The recalcitrant kids in this contemporary society is getting from bad to worse, or so many adults are complaining. (which was why couples didn't want children xd) After relief teaching my own primary school yesterday for the first time, I thought that my generation wasn't that bad after all. But I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Lots of little events happened in the classroom - talking, shouting, throwing things, running in and out, fighting and even played a prank on me!!(they hid my WS and I had walked back to the staff room to check only to find out that some unidentified culprit did it!! >.>) On the other hand, there are a handful of kids who are deem as the obedient type. (One of them even look like the small 'boy' from 長江七號! =p)
Can't even 1 secondary school contact me instead?! lolx
P.S.: Wish shariff a fast recovery and my condolence to azman and family.