Attention to all cousins and family, MSCO Alumni, 4-Francisians, '77'党, 04S3A, NYCO Alumni, 21ST ERS and Station 12 people:
You are cordially invited to my 21ST birthday celebration which will be held at HomeTeamNS Pasir Ris Holiday Chalet. The map to the place can be found here.
To make the celebration successful, I need more people to attend, so I need all to make your vote on the dates you prefer the celebration to be held at the right side of my blog.
For the both options; 1st day will be purely for recreational activities; 2nd night will be the celebration itself; 3rd morning will be booking out.
The voting poll will cease on 29 Feb 2008.
Happy voting. =)
P.S.:Ingrates please identify yourselves! xD
That's the most suitable title I can think of for this entry, 'cause this whole day I didn't get to go toilet until dinner time.
Don't know what happened to my biological clock, but I couldn't get to sleep well these few days. Perhaps I'm too excited about being liberated from all the obligations as a NSF fire fighter. Without having a proper sleep, I woke up early in the morning 08 30 deciding whether I want to go for fazly's wedding or not. I went there anyway as I took woon's car to fazly's house at 10 30. After having a rather hasty brunch, we left around 12+. Woon drove me to bishan and I took the train down to town. Thanks woon for the trips.
I reached taka around 13 00 and they were still eating. Either they were enormous eaters or late-comers, they took a long time to finish their lunch since they met up at 11 00. We eventually left the restaurant at 13 30+, and we splited into 2 groups (hokong, les, low and zhencong; john, lim, yongxiang and me) to shop around town.
Around mid-noon, it started to have a light shower, which didn't last long. We took a bus down to suntec around 18 00 to meet with john after his Mass. Anyway, I bought 2 shirts and other special items for someone's special day. (*top secret which can't be revealed yet)
Finally, we were able to take a rest for our legs as we stopped for dinner at the food court, while les, low and zc went to subway. (and I was able to go to the toilet and stayed at the urinal for more than a minute xD)
What a day... ...more shopping spree next week? hahahaha
Anyway, here are the photos we (cousins) took during our outing yesterday...
(From left: ah hao, me, mei zi, aveline, my sis;jingyi)
Went to NYPCO charity concert for the LLF (leukemia and lymphoma foundation) with jon and ken. Their standard was not too bad, maybe it's because of the 'alumni' or rather those strong people from cheng san. lolx Mrs Goh (Mr Goh chok Tong's wife) was there as their patron I suppose; and I assume she'd
Saturday morning was jio-ed to go for NYCO practice with jon and wanying. Their standard is improving due to the J1's I guess. And darn it, I left my watch in the room...have to get it back on Tuesday.
In the evening, went to Terminal 3 (T3) with jinjie, lim and low. (It's interesting how our government decides on the naming of significant architectures such as the IR(marina bay).) As usual, low overslept and he was late by 1 hour but we took this opportunity to take a tourist-view around the premises. It was the first time I (and lim) ate at popeyes. Can say that it's better than KFC but their cashier could be alot more faster.
Wanted to take more photos but the battery suddenly died on me...
Water fountain at B2.
Large metal plates hanging precariously at the ceiling.
Auto check-in machine.(the blue part at the bottom left is the baggage weighing machine) Cool~
This morning 09 30, lim, yongxiang and me went to nyjc to play bball. The ideal timing was 09 00, however due to
P.S.: Don't ask low what happened to him with his soccer ball when we were waiting for lim's dad's car. xD (caucasians are really polite and forgiving people)
Four days had passed since the start of my 10-day break. I was called back to station yesterday, not to be back on duty but just to take a rota group photo... ...again! lol I was just in time for the photoshot when I just stepped into station, so I just wore my No.4 shirt over. =p Stayed awhile to play scrabble with abdullah, dingding and nas. Evening had tuition and it was a nice weather that night. =)
The other days were spent at home slacking, onlining, gaming and watching bleach (episode 112), eyeshield 21 (episode 101) and tv.
My station 'members' are thinking of going for kayaking for the next outing, but I don't have the interest (for now) to do that. What's next?
Mei zi was suggesting to go for a 'cousins outing' so as to utilise my long hiatus from my duties at station but ought to receive a confirmation from her.
This morning 10 30 met azar, dingding (with dingding's friend from control room) and ow at ECP for rollerblading. Since aris and jihad was late, we had our breakfast at Macs first. Afterthat, we rented rollerblades for 2 hours @$7.
This was the first time I ever tried rollerblading and I'm proud to say I didn't fall at all! I'm good at balancing eh~ Tyty....haha xD Aris(bike) and jihad(rollerblades) joined us about 1 hour+ later. Just when they came, we were about to go back to return our blades, so they didn't get much of the riding and blading. lolx
It looked as if it was going to rain by the time we returned all the stuffs, and since dingding was dead-hungry, we went to BK for lunch. Some of us wanted to continue with cycling but afew of them were leaving for some other things, so we all headed home. Luckily we didn't stay for another round of cycling 'cause black clouds were already gathering in the vincinity of my home. =x
In the evening, ah hao came for a trim. As he was just let loose into civilisation after 3 weeks of confinement, he didn't know much about the real world. That goes to say that he doesn't know about the taxis now are going at 35% surcharge at peak hours and ticking at $0.20 every now and then! I had to go down and give him extra cash. xD He still have 8 months and 1 week more to go! Jia you!
Was thinking about buying PSP slim and lite from bao sen. It's going at $360 for the brand new console including a 4GB memory card filled with 6-7 games. Who wants to buy too? Maybe can get more discounts~ =)
WOOT!! This was the first time my RC approached me to let me clear my remaining time-off hours. That's why I'm at home right now. Thanks to CPT shaiful. =) And this was my third time clearing my time-off. Hopefully can clear for 1 more duty (out of the remaining 2 duties left =p).
Our station function was a good one compared to last year's. More emphasis on the decorations and prizes. All of us got a door-gift - a 5R-size photo of our rota. We had a PS2 winning eleven 2008 challenge finals where Rota 1 PTE james clinched the champion trophy and SGT zainal was the 1st runner-up. The bonus challenge between my Rota 2 RC - CPT shaiful and our STN 12 OC - MAJ lim came to an end when my RC beat OC with a score of 1-0! =p
The lucky draw prizes consisted of a 2-way ticket for 2 to bangkok, 2nd-hand PSP, several akira electronic products, ntuc vouchers (that's what I'd got...a $10 one) and other miscellaneous prizes.
I played the pass the ping-pong ball with the plastic spoon game, and my group (azar, azim, azman....all the az...lolx and myself) won! The prize was a beverly hills polo jacket. It comes in a two-way function whereby you can flip inside out and wear it.
Too bad, didn't get the top 2 prizes; SGT riduan and SGT yip got them respectively.
Anyway, it's better than getting nothing at the end of the night. =)
Here are some of the photos taken yesterday night... ...
Kevin, teo, me, errol, ?(forgot his name..will fill it up soon =x),vivienne(hiding), ken, tammy and yewyew at the paramedics room.
Today, just received a call from my station admin clerk saying that I had to go for the medical check-up at CDA medical center. And god knows where it is?!! Think all of us thought there's only 1 medical center and that's at BRTC. The final date is this Friday. To think that I was continuously trying to contact them that day and all I'd got was an engaged tone. What a short notice for me, but I still have to go down to that troublesome place.
....Just got back from the first tuition session of the year and it'll be cut down to 1.5 hours with the same pay! =)
Anyway, these are the pictures from ah hao's OCS charlie wing family visit day... ...
(okay....we walked from the 6th storey onwards lolx)
Yesterday went out for lunch with changsheng, ken, mengtak and tzerong at indo riverside place. Too bad alvin woke up late and jon was in the midst of his cousin's wedding and only can join us later for games. The food was not bad. 7/10.
Afterthat, we wanted to go settler's but there's still not vacancy, so we called for mind's cafe. What we got was a table suitable for 4 people and we had 7 people! We proposed to boycott them but was later asked whether we would like to take another more spacious; but still not ideal for 7 people, table, and we took the offer. Anyway, I got a $7 discount for the next visit. Who wants to go?
WOOT! Today was my first time touring around an army camp - SAFTI MI as it was the family visit for my cousin's OCS course. I went together with ah hao's family. The first thing came to my mind when we were at its front gate was that the place was like a huge country club. The buildings and grass patches were of tip-top appearance with little or no signs of old age of more than 5 years.
What I thought was funny was that the officer-in-charge or his PC2 will have to announce through the PA system for ah hao to come down and see us. "Anthony Zeng Jun Hao, your family is here, please come down now." What's wrong with him waiting below? It seems like he's called to get out of his jail cell as his family members were visiting him! xD
Anyway, ah hao became our tour guide and guided us around his camp. Took some photos here and there. Went into his bunk - a cosy room for 2 with decent cupboards and shelves and comes with a computer too; went to their sports area - you can do swimming, tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball and street soccer (but as usual for all uniform group government organisations - it'll be of little or no usage at all xD; went to their cadet's mess - it was clean, big but with a cosy feeling; went to their parade square - it was sleek and looked too nice to put a foot onto it lolx; went to their OCS dinning hall - it's big with high ceiling and it's a structure on its own; went to their tower - a 10 storey high structure with lots of nice scenery plus a story about it....Last opinion - it's way better off than SCDF's CDA and on par with SPF's HTA.
Bidding goodbye to us was the hardest part. Jkjk...hahaha. The rest of us went to causeway point and have our dinner at the soup restaurant. Most of the dishes there was of top notch standard, like their samsui chicken and homemade dou fu. Dian xiao er is slightly better. I rate it 8.5/10.
P.S.: Will post the photos once I get it from ah mei. =p
It's the countdown to the final 5 working duties in AFS. The first duty of the year went quite well, only an oil spillage case in the afternoon. However, the other calls and phonecalls at night was too distracting for me to sleep well. lol
Now seems to be the time to search for a part-time job to earn extra cash to spend for this long deserving holidays and also for the miscellaneous fees for uni. And not forgetting to plan for activities for the 5-6 months of break before another phase of life begins.
Who got lobang?
P.S.:It just came to my notice that the last paragraph of my last entry was the longest single sentence ever made by me. xD