Friday, August 29, 2008
It was about 01 00 on last Monday when marcus called me while I just got self-hypnotised to sleep. It was the 2nd time in 1 week's time where he got accident from his riding. Some say it's the camera he took back from the toilet near canteen A... lolx Godspeed to marcus~
The following night was scarily awoken by triplet knocks on the door at around 3+am. I thought marcus was back. haha It was actually the security guard telling me that my bunch of keys were left outside the keyhole!! =x I was so lucky not to have anyone taking it from the time I returned back to hostel.
Since the first few days was without a roomie, I went to see-see look-look at NTUCO. They were planning to go to Hong Kong at the end of the year for exchange programme. Don't know if can go or not; with my TP falling on that month and I'll be spending christmas over there.
Missed the bridge and scrabble/boggle sessions for my hall wing games. Didn't even see the registration area in the futsal court!! How to register?!
Tutorials are coming faster than we could finish them. Time is definitely not on our side. Mid term tests are getting nearer and I thought my 1st maths quiz had a score of 2.85! I should have seen the calculated score which was 3.4 instead of looking at the average score. nOOb~ xP Completed 3.7% out of 4%! =) 加油!
It was good to know that my toilet mates were china students and coincidentally both of them are in SPMS - one in CBC and the other in PAP. Not bad; at least can ask questions. haha
Time goes by just like that... ...
E.C. ... let fate decide... ...LOL
DSZeng scribbled this at 11:37 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
too many episodes
Lots of things happened and it's daunting to even blog about it as I do not have the drive and energy to blog. lolx
Weekends are like luxury to us (especially those staying in hall) as it seems too short and time passed-by like nobody's business.
Lab work is making us look DUMB as we do not have prior knowledge of the know-hows to use those sophisticated tools to conduct our experiment, and you don't expect them to teach everybody unless you ask them individually.
The first wave of tests and quizzes are on the way within the next couple of weeks. Can we make it?
DSZeng scribbled this at 10:40 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
weekend liberation
2 weeks had passed, and we really can feel something with an astronomical mass, which will continue to grow exponentially over the next 3 months, pushing us with 'Gianormous' force... ... and that equates to a pressure limiting to infinity!
Comes Friday night, those forces seemed to be negligible as we got back the control of our timetable. Comes Sunday night, those forces starts to pile up again.
It was akin to the time when we were still trainees in camps; booking out - liberation; booking in - captivity.
It was yet another back-to-back night movies. Watched money no enough 2 on Friday night with jin jie, les, lim, low and zheng yu. I say it would be quite an entertaining movie for the locals if they removed the overt advertisements from their sponsors. It was definitely a slapstick humour and I rate it 6/10. This late night movie made me missed my last bus just on the dot and I had to walk the 40-minute journey back home.

Yesterday night ah hao and I watched batman - the dark knight. It was a long movie all because of the cops not being able to suppress joker's counter-measures. What a joker! However, the action was rather good with all the sophisticated gadgets which I think it's only being used in the reel world. Will there be a 3rd sequel? I'm waiting for some riddles. 8/10.
DSZeng scribbled this at 1:03 PM
Saturday, August 09, 2008
first week of school
The first week of school wasn't an event which I was looking forward to. lol It'll mean back to study, tests and exams.
I already had problems on the night of day 'zero'. I was killing 7 cockroaches for a period of 2 hours on the first night in hostel!! xP...the 8th on the 2nd night. =x
Apart from that, it was difficult to understand certain accents from lecturers from foreign countries. Some were all right, but some were almost like babel to us than a proper English language! Biology was also killing me! Fortunately, biochemistry is more of molecules than terminologies and long explanations!
Next week will be the post honeymoon period and by 3rd week we'll get the full wrath of our merciless schedule...
Anyway, Olympics had arrived and I can say that it was the most spectacular opening ceremony I've seen in my life...and much better than any NDP; sad to say. And sigh...I still can't have the freedom to watch the games anytime I want; since Sydney. Have to wait till I graduate I suppose. haha
All the best for Singapore athletes in the games and happy 43rd nationhood to Singapore! =)
P.S.:By the way, did anyone notice that the China flag, which the boy beside yao ming was holding during the opening ceremony walk-in of the China's athletes, was upside down?! =x
DSZeng scribbled this at 10:35 PM
Saturday, August 02, 2008
for the sake of...
For the sake of getting through the university admission red tapes this week, I've missed out very much of the outside world. Recently, there was a global survey done about career paths chosen by Singaporeans.
It turned out that "more than half of workers in Singapore regret what they chose to study back in school, polytechnic or university." "One in three is also uncertain about their ultimate career choice, according to an online survey by Kelly Services. It was released on Wednesday."
Let's see why were there so many Singaporeans crossing wrong paths in their peaks...
Basically, you can split into 4 quadrants - talented (all-rounder prodigy), not talented (little or no talent in all areas), interested (very keen in a profession), not interested (not keen at all in a profession).
For those who are talented and also interested in their profession, they really have no worries at all as their path is clear - get that degree and just like an object given a slight push in vacuum, they'll continue further until they're lost in sight. These are the big gamers and huge earners - millionaires.
Those who are talented but have no interest at all are possibly those whom parents want them to follow their footsteps. It is likely that most of the high-flying parents would want to mould their children into the exact or similar profession as them. In this case, they could have 2 options: 1. follow what their parents told them to do and continue to be stable and successful albeit boring; or 2. heck with their parents and go on to the track they wanted long ago. Either way, they are smart enough to be in the managerial positions and earn rather high salaries, but not as high as board of directors.
The not talented but who are interested in a certain profession, most of the time, will not be able to get what they want... ...unless opportunity comes knocking on their door, and the rest of the success is up to the individual's determination and hard work. If not, it's time for them to move on with life and carry on with the humdrum routine work. These people are the bulk of higher-middle income or middle income group.
Lastly, the not talented and without any interest category will have no choice but to do something which will require little or intrinsic skills to ensure survivability. They have the lowest paying jobs but still able to have food on their tables for every meal, just that quantity and quality might contrastive with those above. Their children have a high chance of getting caught in the vicious cycle. They are the low income group.
Where do a typical Singaporean fall into? What about you? =)
DSZeng scribbled this at 12:17 PM
Friday, August 01, 2008
new dining found!
Bracing myself after a night's sleep; taking it easy for the 1st semester is the first step in a healthy mental preparation. A good start is half a battle done! =)
Today went to 开房 with marcus! xP Family and friends, feel free to visit us at Hall 2 BLK 11 unit 11-1-165. =]
It was definitely something which I didn't expect after hearing the condition of low's room when he first got in. Loads of FOs (not F*** Off but foreign bodies xD) can be found almost everywhere - furs+hair+dust on the floor, layer of dust on the shelves and bed...the worst is the TOILET!!! =x It was like some abandoned haunted room; with hair stuck together in a sticky substance, almost attached permanently on the floor, halls sweet wraper (definitely not issued by hall 2 lolx), plastics, ear buds, BLACK flooring, BLACK drainage sieves, BLACK basins, YELLOW tiles...the list goes on...
Now, it has changed into a 3-star room look-alike! All thanks to marcus and I cleaning for more than 2 hours religiously with him cleaning the entire room while I was scrubbing with a leftover toothbrush and 2 scrubbers in the toilet.
The next door toilet room mates better be grateful about it and hopefully able to be self-motivated and pro-active in clearing up any mess done in the toilet. =)
Anyway, here's giving ho kong best wishes for his 21st birthday on Sunday!! =) Thanks for the treat as well. And I've found another great dining hide-out too! =p Somewhere near boon keng mrt - 文东记. Taste and quality are apt enough to obtain a 7.5/10.
News of the week:
1. Serangoon central's macs had taken over NaBeh's cafe!! That might just mean more jobs for cardiologists! xP
2. Met my FJ coincidentally while I was walking home; went for wrist operation by inserting 2 metal strips. Sad life... ...
3. Going for routine reporting next wednesday and I won't be skipping my lectures! Lose-win situation in any combination.
DSZeng scribbled this at 11:56 PM
into the alienated
Into the alienated world we went. All the unknowns filling up our perplexed mind, and with the start of the first semester drawing nearer each day, making us feeling edgy. Maybe they should go through more on the allocations of AUs for the different requirements instead of just breeze through them.
It's comforting to know that we have a legion of approachable lecturers but it's unnerving to know that we are indirectly, and perpetually, being pressurised to out-do ourselves consistently like how coal are being pressurised to become diamonds under a long period of time.
Can we turn into valuable and rare diamonds after 4 years, where everyone yearns for it; or we'll remain as the cheap and insignificant coal, where nobody will even give a single glance?
Some might say '天生我才必有用.' We'll be used for warmth; but how long can we last till we are of no use?
Nonetheless, we shall stay optimistic and confident, guys! =) (for those who are on the same boat xP)
DSZeng scribbled this at 12:14 AM