taken away. First prize - 21' slim TV, 2nd prize - PSP!!!! and third prize - DVD player. (these were the more anticipated prizes...don't really know what were the rest...the bottom few were some SCDF stuffs lol) It was such a waste as I woke up late and missed the chance to write my name down to participate in this lucky draw thingy. Sigh....if not I could have won something (cause the fraction of participators over prizes were quite high); maybe even the PSP!!! ARGH~~ That's life...But hey, at least I won myself a $20 voucher from NTUC after being the first to blow the ping pong ball burrowed in a bowl of flour. xD
Anyway, I accompanied my cousin, ah hao, to SLS to recee for his PS2/PSP. He's still sitting on the fence on whether to get PS2 slim or PSP. We gathered alot of prices from almost all the shops selling them, until we forgot which one got the best lobang. lolx Eventually, he settled down with the PSP Ver. 3.10 @ 293$ (inclusive of GST; standard pack). The shop owner looked and sounded uncannily suspicious but nevermind, he still have 7 days to have a 1-to-1 exchange. Hao tempted me to buy but I didn't. I'm still considering between PSP and PS3, so when the opportunity and time is right, I'll purchase it. Perhaps during my Uni. life then I'll get one. Just let me silently contemplate for another year. haha

P.S.: Hao: If I get PSP must let me download the games from you hor!~ xD