Went to NYPCO charity concert for the LLF (leukemia and lymphoma foundation) with jon and ken. Their standard was not too bad, maybe it's because of the 'alumni' or rather those strong people from cheng san. lolx Mrs Goh (Mr Goh chok Tong's wife) was there as their patron I suppose; and I assume she'd
Saturday morning was jio-ed to go for NYCO practice with jon and wanying. Their standard is improving due to the J1's I guess. And darn it, I left my watch in the room...have to get it back on Tuesday.
In the evening, went to Terminal 3 (T3) with jinjie, lim and low. (It's interesting how our government decides on the naming of significant architectures such as the IR(marina bay).) As usual, low overslept and he was late by 1 hour but we took this opportunity to take a tourist-view around the premises. It was the first time I (and lim) ate at popeyes. Can say that it's better than KFC but their cashier could be alot more faster.
Wanted to take more photos but the battery suddenly died on me...
Water fountain at B2.
Large metal plates hanging precariously at the ceiling.
Auto check-in machine.(the blue part at the bottom left is the baggage weighing machine) Cool~
This morning 09 30, lim, yongxiang and me went to nyjc to play bball. The ideal timing was 09 00, however due to
P.S.: Don't ask low what happened to him with his soccer ball when we were waiting for lim's dad's car. xD (caucasians are really polite and forgiving people)