This year's house visiting was rather out of the ordinary. Went to my ah ma's house on the first day alone until around 18 00 where the rest came. Luckily my 二叔 drove us off to have a drink outside during that waiting hours. We had a sumptuous dinner and had a game of 'blackjack 21' aka ban lat. After 2 hours of continuous 'gambling', I had a profit of $3! lol The rest of my cousins - aveline, hao and kiat played 'citadels'. (before dinner there was an argument among us on how to pronounce that word =p) It was already 23 00++ when we finish just 1 round of game.
Later, I went to hao's place to stay overnight to continue our game. We played till around 04 00 before we went to sleep. The 2 of them really are fast and heavy sleepers. They slept in a minute and won't be disturbed by a W900i mobile's alarm ringing loudly at 05 30! (hao even suggested to go for a run xD)
The early noon went to his mother side relative house for CNY visiting. Big family means... ...
Went to ah ma's house after that for dinner. The adults were watching 'warlords'. It can be summarised by these 4 words - brotherhood, sacrifice, gore and betrayal. I rate it 7/10.
The secret will be!