Whites against blacks; westerns against asians. Those radicals will always look down on others with disdain. Whatever it is, it's bad enough to say racist jokes let alone practising it. No matter what colour, a person is a person. If you are apathetic about racial tolerance, come to Singapore! Our government is very good at it! Just look at their achievements from after the independence. To those racists from down under, maybe you all should just go to Mars since Earth is a place with with different types of people who should be living in harmony.
Anyway, this afternoon was supposed to go ktv but due to the foreseen and unforeseen circumstances, it dampened my mood, so leslie, lim and I went to coffeebean to chill out instead. After the short drizzle, we went to ice3(in superscript) for ice cream. The service is good, the creativity of the desserts are good but the main courses aren't that many though. What an impromptu outing!
The next day will go back to the days where I anticipate for morning calls. Tired of all these uncertainties which comes with sudden changes... ...give me a break.
Anyway, here are the bunch of kids whom I've endured for the past 2 weeks.
Today was the last day for me to teach my 4B and 5D English class. It's quite surprising to see that we bonded quite well in just a short stint of 9 days. As a token of our 'friendship' (although we have an age disparity of a decade!! xp), I gave away all my chocolate waffles and other edible stuffs to them. A couple of them gave me gifts too! =] Thanks ashley and jacob! =) Awww........ This sense of satisfaction and the feeling of being respected by students are what you can't get from other jobs.
Low dropped by my house to get some PSP games from me. Woot! Next time can play multi-player games le!
It's back to the 'waiting for turn-out by 07 00' kind of job... ...
Last Saturday went for KTV with the NYCO seniors at serangoon gardens instead of going for MSCO practice. =x
Sunday morning was the usual bball session with the 04S3A guys and girls. We had ho kong, john, leslie, lim, low, sok fong, xiao hui and yong xiang, so we played the last game with full court. Nearly sprained my ankle. lol
Lunch was at kovan. After that, I went to meet my da jie for shopping. For the whole day, I bought 2 shirts, a pair of cute cuff links (which comes together with a tie), a toy USB hub (it's usable!) and a practical key chain. Dinner was at manhattan!
Today received a bad news - a permanent teacher will be taking over my timetable but I'll be given a new one. Hopefully it's not those call-you-up-for-a-day-and-stay-at-home-the-next-day kind of timetable~ xD Should have told me that they are considering to let new teachers take over me before the March holidays so I could take up the long term offer from catholic high instead... ...
Tomorrow will be school holiday! Finally I am able to get the feel of what a public holiday should be like after 2 years! It's good that I've no leftover work to be done, that means I can have the long weekends to myself! =]
Yesterday went to leslie's house to get the missing episode of 'ima ainiyukimasu'. Complete episodes now; can start watching~
Just now went over to my cousin's house to get some games to play for my PSP. Shared a slice of new york pizza for snacks with ah kat 'cause I didn't had my dinner but I'm not that hungry too. Anyway, I uploaded 27.5GB worth of games in about 15-20 minutes!!! Not that I got such a MSPD which has that big of a memory space just that I upload all into my external HDD. lolx God knows when will I finish playing them all?!
There are tons of homefun to mark day by day. Luckily my teacher offered to help me mark some of the march holiday's homefun. =p Today knocked off rather late due to the remedial lesson. However, what I cannot comprehend was why did they still allocate other non-present teacher's periods into mine!? >_< Ain't I busy enough already? Now I know how stressful a primary school teacher is! xd
After school, I went to meet with leonard to buy our PSP! =) Gonna' get games from my cousins soon~
As usual, people are late for the bball session yesterday. But it's rare to see marcus as well. lol The spirit was dampened by the on and off drizzling.
Straight after that, went to AMK Hub to meet up with the '77' (without aidan....i.e. with jian cheng xD) for lunch at NYNY. We wondered around ntuc to buy some of my 'basic necessities' for my relief teaching. We were coerced pitched by a sales auntie to buy a pack of 4 ice cream cones. It took us more than the time to finish eating the ice cream for us to come out with a fantastic idea for the next activity - to watch Vantage Point. xp

The movie has parallel concept to lola rennt and babel, just that it keeps going back to the past over and over and over... ... ... ...perhaps that's why the movie wasn't at least a 100-minute. The plot was developing well from the start but when it comes to the crunch time, all the laws of sciences were denied and good luck seemed to be occurring so frequent like it's a norm in the real world. I rate it 7/10.
Today was the first day taking full charge of my ex-primary school form teacher's classes. In my opinion, even normal academic students are easier to teach compared to primary school kids. However it may be, I think I can manage them. It's just a matter of time. Anyway, there are tons of holiday homefun (aka homework) for me to mark!!! xP Shall finish them all by this weekend.
Due to the sudden hike in the yen exchange rate; PSP slim is selling at a slightly higher price. Hope to see a drop by the end of this week.
Thursday was a day filled with events. In the morning I went back to maris primary to prepare and settle some things with my teacher. Yes, I'm taking over my former form teacher! lol I went over to the secondary side for the first MSCO practice for the coming 50th Founder's Day performance. Don't know why but all the scores are like cryptics; they are written so ambiguously! Dinner was with adelene, marcus, sok fong, xiao hui, yong xiang and zhen cong at TPY pasta mania.
Today had a 'date' (as what she claimed to be) with ah mei. I was supposed to buy shirts and use the voucher given by HTNS, but I couldn't confirm with the CO people what colour must we wear for the concert, and the thing that I wanted to exchange with the voucher was out of stock! lol So, had to go down again next week. =(
Can't wait for SUNDAY! =)
Didn't have time to update about last week 'cause I was too busy for the last 4 days.
The J1 Level Wide Camp, which was on Thursday and Friday (full days), was tiring, but it was time well spent. All the best for the current J1s and congrats to all those facils who took their 'A' Level results last Friday.
Saturday yong xiang and me went to the IT Fair to buy adelene's birthday present. Suntec was filled with people so much so that the security guards even had to stop visitors from proceeding up to the venues! Met jin jie, lim and low on the way. Les came later. Since we were already late for the 18 00 shuttle bus, yx and I went ahead with our external HDD. Both of us bought Maxtor 160GB at $139 (it was $120 less than 1/2 hour ago!! =( ).
We got on the 19 30 shuttle bus to NSRCC. The place was quite big but cosy. I felt that there shouldn't be BBQ as the large number of people she invited really couldn't let everyone BBQ their own food, let alone eating them! We didn't feel welcome by their families and relatives as they are much in their own world. We got to eat the cake but damn we missed the last shuttle bus because of that. Jin jie, john, johnny and lim took a taxi on the way out while the rest of us (Les, low, marc, yong xiang, zhen cong and me) continued to walk all the way to the 'nearest' bus stop at tenah merah ferry terminal. Luckily we were just in time for the last bus, but I missed my bus home when we reached tenah merah interchange. I went back with the hougang gang and had a proper dinner cum supper with les and low before I was invited to stay at les' house for the night.
The next day I woke up rather early 'cause I'll be having brunch with my ah ma and cousins. Ah hao suggested jack's place but all of us thought that there was nothing appropriate for ah ma to eat. lolx Eventually, we went for yum cha. The food there overall was abit over-seasoned, but the ju cheong fan and carrot cake was nicely done.
In the afternoon went to zhong ming's father's wake. He seemed restless. Take care ya. Jon went to buy his dinner at KFC drive-thru. It was the first time for me to experience how ordering from a drive-thru is like.
Will be in a hiatus this week before the kids break loose~ =p
It has been a week after the escape of one of the 'platoon commander' of the JI. He most probably have either got in contact with his comrades or have escaped overseas with the help of his comrades. As the government says, "poverty has been eradicated; nobody in Singapore dies of hunger." He'll definitely find a way to survive; which escapee doesn't?!
Since then, alot of people starts to gather lots of questions - 'What went wrong to our security?', 'How did it happened?', 'Who should be responsible?' and 'What's next if the escapee couldn't be found?'.
And what the government, who is usually on the other side of the banks, will answer - 'We'll take the Gurkhas, Special Operations Command (SOC), and selected personnels from (maybe) SAF, SCDF and SPF to have an 'Orange' Alert Search for the escapee.', 'We'll make up a three-member independent Commission of Inquiry (COI).', 'We should be focusing on capturing the escapee and let things move on from there.' and 'He is sure to be found as experts say he is sure to be still in the mainland.'.
However, all these answers were superficial and loopholes are too obvious! Why it took them about 2 hours to give out an order for the search? Why did the COI have a member who is from the authority which made this disastrous mistake? Why are you all diverting the subject to how united Singaporeans are to this incident or why citizens shouldn't worry much as the escapee doesn't hold weapons and "was of no imminent danger to the public"? Why the police officer (if any) didn't take a good look-out to the detainee while escorting him to the toilet?
If the fault really lies in the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), and more specifically - SPF; and if T T Durai was at fault in not fulfilling his position as the CEO of National Kidney Foundation (NKF) well by misusing his authority on the usage of the organisation funds... ... ... ...what should be the next step for the government?
Perhaps they are thinking of dusting away the evidence, wash our minds with yet another unsatisfying reports and sweep in more bonus at the end of the year as a consolation! That makes a chain of escapees!~
I have been busy these week. Relief teaching and giving tuition in a long-run can be tiring. The short trip to the career and education 2008 doesn't have much to see for me... ...and most probably to many of the others as well. Unless you are not registered to local universities and want to apply to overseas institutes; or you are finding job opportunities in the areas of hotel and tourism, civil service or building and construction, this exhibition is not for you!
The pass 2 weekends - tiredness and refreshing. They are oxymoron but I thought that was what people felt after completing the workshop. Through this workshop, I'm more aware of myself and others around, and also about making a difference to myself. The level of intensity of the activities we participated were high; high enough to make some people to let their emotions out. Like what newton said, "every action will constitute a reaction of the same force propagating in the direct opposite"; so be giving your 100% to all the activities will you get the most out of it.
Anyway, this morning I was offered by maris pri. to a long-term relief teaching contract due to a teacher going for maternity leave soon. I had told them about my medical check up in April but I forgot to tell them about the camp I'll be involved this week! =x