Yesterday was the most tiring 1st duty off. I got back home at 10 00 and was preparing to leave home for lunch at kovan with zhen cong, les and low at 11 30. Bet they couldn't wake up in time; and yes indeed! xD Waited for 1/2 hour before we head down to the usual western stall.
Later, I rushed down to bishan for tuition at 14 00. It's my first day, so didn't want to be late. I was on the dot in fact! =p His parents were nice people. His mum even gave me a drink. Today wasn't an exception as well. Wonder what happened to my first tutee? Last saw her on 27/8. But it didn't really matter anyway.
After the tuition I was suppose to meet jin jie, lim and low for dinner at AMK but was too tired to even go out again! Sorry to pangseh~ Anyway, I slept from 18 45 to 08 00; a whooping 13 hours and 15 minutes!!
*49 duties to ORD on 10/2/08!