This is one of the rare opportunity to watch a movie in the morning. Sf, yx and me had our early lunch at PS then we went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End at 11 50 at the cathay.

POC - AWE has become what most third sequel in a typical trilogy movie have - a long and draggy storyline with a rather short action-pack footage. I guess usually the 2nd sequel of a trilogy is the best among the 3, no? =D Anyway, POC - AWE had some nice jokes, especially Jack's. lolx The ending wasn't what I'd expected as I thought Will's father would rather be the new captain for the Black Pearl. As for the 'Singapore' thingy, I found it peculiar and absurd. Don't know why, but just got that feeling. And they depicted the Asians in general as a laughingstock?! Especially one of the woman pirate lords...just look at her make-up! =X
And after all the loooooooooooooooong list of credits...they show a short footage 10 years later. How naughty of them to put it about 5 minutes after the show! xD The boy has a uncanny resemblance of the boy right from the first scene who starting singing while going to be hanged. I rate it 7/10.
Had a 10km run at ny in the evening. WooT! On my way back saw a pair of spectacles near the backdoor, then I saw an old man outside at the carpark searching his body. I drew my own conclusion and asked whether he lost his glasses. And yes did he lost his glasses! lolx Went back and picked it for him; luckily no one steps it. =x
End of my 5-day break...tomorrow will be returning back to station again!!!!....sigh....