I had it all planned to celebrate aveline's belated birthday yesterday - a dinner at fish and co. with their crews singing a birthday song to her with a cake together with a movie as a package. As she couldn't make it for the dinner due to her project at hand, we got to have a plan B!
Fortunately, kat was able to arrive earlier at amk hub. We walked around from 17 00+ to 18 00+ and we got her a necklace and a paris hilton perfume (will she get dumb after using it?! =p). With about 1/2 hour to the stipulated dinner time at 19 00, we went to Macs to sit and had fries as snacks first. Kat wanted to go for subway but hao wanted to stick with fish and co., so kat suggested his brother to treat us to fish and co.; and that he did!=] Thanks for the treat, hao!=) (I ordered the coriander catch but the bulk of the coriander leaves overkilled the grilled dory fish =x maybe next time I'll try the new york fish and chips...)
As usual, aveline was late since the last few outings. (or rather all outings lolx) The show starts at 20 50 and there she came at a little more than 21 00. She made us missed the first few minutes of the show and we even thought we went into the wrong hall as what it seemed to be screening, as what hao said, was rambo 4! lolx

What I thought were the underlying messages were that the world is degrading day by day and we; as the super-species on Earth, should do something to salvage this once self-recuperative planet; and also to make us ponder what would we do when our days are numbered like L's. That aside, the humour and wittiness portrayed were excellent. I rate it 9/10. (be sure to stay till the end for a few seconds of 'real ending'!)
After the show at 23 00, I passed the fake presents (that includes plasters, umbrella, clorets etc) to aveline. She doesn't seem shocked or flabbergasted. hahaha Luckily she didn't dislike paris hilton! xD
Due to the tickets being sold out, the airshow outing tomorrow with the cuz will be cancelled...=(
IN 2010!
The recalcitrant kids in this contemporary society is getting from bad to worse, or so many adults are complaining. (which was why couples didn't want children xd) After relief teaching my own primary school yesterday for the first time, I thought that my generation wasn't that bad after all. But I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Lots of little events happened in the classroom - talking, shouting, throwing things, running in and out, fighting and even played a prank on me!!(they hid my WS and I had walked back to the staff room to check only to find out that some unidentified culprit did it!! >.>) On the other hand, there are a handful of kids who are deem as the obedient type. (One of them even look like the small 'boy' from 長江七號! =p)
Can't even 1 secondary school contact me instead?! lolx
P.S.: Wish shariff a fast recovery and my condolence to azman and family.
Yesterday had 2 impromptu outings surprisingly. Met up with jon, ken and mengtak at N&B for a drink around 15 00 then went for a jog at 17 00. After that, met up with les and low at J8 to watch 長江七號 aka CJ7 (not the kind of CJ we talk about in station! =x).
This comedy flick has it fair share of emotional scenes in it, which is rare for stephen chow's usual comedy films. The film is cute, hilarious and heartwarming altogether. Like 功夫 and 少林足球, this film is based heavily on CG animation. The bad part about it was that the audio and the mouthing of words wasn't synchronised. (maybe it's just the cinema's fault =p) With the good acting of himself and the 'boy' ('cause 'he' is a 8 year old girl! =0), it gets 8.5/10.

This afternoon went to book my BTT. I waited for about an hour before my number was called. Anyway, my BTT is on 15 May!! Sian...have to wait somemore...
This morning received a call from maris primary, so I'll be going down tomorrow morning! =)
First attempt - CSM (Company Sergeant Major) not around. Second attempt - storeman not around. It's the third attempt that I finally got my pink IC back after 1 year 10 months!!!=)
The Enlistment
Center - Fire Badge, IPPT Silver Badge
I didn't like the environment and working style due to many reasons. However, with some of the buddies I'd made during the first few duties, I'd came to fit into this lifestyle better.
For the whole 24 hours, we had to be alert for fire calls. After missing 1 fire call =x, I was able to adapt to this lifestyle of being woken up by sirens and phone calls in the middle of the night.

*Some of the 100 over fire calls call chits I've kept. But can't show it here 'cause it's restricted documents! =x

Yesterday, I took back my pink IC together with my NS certificate. On top of that, I was awarded the Perfect Attendance Award and was given a certificate and a Swatch watch! (OC even gave me his name card =p) Before I left the station, I left a message in my locker xD. Hopefully they can see it.
Not only did I took back my pink IC home but more importantly, I also brought home several life skills and precious experiences which not many people will ever be able to learn and experience in their lifetime.
wire - courtesy from the station function 07' committee
As part of the usual cny celebration, we always get ready our matches, lighters and not forgetting the sparklers to set them on sparkling at the nearby playground. This year, we tried making 5 rockets. We even use the laws of physics like cutting excess metal weight, increase vertical propelling force etc...but the most we got from our results were 1 rocket tilting sideways and hitting the ground and the other promising one burning into flames spontaneously as the cupboard caught fire afew seconds after all the loud whistling. Mei came to the playground from work while we were working on the rockets.
The 3rd celebration was hao's lunar birthday. Since he can't possibly be planning of a party or something as he was stuck in camp, we thought of helping him to make his 21st birthday a memorable one. (who doesn't want one~) Surprise after surprise...it's hilarious to see him taking up all the
We wanted to carry on pictionary but it was almost 12am! Next time then~
P.S.:We still have leftover sparklers =p
This year's house visiting was rather out of the ordinary. Went to my ah ma's house on the first day alone until around 18 00 where the rest came. Luckily my 二叔 drove us off to have a drink outside during that waiting hours. We had a sumptuous dinner and had a game of 'blackjack 21' aka ban lat. After 2 hours of continuous 'gambling', I had a profit of $3! lol The rest of my cousins - aveline, hao and kiat played 'citadels'. (before dinner there was an argument among us on how to pronounce that word =p) It was already 23 00++ when we finish just 1 round of game.
Later, I went to hao's place to stay overnight to continue our game. We played till around 04 00 before we went to sleep. The 2 of them really are fast and heavy sleepers. They slept in a minute and won't be disturbed by a W900i mobile's alarm ringing loudly at 05 30! (hao even suggested to go for a run xD)
The early noon went to his mother side relative house for CNY visiting. Big family means... ...
Went to ah ma's house after that for dinner. The adults were watching 'warlords'. It can be summarised by these 4 words - brotherhood, sacrifice, gore and betrayal. I rate it 7/10.
The secret will be revealed...today!
After playing bball with the nyco guys on Saturday, Sunday's session with 04S3A guys was much improved. lolx We had lunch at sr gardens market again but this time round it rained heavily when we left.
Monday met up with aveline to do something at popo's house. And we definitely spent more time on eating than working. xD Since we did not have enough photos ('cause the machine can't read certain pictures in the memory card), I'll complete the other half on the eve of CNY.
The eve of CNY was back to finishing up the masterpiece but due to certain unforseen circumstance, it'll only be 80% complete. Today shall complete it after everyone is there.
But not your last semester's modules! xD
This Russian countertenor vocalist - Витас (Vitas) sings super high pitch; even increase the pitch at the last one! =x
Friday was my rota bonding day held at labrador park in the morning 09 00. We got there around 09 45 and started our first activity - Rota 2 race, at 10 10. My group 2 -galactacos star (don't know if it's spelled correctly) won the 3rd placing out of 5 groups, and the price was $50 starbucks voucher. In addition, I answered a quiz question about my sir being a signal storeman during his army days and got myself an addition of $5 starbucks voucher. (I traded 2 $5 burger king voucher for 1 $10 starbucks voucher with azim.) =p
Saturday morning 10 00 was bball session with an unusual group consisting of mostly nyco alumni-jon, jon jr., julian, juncheng, kelvin(present member) and mengtak plus 2 other ex-nyjcians-eugene and i-forgot-his-name. lolx We went for lunch at ex-s11 then jon jr. and I headed to msco practice till 17 00. Accompanied changsheng for his dinner at macs before going to clarke quay to meet up with aidan, eric, jiancheng and jon for yet another of our overdued outing.
I got there 1/2 hour earlier than expected time of 18 30, so I window-shopped abit at level 1 of central. It was rather rare to see all of us being on time (some late for a couple of minutes). We had fun and dinner at settler's cafe until 21 00. I bought citadels for the coming cny gathering. Since the night was still young, aidan suggested to go for dessert at some nectarie(don't know if I misspelled again or not) at clarke quay. Tasted quite alot of desserts -chocolate truffle, cheesecake, honey lavender ice-cream, mud cake, almond-liquor white chocolate cake and some ham pie thingy.
Later this morning will be another session with the 04S3A guys. Don't know if I'll have the energy to play. =x