Looks like we're bumping into those good old friends these few days. Suddenly got into contact with a couple of primary school friends last few months ago. Also, met up with the MSCO gang which we've never met for about a year already. Good to see one another again in a concert. Chatting about anecdotes back in the good old days.
Also caught up with the full strength of '77' gang yesterday. Talked about how '77' gang came about. Some of the members (well, 1 actually haha, that'll be aidan xD) didn't know how this name came about. Cause he always MIA when we were having a gathering. Eric was the one who'll be late as usual. And it's like 1/2 - 1 hour late that kind of thing. Jc is always the one who'll be always 'suan-ed' at at anytime, anyplace and anywhere. lolx Loba usually is the start of the 'suan-ing'...maybe with the help of eric as well. =p We also talked about all the things we joked about one another. lolx Hope we'll have more such gatherings.
Yesterday met a long-time-no-see 'si dang' - mel c. (who was then my class buddy since sec 1.) at one of the bridges while the '77' gang was walking from clark quay to esplanade. Didn't change much though. haha
Today most of the S3A guys went to lim's house for a new year gathering. Quite a high turn out rate. Just this afternoon, we met Mr. Ng, our crappy ex-chemistry teacher in ny, at bishan. Didn't catch up with him much as he was in a hurry to somewhere. Sigh...
Hope to get in touch with more long-lost friends. ^_^