People may say "Nothing is impossible" is not possible. (pun not intended! lol) Once you knew of someone who could recite the first 100 000 digits of 'pi', you may want to believe the above statment...maybe a little. It's super incredible to have such a super memory. His brain's 'wrinkles' must be as much as (or even more) than the number of digits he can recite.
How much I can recite?... ...3.14159265... ...WHATEVER~
The super memory man
Just heard about a place in japan where it's a famous tourist attraction and filming scene as well as famous for their most frequent sucide cases. lol There's a rocky cliff next to the sea and the interesting thing was that there's also a telephone booth close to it. You may say that there's nothing interesting about having a public telephone booth around that area but there are coins, cigarettes and even a praying altar right inside the booth! They said that all that was for the sucider to make a call to their loved ones and and maybe change their mind in ending their lives. If not then have their last puff of cigarette and say their last prayer before they commit it. What if there's no more supply? Don't worry as the locals there will be the one replenishing the supplies. Interesting... ...What if people try to abuse it? lol