1 more proficiency test down. BAPT was much easier compared to my last attempt. My section consisted of myself, aris, farhan and low. Being the first man, I got to do the endless ladder first. =) Once this was done, the following stations were a breeze. The maze, however, was different than usual. This time we were re-tracking back the maze i.e. the exit then was our entrance and vice versa. It's good that everyone managed to pass. =p
Our HRCT test results were out. Only 2 regulars got distinction, azman and nimal, while the rest got A. Something's fishy on how they got to that result. =x
Anyway, in retrospect, when we had a mini gathering with ho kong, low and zhen cong a couple of days ago, we were being preyed by one ah beng who approached us to buy a $2 pen from him for some children's charity.
Here were some pitches he used on us(translated to English):
"Could you give me some time? It won't take long."
"If you were in my position and no one is willing to buy, how would you feel? You would feel 'du lan' right?"
"Look, I admit my mother had already died and imagine those kids who had lost their parents; with only a few hundred dollars to spend every month, they can only eat bread everyday. They lead a sad life."
"Why not you all share the cost?"
..........and he goes on and on....but I don't know what he said when I just walked away, and I don't know why the rest didn't follow me to just ignore that rude guy. In the end, they listened to him and shared the pen.
Isn't it illegal to carry out charity work within the premise of a shopping centre without the approval from the management? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Now, here are the 10 ways you can use to escape from suspected charity scams:
1. Show the 'talk-to-my-hand' sign and walk away.
2. Smile and say "No, thank you" then walk away.
If he/she still insist to target you...
3. Smile and say "Sorry, I'm in a hurry" and walk in a hasty manner at the same time.
4. Put up a good show as if you didn't carry any cash with you.
5. Slip your hands in you pocket and play a ringtone from your mobile phone. (you must be well-versed with the functions and buttons of your mobile phone before you can try this xD)
6. If you are in a group, and you are the last man standing before the predator, have a friend to call you and pick up the phone and act with an urgent tone that you need to leave ASAP.
7. Ask more questions than him/her i.e. which organisation they represent, when does this thing last, where are the other locations, how is it going to help the beneficiary, how much commission do they earn, how can you help out as well....etc etc until he/she gets irritated and gives up on you (in this case you must be able to talk like a DJ and have loads of time to spare and play along with them xD)
8. Tell him/her straight that you are not interested in such event and will ignore him/her even though they continue to spill all the 1001 tricks and gimmicks from their glib tongues.
9. Once you saw a predator in vicinity, walk with an angry/poor/going-to-suicide face; and before you know it, they had already victimised the vulnerable-looking ones.
10. Offer them your own 'charity' (can be a fake xD) by bringing out some pens or art crafts you coincidentally bought along with you and return them with the same question. =p
Go on! Try them out today!
And give me some feedbacks whether they work or not. lolx
Last Thursday was my last IPPT for my entire NSF life and fortunately I'd passed it, if not had to retake it before 5 December in order to claim the HazMat skill allowance. Here's the breakdown:
shuttle run:10.1s
2.4km run:9:31
Felt abit feverish after the whole test; and it continued till the next day. Luckily I was under HazMat turnout, at least can rest at night. At about 18 00 yesterday, we had a HazMat minor call. Nothing real. However, what I'm flabbergasted about was that the senior officers told us to don the full PPE (personal protective equipment) while they themselves wander around at the 'source' itself with just No. 4! Moreover, the police officers and even the public were allowed to get close to the Hot Zone! It'll be a real big joke if it were a real case and all the senior officers, SPF and civilians all died because of complacency and ignorance.
It just shows that SOPs and Doctrines are all filled with perforated words just to fill up the scores for auditors.
Anyway, on a lighter note, ho kong, low, zhen cong and me went to vivo for dinner just now, and it was low's treat at dian xiao er. Thanks eh! Afterwhich, we went to haagen dazs for dessert; although we thought of getting the VerMonster ice cream from ben's and jerry's ealier. =p
Last duty was another full day of movie marathon.
Mindhunters is about FBI trainees taking their final exercise at an offshore island. Little did they know that their exercise was for real. They had to find clues and solve puzzles before finding the actual trap-setter. This film is a little less gory than saw, however, its traps were parallel. As usual, it shows how human only look at superficial evidence to suspect others. 8/10.

Kickin' it old skool is a comedy with predictable storyline, but credit goes to the scriptwriter. If you like break dancing and injured yourself while doing so, you should be watching this show. 6.5/10.

The condemned is another gory movie with a rate of R21 where prisoners were being castaway on an island. The objective of this reality tv show is to kill the rest of the prisoners to be the last man standing. Some action scenes were smart and cruel. 7/10.

Cars is the mildest movie of the day. It shows how arrogance and over competitive can be bad on us. 7/10.
The following day, we had a fire cum biolgocial agent drill at NUH at 06 30. Most of the 1st divsion big shots were there. At the end of the day, the drill didn't go anywhere as, up till today, there isn't any clear SOPs for such incidents, so can't blame us for nothing.

Damn the stupid fishbone which made me lose 5ml of blood.
Last duty was supposed to be great. Being on a public holiday, there'll be no drills and turning out with DO PL means to stay in station and enjoy the rest of the day. However, it turned out that I'll be transferred to LF122 instead.
All thanks to someone.
The following event was also supposed to be not bad. Our LF brokedown just outside the station bus stop, but we waited from 09 30 to 12 00+ just for the tow-truck to bring it back to station to unload the equipment before heading to senoko.
We thought we could get back our own LF by evening but STN 41 didn't, and we didn't took their spare one as well, so we went back to station LF-less. That means no turn out for the whole duty!!
The brutal truth came when we came back from STN 41 - a firefighter and I had to cover sentry at the fire post for the fire bikers as they need to sleep. That means no sleep for the whole duty!!!!
However, on the brighter side of the unfortunate events, Sgt aris and Sgt azman were the fire bikers; not some old regulars who only brat about their glorious past and push all the shit work at the fire post to us. We had a great time over at fire post~ xD
After the DO PL inspection of the fire post, Pte ow and I did sentry from 23 00+ to 05 00. Each having to rest on the sofa for about 2 hours. This was the most tiring and challenging part.
Luckily the morning's BTM drills weren't that tiring. =p
Don't know why HQ SCDF doesn't take in the suggestion of having someone; a provost maybe, to cover us for the night picking up calls. If not, design the LF with doors and lockers for our many sleepless nights' sake, not forgetting our safety also.
Just a food for thought - senior officer would rather accept and implement the same idea from another senior officer and not from a junior officer or from other ranks. How true is it across other uniform group organisations?
It's an axiom.
Within this year, I'd encountered 2 surprise fire post audits. It was a good thing that the auditor came in the afternoon, and I'd asked my section to bring in all the stuffs into the fire post.
The auditing was so perfect that she had nothing much to fault us. Being one of a government agency, nothing can be perfect. In order to 'inperfect' things, auditors had to write something; anything that can show that all civil servants aren't hard working and take pride in their work. OC didn't care much about that insignificant fault; anyway it all lies with the division, not us. lolx
As usual, I'd watched 3 movies while on standby in the fire post.

Resident Evil - Extinction was the first. This resident evil 'trilogy' ('cause there might be a fourth judging from its ending) was draggy. Even more than LOTR and POTC. The action was there but that's about it. 6/10.

The Descent is a sci-fi flick which shows a group of people getting lost in some where, some place; and meeting savage fiends, who starts eating them one after another. Conspiracies and backstabbings can be found in this movie, not to mention the gory scenes as well. 7/10.

頭文字D was the one which made me stay awake from 03 45 to 05 15. This was the 2nd time I'd watched this movie. It's the lame humour and the 'diao' acting from anthony and jay that made this movie interesting. And it just came to my mind that almost 70% of the movie was filmed solely on the racing. 8.5/10.
*To all 04S3A guys and gals: Mr. Tan will be leaving his teaching career as of next year, as well as some other teachers.
*To think that my father got himself a MP3 cum radio player while I myself didn't even own any such of this gadgets. xD
The last couple of days were tiring; both mentally and physically. After my last duty day before yesterday's, I had to take my HRCT the following day. Luckily I was granted a 12-hour time off at night to have a good night's sleep. =)
HRCT was a breeze that morning. I took less than 3 hours to complete all the 5 stations. Together with the nice perpetual drizzling, fainting was almost impossible. lolx A LTA even asked me to sign on! There's only 1 reason for 'kilat' people to sign on; that's for their scholarship. After the bond and off they go~
The following day was my 2-day establishment training course. I was posted to 11(A) RBn (resuce battalion for those who's not in SCDF), Bravo Coy, Platoon 4, Section 6, Sect Comd. I would be holding the SSG rank straight after I ORD. =p Alot of familiar faces were seen in my battalion. Some were my enlistee friends, some were my 21st ersc coursemates, even saw a Marist in the medical coy in my battalion. Hopefully my ICT will be an enjoyable one. One good thing to celebrate is that my reservist training is a non-stay-in training! =)
After my 2nd day of training, I need to return back to station for my duty!!! And I need to turnout for DO pump!! Reason being - to let the KIV people and those who took time-off to leave. Whatever... Fortunately nothing happened that night.
This month will be full of tests - HRCT, IPPT, BAPT.