After having my breakfast, I felt damn tired to even open my eyes, so I went to sleep until 2+ when I'm suppose to meet sf, xh, yx, and les for spiderman 3 movie at 3! lolx But I still manage to get there before the show starts.

Spiderman 3 was way better than it's first 2 sequels. The action was awesome! Humour was great but I felt that some were quite corny. Peter in this movie was rather callous compare to previous sequels (way even before he got stuck with the venom). When Harry's housekeeper told him about the truth of his father's death, Harry realised that he had misjudged Peter. I found this part rather peculiar about the housekeeper as the housekeeper ought to have told Harry long time ago. The dialogues of the housekeeper also potrayed him with a weird personality. Apart from all these, the final showdown was superb especially the tact-team. However, the ending was not what I'd expected. It would be much better if Harry didn't have to die and if they would screen what happened to sandman after the battle. They played well with the emo part even I cried. xD I rate it 9.5/10.