It has been my 10th shift duty (equivalent to a month) in Alexandra. I've more or less settled down and adapted to station life. However, I still couldn't adapt to their smoking culture. ( and never will!~ lol) Out of 10, there are 8.33 people smoking. And as the news reported, the PSI of an enclosed area (in my case the locker room) can go as high as 500! That's why I've been avoiding entrance to the locker room unless I urgently need to retrieve something from my locker. Ah...and 1 thing about my's situated in an unglamorous corner with clothes and miscellaneous stuffs getting hung across my locker to another locker. So I'll be having some difficulty in opening my locker fully to take things...sometimes it falls when I open the door too wide~ sigh...
Some colleagues there are nice and always there to offer adivce or help. However, a couple of them just like to be over authoritative and boss around...especially to the new comers or people of lower ranks. That's the reality in the uniform group organisations. (such 'rank' systems can also be seen in the commercial sectors as well) Just hope that the next batch of new comers will join us that their targets on us will be shifted. =p (That'll be in early January next year...)
Operational wise, I've gone for quite a number of incidents - 1 unit;1 room fire, unattended cooking, lift lobby fire, rubbish chute fire, oil spillage (after a RTA), NH3 leakage, as well as a few false alarms and cancelled calls. Went to 2 outside drills namely at the science park, botanic gardens mrt (still under construction) and some office/factory near our station. Also went for 1 hydrant testing (which was hot under the afternoon sun); some of which were calls made after midnight!
Last Saturday, there were 2 groups of visitors (foreigners with kids) who came to our station to look around. One of them was a caucasian; the other a japanese. Quite fun showing them around and giving them some hands-on experiences. At least more enjoyable than doing routine and drills. =p