Recently I watched 2 art-house movies - 4:30 and Lola Rennt.
4:30 revolves much about an 11-year-old boy whose psychological and emotional needs were lacking (as his parents were working overseas) and a korean tenant came here to attempt suicide but failed and lead a self-illusionised world of his own. I suppose this is one of the rare movies where scripts were filled with words in italics. It's more of a show-to-tell movie rather than a show-and-tell one. Perhaps I was too tired that I inevitably doze off, so didn't really grasp the essence of the movie. Maybe I need to watch a 2nd time. lol I rate it 8.5/10.

Lola Rennt (a.k.a. Run Lola Run) is a German movie screened in 1999. I was shown this movie when I was in SRJC for the 1st 3 months where the GP lecturer screened it during one of our GP lectures. Found this movie rather interesting judging by it's scene editing to its script-writing. The movie started off with Lola and her boyfriend, Manni, trying to make a deal by selling drugs. However, Lola was late to fetch Manni back. Eventually, he lost the 100 000 marks in the train and would most probably be killed by his boss if he didn't produce 100 000 marks by 12 00 when the boss is suppose to claim from him. The story regenerates 2 more times, each showing different perspectives and different future ahead. Indeed, a split second do make a difference in one's life, let alone a person's choice. However, certain parts were quite far-fetched I feel. I rate it 9/10.