Yesterday had 2 impromptu outings surprisingly. Met up with jon, ken and mengtak at N&B for a drink around 15 00 then went for a jog at 17 00. After that, met up with les and low at J8 to watch 長江七號 aka CJ7 (not the kind of CJ we talk about in station! =x).
This comedy flick has it fair share of emotional scenes in it, which is rare for stephen chow's usual comedy films. The film is cute, hilarious and heartwarming altogether. Like 功夫 and 少林足球, this film is based heavily on CG animation. The bad part about it was that the audio and the mouthing of words wasn't synchronised. (maybe it's just the cinema's fault =p) With the good acting of himself and the 'boy' ('cause 'he' is a 8 year old girl! =0), it gets 8.5/10.

This afternoon went to book my BTT. I waited for about an hour before my number was called. Anyway, my BTT is on 15 May!! Sian...have to wait somemore...
This morning received a call from maris primary, so I'll be going down tomorrow morning! =)