Covertly Overt

Back in SG! =)

Favs: 4 F's- Family, Friends, Food, Final Fantasy
Wishlist:(updated as of 28/1/11)
1.Every birdie stay happy =)
2.Spectacles with a HIP style
4.Maintain 2nd-Upper class
5.GPA >=4.2
6.INSTEP York/Newcastle/Ottawa/Northeastern
7.Tour Europe!
8.GSS Hong Kong in 2012
9.Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
10.Final Fantasy XIII-2





'77'党 - 我鄙视你!





MSCO gang~


Chang Sheng




MSCO yq bloods~



NYJC 04S3A gang~


Ms Chiew

Pei Wen

Yong Xiang

Zheng Yu

NYCO gang~


Luo Jun

Shu Min


Wan Ying

Alexandra Fire Station


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Saturday, July 28, 2007

5 likes and 5 dislikes about jc life

As I was tagged by adelene... ...

LIKES!! =)

1. Of course, what I like about my jc life is to just make a 2-minute walk to school on every weekdays at a time where most of the students are in school already or is rushing from central or the nearby bus-stops. lolx I still hold the record for reaching home the fastest from school, no? xD

2. Before I was actually enrolled into ny, I'd already tasted the fishball noodle there. And during my short stint there, the new chicken rice stall (which was opened by my secondary school friend's parents; and they were previously from srjc) was quite good too. And not forgetting the posted-out stall - wanton mee! What made that couple famous wasn't just the great taste of their wanton mee but also the uncle's humor~ calling people by "后面的 boi", "后面的 ger" and also jokingly asked whether low was still a primary school kid~ lolx

3. The many study areas is also a plus point. We can study almost anywhere around the school - classrooms, library (but usually not the case 'cause of the you-know-who =x), canteen, ispace, outside LT4 (above and below) and other places which is not known to many. lol We usually study the art of playing bridge~

4. Air-cons in half of the blocks and the hall as well is a new thing for me. Due to the construction of the lab blocks, the school had to install air-cons on all the classrooms adjacent to the lab blocks. As a result, afternoon lessons in those classrooms were much comfortable when it was summer time. (Since when it isn't?? xD) Taking exams in the hall was much better at ny than back in my secondary school hall (which installed a water mist fan instead). I wouldn't sweat much when it was the last few minutes of the exam.

5. My class was quite fortunate to get most of the better teachers (in no order of merit) - Mr. Ng (great chem teacher), Ms. Tian (although she nags), Mr. John Lim a.k.a. zidane (an encouraging one...not forgottened), Mr. Gurmit Singh (as funny as the real comedian =p), Ms. Cynthia (helped us alot on our PWs), Ms. Chiew (just like one of us lol), Mr. Huang (who always put himself in our shoes when comes to chinese lessons and giving tibits to us) and the DM, Mr. Hanis was rumoured to be a one-in-a-million good DM, but that I didn't really encounter it myself 'cause I'm too good boy! xD

*Bonus. Wearing our very own class t-shirts (made by yours truly =p) and being able to dress-down on all Fridays in school was a good idea to make the students be more ionically-bonded and acheive a greater sense of belonging to the school.


1. The substitute for the wanton mee stall. The whole school boycotted it, unless there was really nothing else to be sold from other stalls. And then there was another substitute to that stall which suffered as much. =x

2. The 'CSMs' of library a.k.a. The Drum, and com lab. They would remind you the Dos and Don'ts when you are within their controlled territories. It just takes one reminder to make you feel repugnant about going back to the library or the com lab, unless really necessary. I mean life and death matters! lolx

3. The Students' Coucillors were like Dementors to us students! As the metaphor depicts, they usually take away all our happiness. lol Some of their proposals wasn't geared towards for the better of the student body but for the better of the higher authorities of the school. Well, I don't think all were like that...there were only some Student's Dementors around in school, you can't have too much!

4. The tough competition with other elite classes such as 04S9A, 04S7A...just to name a few. It was quite 'duh!' for teachers to compare us with other classes of totally different potentials. But we managed to win them once I guess~ ^5

5. Staying back for afternoon PE with almost half of my class was the most tiring lesson. We had to do almost impossible exercise routines. But during rainy days was fun! Some missed the Friday the Thirteen re-test, which made the rest lifted from the curse of staying back for more PE! xD

DSZeng scribbled this at 4:18 PM

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