As I was tagged by adelene... ...
LIKES!! =)
1. Of course, what I like about my jc life is to just make a 2-minute walk to school on every weekdays at a time where most of the students are in school already or is rushing from central or the nearby bus-stops. lolx I still hold the record for reaching home the fastest from school, no? xD
2. Before I was actually enrolled into ny, I'd already tasted the fishball noodle there. And during my short stint there, the new chicken rice stall (which was opened by my secondary school friend's parents; and they were previously from srjc) was quite good too. And not forgetting the posted-out stall - wanton mee! What made that couple famous wasn't just the great taste of their wanton mee but also the uncle's humor~ calling people by "后面的 boi", "后面的 ger" and also jokingly asked whether low was still a primary school kid~ lolx
3. The many study areas is also a plus point. We can study almost anywhere around the school - classrooms, library (but usually not the case 'cause of the you-know-who =x), canteen, ispace, outside LT4 (above and below) and other places which is not known to many. lol We usually study the art of playing bridge~
4. Air-cons in half of the blocks and the hall as well is a new thing for me. Due to the construction of the lab blocks, the school had to install air-cons on all the classrooms adjacent to the lab blocks. As a result, afternoon lessons in those classrooms were much comfortable when it was summer time. (Since when it isn't?? xD) Taking exams in the hall was much better at ny than back in my secondary school hall (which installed a water mist fan instead). I wouldn't sweat much when it was the last few minutes of the exam.
5. My class was quite fortunate to get most of the better teachers (in no order of merit) - Mr. Ng (great chem teacher), Ms. Tian (although she nags), Mr. John Lim a.k.a. zidane (an encouraging one...not forgottened), Mr. Gurmit Singh (as funny as the real comedian =p), Ms. Cynthia (helped us alot on our PWs), Ms. Chiew (just like one of us lol), Mr. Huang (who always put himself in our shoes when comes to chinese lessons and giving tibits to us) and the DM, Mr. Hanis was rumoured to be a one-in-a-million good DM, but that I didn't really encounter it myself 'cause I'm too good boy! xD
*Bonus. Wearing our very own class t-shirts (made by yours truly =p) and being able to dress-down on all Fridays in school was a good idea to make the students be more ionically-bonded and acheive a greater sense of belonging to the school.
1. The substitute for the wanton mee stall. The whole school boycotted it, unless there was really nothing else to be sold from other stalls. And then there was another substitute to that stall which suffered as much. =x
2. The 'CSMs' of library a.k.a. The Drum, and com lab. They would remind you the Dos and Don'ts when you are within their controlled territories. It just takes one reminder to make you feel repugnant about going back to the library or the com lab, unless really necessary. I mean life and death matters! lolx
3. The Students' Coucillors were like Dementors to us students! As the metaphor depicts, they usually take away all our happiness. lol Some of their proposals wasn't geared towards for the better of the student body but for the better of the higher authorities of the school. Well, I don't think all were like that...there were only some Student's Dementors around in school, you can't have too much!
4. The tough competition with other elite classes such as 04S9A, 04S7A...just to name a few. It was quite 'duh!' for teachers to compare us with other classes of totally different potentials. But we managed to win them once I guess~ ^5
5. Staying back for afternoon PE with almost half of my class was the most tiring lesson. We had to do almost impossible exercise routines. But during rainy days was fun! Some missed the Friday the Thirteen re-test, which made the rest lifted from the curse of staying back for more PE! xD
Have not been updating for quite sometime...
Was out last few days ago looking around bike shops. Most of the bikes cost $500-$1000. Didn't get a chance to see any bike less than $300. Going to search for more~
Wanying, yingying, emily, jon and me went for dinner at bugis area. The restaurant sells relatively cheap italian/western cuisines. My shrimps pasta was cheap and with lots of shrimps; you can easily count to 10 or more! GST and service charge EX-cluded. Later ate dessert at some ice kacang cafe. Talked lots of crap then~ xD Thanks wanying for buying the yq rubbers. Black rubbers; I like~ lol
Went back to nyco for practice on Wednesday since I really got nothing to do at home. =p They are practicing tian shan sheng hui, sai ma, tuo ling xiang ding dang currently. Finally can play the songs I'd long to perform! Ding asked me to re-arrange songs for ruan ensemble and maybe put up a solo for nyco's coming concert!! Well, I'm still a noob in re-arrangement so it's quite impossible as I'm still experimenting...on my own. As for the solo, they should have enough songs for their concert~ haha
Recently our scenario drills always revolve around CA, particularly the one which acts as a ligand to substitute the O2. Go figure.
Just went for a bike recce with les at one of the shops at hougang today. But OMG!!!!, they were closed today. Sigh...what a wasted trip we made. So we headed back to kovan to meet up with low for lunch...a rather late lunch. lol And it was then that I realise I was suppose to go for sharif's wedding today after a call received from nas. So paiseh to leave them in a rush after my lunch. Sorry~~ =p
Anyway, I was still in time for the wedding lunch buffet. But I didn't see the newly weds until when I was about to leave the place. lolx Saw them one-to-two before they were to be back in the MPH to entertain their guests again. Must be honoured. lolx Wrote some blessings in chinese on their guestbook. Hope he understands. xD
Simultaneously, I'm still searching (after 1 year already) for anyone who's interested in having tuition. Calling out to those primary level kids and secondary level guys/gals! Really need your help! It's for your education and for mine as well. hahaha (had to pay for my varsity tuition fee =p )
Bad luck had been revolving around me since last duty. Pumper got engine problem can't start when turning out for a call, had to transfer all the equipment to the new pumper, news of standing-by for one of the NDP rehearsals and National Day Rally, misplacing the WMGun (it was actually sent together with the spoilt pumper for servicing =x); now will be confined for office hours for all my off-duties (until further notice) plus a x-ray check on my turnout appliance on every duty day.
When will my silver lining appear?
7 more months of suffering... ...
Can't really think of any common title for this entry...
Well, the xiao yuan superstar 2 doesn't have much talents compared to its pioneers. I don't blame them for singing average, but they didn't present themselves the professionalism and showmanship. No stage presence, execrable pronunciation of chinese's just to show that they didn't even put much effort after these few weeks. What for join if you can't put in your commitment? However, there were some which shows improvment throughout the weeks. Not bad.
Currently doing some research on bicycle. Be it brands, costs, accessories etc...anyone got lobang?!
Still can't find anyone who needs tuition. *Anyone out there who saw this Ad. and is keen, please tag! xD
Today marks the end of my leave for this month! And I can't wait for my leave on August already!! Time just pass-by hastily when you're enjoying it.
Yesterday went to settler's cafe with sokfong, peiwen, yongxiang, lim and low for a 3-hour gaming session. Think Metro was the best game; a new game for me as well. It's playing is like Saboteur where you'll place tiles to construct the railway. The points you earn is directly proportional to the distance covered from starting to the end. So each game will definitely be a different one as there'll be infinite number of different scenarios!
We walked around ps in search of low's birthday present for his 8 -year-old cousin, but to no avail. Dinner was at the usual chicken rice restaurant. They claimed that they'd cover up all the GST and service charge. Their menu included afew new dishes as well, but nothing worth mentioning. Due to time constrain, we couldn't have a cup of soy bean milk. lol

Watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at vivo. The hall opens at 20 00 but the show starts at 20 30!! Took a whole 30 minutes to screen all those commercial ads and movie thrillers (but there were a lot more ads!!). What is all this about?! Wasted 30 minutes of my life, we could have drank the soy bean milk before we left.
Anyway, back to the movie. I find that there should be alot more spell casting. It's those usual spells again - blasting charm, cruciatus curse, patronus charm and expelliarmus. However, the fight at the Mystery Department is worth viewing again. 8/10.
This morning's High Risk Installation Drill wasn't that fantastic. Well, I don't think my section got any major problem; and I think we did the most job. The entire water supply (long lay on!) together with Rescue and Evac. . So, there'll be more HRI Drills for us... ...
Anyway, this evening went out with lim and low to vivocity to buy the movie tickets in advance. It's only when we ordered the tickets where we realise that we didn't have enough cash with us!! (Can't use mastercard as it's not above 50$~) Had to visit an ATM; which was like 1KM away! lolx Afterwhich, we had our dinner at BK; and trust me, boycott all the fast food restaurants! They are now charging more than ever, but the quantity, on the contrary, is less than ever!! =x I swear I will not patronise any fast food restaurants unless it's FOC! xD
We wander around aimlessly in a pet shop and a mega bookstore before head home. By the way, the open area at the 3rd level had a nice scenery at night~ But there were too many couples over there to 'tou1 qing2'! =x
Shall sleep until I wake up naturally for tonight...Zzzz..
"Save the Earth" may be just a passing remark for those environmentally-unfriendly people. Having this "Live Earth - The concerts for a climate in crisis" may just be another passing remark on its own. However, there's still a small chance that they'll be able to 'hear' the Earth ... - - - ...
Let's just reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible and whenever possible. It's quite far-fetched to say ban all cars, plastics, and other non-biodegradable stuffs. Use less of it.
Take a bike...
Bring your own bag...
make your own bottle...
gave away things instead of throwing away...(useable ones though)
stop poaching...
cut trees but plant more...
filter sewage...
neutralise chemicals.......
recycle instead of making it a refuse...(especially the papers from offices)
stop BLOODY SMOKING!...(or stop breathing for 24 hours!)
stop wastages...
....the list goes on....
Save the Earth, Save Yourself...
Congrats da jie on getting her long awaited MBBS CERT.! =)
After looking at all the award winners and master holders of the (cream of the crop) medicine faculty, I feel like setting a goal for myself in the year 2012 when I graduate... ...
My goal is to get 1ST CLASS HONOURS!!~
or not lower than a 2nd lower~ xD

Tuesday went to watch Transformers at AMK hub. The action and humour were good but the storyline was so-so only. Some say the transforming and fighting scenes were too fast to be seen but I differ from them. xD On the other hand, I found that the fighting scenes were not very focus though. They switched from section to section; didn't really concentrate on one scene. The ending was abit disappointing as I felt that the scriptwriter was fooling the audiences. It's the usual the-time-is-up-end-it-now show. Will there be a part 2? 7.5/10.
Today went for a morning swim. But it rained for around 20 minutes before I head back into the pool again. Later going for my da jie's graduation ceremony~ =p
Last duty I went to an incident which was heavily smoke-logged. Damn....made my nostrils all black and surely I think I inhaled some of the soot into my lungs as well. Next time definitely must wear face mask with firehood...don't want to die early! =x
Finally, after a long wait, I've finish with all the editing and stuffs with the FFX - Ending Theme. Now it's ready to be played! It will turn out good, no? xD
Tomorrow will be BAPT =( as well as my birthday!!!!=) Hopefully everything will go smoothly for the test.
And lastly... ...
TO MYSELF!!!!! =)