This time round, I had watched 4 movies in a day. (4 and a half actually as I had only watched half of The Bourne Ultimatum then it was my turn to turn in =p)

Starting with disturbia. It's a cheap thriller and suspense movie. Plot progression was rather smooth, too smooth to be true actually. Whatever the audiences think, it happens. It's one of those movie where you'll just hate stupidity in some of the characters and wish they were better of dead earlier. 6.5/10.

Up next, after my afternoon nap, was stormbreaker. No wonder their accent sounds different as it was a British film. It was another spy-kid show, just that the kid had grown up to become a 14 year-old teenager. The action was also levelled up. With moves parallel to jackie chan's movie together with a plot of saving the country from a concoction of lethal biological virus by a felon using advanced, high-tech gadgets. 7/10.

1408 was the movie which I was watching after my dinner. A horror movie about a ghost-seeking writer wanting to go around haunted places to get real-life experience in order to jot it down in his book. 1408 was the real haunted hotel room and only when he was 10 minutes inside the room alone did he found out that ghost really exist. However, the whole haunting experience was a abit too mundane and lack of crescendo. What he experience then made him cherish what he didn't. The ending came to the audience mind before it was screened. 5.5/10.

When it was my turn to do sentry, I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry was the movie which made me stay awake from 00 00 to 02 00. Humour was filled throughout the movie like how molecules fill themselves in a solid. However, after so many fire-fighting flicks, the fire-fighters still didn't portray the professional way of fire-fighting. The director also deliberately include in characters of contrasting attitudes and personalities pertaining to homosexualism. And his final verdict seems to be a neutral stand. Like the chinese saying (in direct translation) - "well water do not interfere with river water"; with a peaceful understanding of each other makes a peaceful world. In the end, they still got back their heterosexualities. 8.5/10.

The bourne ultimatum wasn't that enthusiastic about it as I didn't even watch the first 2 sequels. I watched it to pass time and keep myself awake until 02 30 when my shift ends. lolx Didn't understand much about it.