I've been tolerating someone in the station for quite some time already (about 2 months+). Let's call this antagonist of mine (maybe for everyone too xD) 'fiend'. Fiend was someone extremely full of himself and overly proud of his a-twentieth of a century's experience. Perhaps it's not a quarter of a century's experience, such that he managed to have the Sergeant rank.
Fiend, who was a Sergeant, had far greater authority than other Sergeants and Staff Sergeants. He challenges them when he had a finest feeling that his welfare is being threatened. It's no wonder 'cause if his well-being wasn't taken into considerations while appointing him tasks, he can't give the morning CAAD (Chemical Agent Acclimatisation Drill) a miss, had to ask someone to buy exclusive food for him (OH! he still does it with or without his welfare being threatened...xD) and off to standby for the whole duty day at the locker room/mess room smoking.
Fiend really wants to deliver more knowledge to us people who has experience close or less than his a-twentieth of a century's experience. His teaching style is simple - listen attentively or be nagged at and answer correctly or be deemed not listening attentively (please see the previous one for the consequence). He'll always target his people of lower experience (definitely not lower in ranking) well to prove that his existence as a lecturer is but of course unchallengable. If not how can he justify the close-to-5k salary he's siphoning from the tax payers? Just remember one principle of his - "If other's have no knowledge about something (regarding SCDF stuffs) , it's sinful. If himself have no knowledge about something, it's because it just slipped off his mind at that point of time." (and it's understandable...and it must be...)
To wrap things up, SGT Fiend, who have lots of experiences in the locker room/mess room, will always try to provide 'verbal explanations' (might be mild to him) to anyone who doesn't deserve to stay in the force. (that's being incompetent and lack of theory knowledge) It's okay to be lack in experience...it's his all-time favourite!~xD