Saturday, May 23, 2009
Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy

Just came back from the concert and it simply
Able to see Nobuo-san in his simple, traditional Japanese costume, long socks and slippers. haha...but he didn't talk much though.
The stipulated time was about 105 minutes (inclusive of 20 minutes interval), but it was delayed to about 2.5 hours!! Nobuo-san even went to sing with the choral for One Winged Angel! lol It was a great finale!
Back to playing FFX...
Can't wait to play FFXIII!! =)
DSZeng scribbled this at 6:48 PM
Friday, May 22, 2009
results are out!
Semester 2 results were better than the first! It didn't meet up to my expectation of 4.1, but at least I've improved. =)
I've survived Human Resource Management!!!
Time for fun! =D
DSZeng scribbled this at 9:20 AM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
teaching it is
My MOE TA was approved! Woohoo! Double celebration~ .... Must I take maths minor? =x
DSZeng scribbled this at 8:37 PM
Friday, May 08, 2009
南洋初院华乐 : 荣誉金!
DSZeng scribbled this at 12:15 PM
flawed system
In light of the recent H1N1 virus attack around the world, the
DORSCON Alert status have risen to
ORANGE. It means that everyone have to take their temperature prior to entrance of some public places like government buildings, hospitals, theatres etc... Students have to take their temperature twice in schools during curriculum time.
However, there are a couple of loopholes with the current system. First, visitors were lining-up in groups without any protective equipment on. This would have resulted in cross-contamination even before you take your temperature if there was a virus-carrier in the line.
Second, students were asked to take their temperature in the classroom before the first lesson. Shouldn't it be taken before they step into the school premise? Another example is during the SYF at SCH on Wednesday. The audiences were crowding around the area to have our temperature taken, and it's inside the building! Is precaution really taken into consideration or protocols were carried out purely based on personnel's convenience?
Also, hospitals were grouping all patients together in one assembly area to have their temperature taken before any consultations or visitings. Shouldn't they separate those with flu and fever from those of other illness other than those of the symptoms of the flu virus?
Apart from the risk of cross-contamination, some places weren't environmentally-friendly. Large plastics were used to cover the thermometer's tip while taking temperature from the ear; and facemasks were thrown away unnecessarily. Isn't it better to use infra-red or use smaller pieces of plastics?
If we are to take these precautions, we might as well go back to the GREEN status.
DSZeng scribbled this at 11:57 AM
Friday, May 01, 2009
First year is over!
It's the end of exams and end of first year! Time seems to pass-by so fast in uni. Hope I can maintain my GPA this semester. lol
Holidays are here. Went to watch X-men Origins : Wolverine yesterday with ho kong, leslie, marcus and zheng yu. It's not a bad show. A mix of thriller/action/horror? haha However, I think they should have done this as the first sequel of the X-men quad-logy?
With the swine flu on the rise, planning to go overseas at this period of time seemed to be more tedious. Shall be spending the holidays locally.
MOE TA interview next week! =x
DSZeng scribbled this at 6:10 PM