Since it's a given leave, why not just take it?!! hahaha =D
It's great to be allocated a leave without any balloting invloved. All thanks to Vesak Day tomorrow!!~ =)
BCLS test in a week's time. Shall practice CPR and AED on pooh~ xD
Time to level up and complete FFXII.....cya~
Yesterday had our rota bonding day at chalet E somewhere in the changi area. (So ulu...god knows where is it!) Luckily I stay near SSG Woon, if not I don't think I would even go. xD Went to fetch LTA Mavis and SGT Chris at Paragon as well. We reached there around 20 30.
Most of them were already there having their dinner and all the BBQ stuffs. Played a balloon game and my team (inclusive of SSG Wira, SSG Woon, SSG Lina, SGT Lukman, SGT Chris and myself) was the first team to finish the race. Got ourselves each a mini pocket clock (which is quite heavy actually lolx).
Too bad didn't won anything from the lucky draw. Afterwhich, the couples there played guess-the-favorites of their partner. SGT Said's partner managed to guess all the 3 questions correctly (Q1:Favorite colour? Q2:Favorite food? Q3:Favorite movie?). Quite impressive! xD
We took our leave at around 11+pm after talking cock with the rest. Reached home at around 12+am!!
Anyway, congrats to those newly elected NYCO EXCO members!
Starting to have the urge to play in an orchestra again!!
Maybe....just maybe if I could change a new 'zhuan1 ye4'....perhaps going back to percussion or some other TBY instrus. .
After finishing the first draft of Final Fantasy X Ending Theme, I've yet to edit it. Well, I'm starting it today after procrastinating it for about a month or two. Experimented on afew instruments at nyco since they'd some combined syf practice with the rest of the JCs. Saw some familiar faces there as well; saw my msco-yq junior - tong neng~ Time really flies... Wonder whether it'll be used at all or not...... Let's just give time to decide.
Find that my life now is mundane and lack of something... ... ... ...
Yesterday went to watch TJCO concert with cs, lk, sh, ws and dean. Think it's the time factor which made this concert seem under-rehearsed. They had only 1 week after SYF to rehearse for this concert.
I don't know why but all the soloists that night had sulking faces; as if they didn't want to perform a solo piece in the first place! The grade 8 piano soloist have the best performance I guess. Gao Mei Gui's ( one of the first batch of xiao yuan superstar finalists) and (sad to say) *****'s solos still audible. However, they need to brush up their skills even though their technics were alright. One of the solo was really under-rehearsed; both the soloist and with the orchestra. Might as well played the 2nd movement instead.
The ensemble play the piece which most of us felt that it was not cohesive. Maybe it's because the inclusion of alumni, which may not be very committed to the practices, that made their ensemble heard like 7 solo pieces.
On the contrary, their final piece (which was their choice piece for SYF) was better than their SYF performace. Maybe it's the alumni and some 'external helpers'. The TBY was also slightly audible compared to SYF itself. xD The pitching of the whole orchestra was also close to perfect.
I rate it 6.5/10.
Finally we'll be even a rebate or some sort when the Goods and Service Tax is increasing from 5% to 7% by 1 July 2007. But fear not as with the new 'GST Offset' Package, we should all be relived with smiles.....or not.....
1. GST Credits
All adult Singaporeans will get GST Credits of up to $1,000 to help them with the impact of the GST increase. Those who earn less or live in smaller homes will get more GST Credits. Nearly three-quarters of adult Singaporeans will get $800 each. NSFs and NSmen will also get a one-off $100 of GST Credits to recognise their contributions to national security.
(Inference: NSFs who are below the age of 21 this year will be rather sad as their contributions are not going to be recognised. *that would be me.)
2. Senior Citizens’ Bonus
To help the lower-income elderly who have to meet living expenses out of their savings, a Senior Citizens’ Bonus of $200 to $1,000 will be given out to all Singaporeans aged 55 and above, and who have an annual income of $100,000 or less. Two-thirds of the Senior Citizens’ Bonus will be given in cash and one-third credited to their Medisave Accounts.
(Comment: What for put it in the Medisave Accounts, which doesn't really help much to the lower-income elderly, when they could really spend it wisely for their daily basic necessities.)
3. Top-ups to Post Secondary Education Accounts
Every Singapore citizen child aged from 7 to 20 will receive a top-up of $100 to $400 to his Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) in 2008 and again in 2009. Those who are older and from less well-off families will get a higher top-up to their PSEA. PSEAs will be automatically created for eligible children. Unused funds in the PSEA will be transferred to the account holder’s CPF Ordinary Account (CPF-OA) when he turns 30.
(Comment: Those who are of the age of 20 this year will not be able to receive any top-up for their Uni./Poly/et cetra education account next year. And this person would be even more sad if he got to know that he's a 'boy' and not yet a 'man'...and that would be me. *Refer to point 1.)
The most subtle of all is that they made this offer to be in an 'Opt-out' mode instead of an 'Opt-for' mode.
(Comment: Usually those policies/packages/accounts which involve money to be paid periodically by us will be under the 'Opt-out' mode whereas those which involve money to be given to us (sometimes one-off or annually for a few years) will be under the 'Opt-for' mode.)
At the end of the day, if *you are a 20-year-old male who is enlisted for NS in the batch of Mar/Apr, don't even think about getting anything from the Government.........AGAIN!! lolx
(*If you are categorised as above, you should know that you didn't get the Progress Package under the NSFs category as well.)
After having my breakfast, I felt damn tired to even open my eyes, so I went to sleep until 2+ when I'm suppose to meet sf, xh, yx, and les for spiderman 3 movie at 3! lolx But I still manage to get there before the show starts.

Spiderman 3 was way better than it's first 2 sequels. The action was awesome! Humour was great but I felt that some were quite corny. Peter in this movie was rather callous compare to previous sequels (way even before he got stuck with the venom). When Harry's housekeeper told him about the truth of his father's death, Harry realised that he had misjudged Peter. I found this part rather peculiar about the housekeeper as the housekeeper ought to have told Harry long time ago. The dialogues of the housekeeper also potrayed him with a weird personality. Apart from all these, the final showdown was superb especially the tact-team. However, the ending was not what I'd expected. It would be much better if Harry didn't have to die and if they would screen what happened to sandman after the battle. They played well with the emo part even I cried. xD I rate it 9.5/10.
"Chinese Orchestra No. 9 - Nanyang Junior College....GOLD." A cacophony of screams and cheers instantaneously filled the entire concert hall and it was pleasing to the ears! Being in SYF central judging for CO for 3 times, it was the first time my Alma Mata ever clinched the GOLD award! Great job for all the juniors of NYCO!! Proud of you guys!~ (can't wait for MSCO to clinch the GOLD!!! xD)
It had been an exhaustive period for the past few months for them. They had to stay back for more longer practices (longer than our generation lolx) and even had to postpone all their tests. Good work for Ms Ding and the instructors as well for bringing out the best of them. And for us alumni for providing guidance and moral support!!
It's clever of CSM to propose the 3-2nd duty off confinements on station level (for not checking the appliances equipment properly) to OC, in the way pushing the 'blame' to OC. lolx sigh...what a waste of time; in both our off duty days and checking of equipment. Wonder if this proposal is approved or not.
Watched School for Scoundrels and Apocalypto last duty. The latter was definitely much better flick!

School for Scoundrels is supposed to be a comedy but try as it might, it didn't entertain me much. The plot was full of twists and turns which doesn't make the comedy look good. The lead actor as well as it's character wasn't that great. I rate it 4/10.

Apocalypto is set in the Mayan civilisation but, as what the professionals and academics say, it has deviate the truth pertaining to the civilisation itself. That aside, the action and plot was intelligently done. One point to take note is that the bizzareness of the lead character's 'invincibility'. I rate it 8.5/10.
Anyway, counting down to the last 5 days for JC CO SYF. NYCO has been improving day after day and the sight of getting a Gold (or even the Gold with Honours) is there. Much can be improved on cohesiveness, stage performance and music expression. Think they could rectify all these before the judging!
Woot! No morning drills today cause it's LABOUR DAY!!! All thanks to low for driving me back home this morning. It's great reaching home earlier than ever!~ lolx I'm abit less than anxious compared to the first time I was a pillion on a bike (jon's bike to be specific xD). It was more or less the feeling of riding a 'Red Rhino', but still alittle bit of a worry.
Wonder what will I be doing for the rest of the day....