Congratulations to Singapore again! We've once again climb up the global ranking of ministerial pay. With our PM's pay 3 times higher than Bush and 8 times higher than Abe. And the highest pay award goes to our MM!
Using the increment of all civil servants salaries as a decoy, they made quite a big profit. Who knows how much will they be getting for the 2nd increment.
With this increment, they've greatly narrowed their income gap. Yankee-Echo-Sierra! I mean 'THEIR'. Now, they won't feel inferior to the top earners from Singapore. As for the middle-income and low-income groups, I guess they'll have to wait until the opposition party to act to their calling.
Thier points of argument are "to continue to have a honest government", "to attract more people into the civil service/government"...
Have they thought about these? The corrupted minds will still be hungry for more even though they already had a astronomical amount of salary? Will the next generation of government be sincerely wanting to help Singapore to prosper or goes for the salary?
Now we know why some people are still out of home, live to worry about their livelihood and stuggling to make ends meet.
Let's celebrate that we'll still need to work until we die to support ourselves.