Yesterday went to watch TJCO concert with cs, lk, sh, ws and dean. Think it's the time factor which made this concert seem under-rehearsed. They had only 1 week after SYF to rehearse for this concert.
I don't know why but all the soloists that night had sulking faces; as if they didn't want to perform a solo piece in the first place! The grade 8 piano soloist have the best performance I guess. Gao Mei Gui's ( one of the first batch of xiao yuan superstar finalists) and (sad to say) *****'s solos still audible. However, they need to brush up their skills even though their technics were alright. One of the solo was really under-rehearsed; both the soloist and with the orchestra. Might as well played the 2nd movement instead.
The ensemble play the piece which most of us felt that it was not cohesive. Maybe it's because the inclusion of alumni, which may not be very committed to the practices, that made their ensemble heard like 7 solo pieces.
On the contrary, their final piece (which was their choice piece for SYF) was better than their SYF performace. Maybe it's the alumni and some 'external helpers'. The TBY was also slightly audible compared to SYF itself. xD The pitching of the whole orchestra was also close to perfect.
I rate it 6.5/10.