I was back at JI more than a year ago yesterday. My LF122 section was there for STN 14 HRI Drill @ one of the Shell Petrolchemical plants. Once we entered the island, I could instantly feel the distinct difference of the quality of air. The air definitely lingers a smoke-like smell and a tinge of a weak acid that I could detect faintly. I bet those people working there will suffer long-term consqeunces after their 50s or 60s.
The drill wasn't too good. The DO didn't had a good start in the first place. Shan't talk much about the drill. The drill started later than scheduled and ended earlier than expected. Afterwhich, we were each given a lunchbox with fried rice and fried fish, which I felt was abit under-standard.
But where is our petrol voucher?!!! lolx
Anyway, I've decided on my bike, and HASA it is. Hope to get it soon. Hate to wait for buses and walking for extra distances. Imagine taking 1 years 7 months or more of your lifetime just to wait for public transport assuming you start to take when you are secondary 1 till you are 85. You don't think that you could live up to 85? Better take it as a matter of fact 'cause the goverment said so. xD