It has been 3 years after graduating from MSHS and stepping down from MSCO. It had been a great experience throughout my 4 years in MSCO. All the staying-back-late meetings, dinner cum talk-cock sessions in Serangoon Central (especially at the ex-S11 or Macs), returning back to school to do miscellaneous stuffs (like drawing the still-unfinished-&-lost banner), typing all the administrative documents and not forgetting the multitude of performances and concerts we had in and out of school premises.
Up to this year, MSCO is 10 years old already.From an orchestra which doesn't have much performing exposure to actively participating in school events and bi-annual concerts. It's good to see (or rather hear =p) that the standard of the orchestra has imporved a notch since I last went back to help out. However, there's still much more improvement not only for their music but also the managment of the orchestra.
Holding the concert - "Reliving The Decade" yesterday to mark the milestone for MSCO for the past decade was really more of a celebration than a performance for us as rumours were always spreading that MSCO will be closing down since the time I stepped into this CCA. It was fun and sometimes amusing to practice with the new generation of juniors which I just got to know some of them. And before we knew it, the concert had already covered its curtain. Below are some photos taken from yesterday's concert...enjoy~
Me, wx, ken and & Dr. alvin tan!
Dizi section
Celloists tuning in cargo lift?! Amusing~ xD
Cello section
Me, tr and jon jr. during intermission lol
Me and the 'founding member' - cs with the lousy photographer =x
'77' gang - jc, loba, me and aidan (eric absent) (Thanks for coming to support us~)
Tan bo yue section (well part of it =p)
Percussion section - me, glen,??(paiseh...dun know ur name), shawn
front:bing hong(from dizi section but don't know why he came into the picture haha)
The 'ming fu qi shi' hong ze and me
Alumni members (some)
MSCO Presidents- Me(year 02/03), Carlton(year 06/07) and Ken(year 01/02)
Present + almuni MSCO members with teachers-in-charge
Congrats to MSCO for holding a successful concert this year!~