Last Saturday was damn bored. Stayed at home the whole day playing PSP. The playing was so saturated that I went to study chemical equilibrium and electrochemistry instead! lolx
Sunday jio-ed ah hao and aveline for a pre-monday blues outing. To our surprise, aveline was on time! lolx Ah hao and I thought that she would surely be late so we had an idea to reach vivocity later. xD We went to buy movie tickets before going for our late lunch. We were glad that even though we're all above 18, we were prompted to show IC~ =p
We had our lunch cum dinner at white dog cafe. The food in the menu looks good but it's what comes next that's not quite as it seems. Firstly, the starters arrived after the main course. Secondly, some of food is heavily seasoned with salt. However, the rest were still okay. The serving was great. The service was higher than average but still not god-like! XP Photos will be posted shortly. I rate it 6/10.
Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay was a parody made to mock the US government on how they mishandled the terrorist suspects incident which was accentuated by the drama-documentary - The Road to Guantanamo. I personally liked the G.W. Bush character. I was suspecting whether our government have the same mentality as how that character said about the issue on hypocrisy at the last part of the flick. Apart from their primary objective of making this movie, they have bits of 'side quests' which show the KKK clan etc. Definitely better than scary movie 4! 8/10.