Woot! Went out with my sis and her group of 6 medical friends. Think it's a mini-celebration for graduating from Medicine. Congrats sis (& fellow friends of hers if they are reading this) for suffering through the 5 years of hard work and emerging as a full-fledged doctor...soon! xD
We had a 4-hour fun with board/card games at settler's cafe. Played Snorta, Saboteur, Give Me The Brain, Dragon Delta and Taboo (singapore version). Playing Taboo with a bunch of medically-driven minds is quite amusing as they'll relate medical terms with the given word to send it across to their team mates smoothly.
We somehow got misled by the pricing of the package that we had to pay for extra $3 per hour per person for the last 2 hours of stay who asked for the student package. Eventually, we paid $120 for the bill! But I managed to get their VIP card! lolx Next time can get discount till end of next year.

I know of no reason why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."
The scriptwriter, who wrote several dialogues with metaphors, synonyms etc, is superb in playing with words. The animations were there, editing was good and not forgetting the acting was seamless.
Certain taglines are really well written and could be pondered upon...
Governments should be afraid of their people."
"Artists used lies to tell the truth,
while politicians used them to cover the truth up."
"...that every action will create
an equal and opposing reaction."
Within the 1 year after the General Elections, there have been much 'rise' - GST rise, COE rise, and now PMO minister's pay rise. However, there has never been a national wide pay rise for the past few years. Maybe the primary reason for giving Singaporeans the 'Progress Packages' is for this.
"To retain the local talents...", "To solve more national problems...", "To lower corruption within government bodies..." - whatever the reason may be, we can only accept it. Contradictions can be seen from their previous speeches, but the government is always right.
So let's embrace it willingly; let the government prosper, and the
When will we get a real 'Progress Package' and a stable pay rise for us to keep?
Last saturday we had a mini msco clique gathering with cs, mt, ws, gary, jon and ken at settler's. We played from 20 00 to
Wish them all the best for their postings! =p
And congrats low for getting his officership! =p
"Life in a uniform organisation is never good. You either get bossed around or the other way around."
For the past 3 days I'd watched 3 movies each. lol (Now people starts to wonder how free am I~ xD)

The 2nd movie was Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. One of a rare movie that I would watch. It comes all the way from the UK. It's about 4 lads getting into a illegal card game after they had illegally 'earned' their first ₤25,000 and eventually was in a ₤50,000 debt without knowing they were cheated. They had to clear their debt in a week, so they tried to rob their next door neighbour (thieves). In the end, everythings go haywire. Quite a clever comedy, but their humour is more on their cultural basis, quite difficult to grasp. 7.5/10.
Lastly, I watched 300 today with hk, zy, les and quek at GVMax. Come

It was good that I've read the book before hand as I think it would be rather confusing and difficult to comprehend the movie at first hand; too much information download. As usual, codes never cease to amuse me. Anagram, morse, number patterns - cryptology is a serious field of study but with much fun within. The story talks much about the history of religions and with concentration in Christianity. The 'facts' stated in the movie seem too real to be true as the 'evidences' they used really do exist in the real world; not just in the reel world. It was made believed but it's up to more researching and cross-referencing in order to justify the 'axiom'.
The fact-or-fiction aside, all the codes and how the story flows was cleverly planned. It must have took lots of time to churn out such believable truths and mind-boggling codes. I rate it 9/10. But I feel that the story was much better; as it always do.
Hopefully they'll make the movie for Angels and Demons. =p

Recently I watched 2 art-house movies - 4:30 and Lola Rennt.
4:30 revolves much about an 11-year-old boy whose psychological and emotional needs were lacking (as his parents were working overseas) and a korean tenant came here to attempt suicide but failed and lead a self-illusionised world of his own. I suppose this is one of the rare movies where scripts were filled with words in italics. It's more of a show-to-tell movie rather than a show-and-tell one. Perhaps I was too tired that I inevitably doze off, so didn't really grasp the essence of the movie. Maybe I need to watch a 2nd time. lol I rate it 8.5/10.

Lola Rennt (a.k.a. Run Lola Run) is a German movie screened in 1999. I was shown this movie when I was in SRJC for the 1st 3 months where the GP lecturer screened it during one of our GP lectures. Found this movie rather interesting judging by it's scene editing to its script-writing. The movie started off with Lola and her boyfriend, Manni, trying to make a deal by selling drugs. However, Lola was late to fetch Manni back. Eventually, he lost the 100 000 marks in the train and would most probably be killed by his boss if he didn't produce 100 000 marks by 12 00 when the boss is suppose to claim from him. The story regenerates 2 more times, each showing different perspectives and different future ahead. Indeed, a split second do make a difference in one's life, let alone a person's choice. However, certain parts were quite far-fetched I feel. I rate it 9/10.
I went back to listen to the A' levels results of ny. My eyebrows twitched a little when I heard a whooping 196 students got 3As or above! When that figure was announced to the whole hall population, there was a cacophony of 'wah's', 'Wooo's' and claps. That was like totally thrashed our year, which had only 58. (but you must keep in mind that we had 801 candidates while they had 900+ candidates =p) Of which 2 got 7 distinctions and 96 had 3As. (we should be proud of our batch's 8 distinctions xD)
Here is the overall AB grades for individual (some) subjects:
Maths - 77%
Physics - 60%
Chemistry - 70++%
Biology - 80++%
And we did well for our GP as well. We had 99+% passed. (while my batch gave a 93+%)
05S3A should have about 6-7 with 3 distinctions or above ( if I calculated correctly lolx)
Well done guys! (but this means that we Rabbits can't compete with you Dragons for uni. placing this year if we intend to re-apply or apply for scholarships...)
Anyway, bought a portable DVD player today. Not bad. Function good, inclusive of remote control, AV cables, earphones. It all cost $139. (after using the $20 voucher) =) Now I can enjoy my dust-covered DVDs on TV~
Just finished my duty this morning. My father came by to fetch me before sending my sis off to NUS for her exam. Now, I'm in the cycle and carriage Mercedez service centre as my father need to send the car for servicing.
The service was pretty good; we were even given a warm welcome by the sercurity guard at the main gate. Settled down in their mini delifrance cae corner (like those cafe you find in a community library) and
Other than those services mentioned above, they had 3 coms with internet access as well. (And now I'm using one. However, the feeling is worst than playing a piano. haha The keyboard is made of metal and the alphabets are further apart compared to our keyboards at home. This makes typing a bit tedious and together with its insensitiveness, you'll have to make deliberate compressions on the keys, if not it wouldn't register at all! By the way, the keyboard itself already have 2 smiley faces available. ( :-) & :-( )
To make the stay here even more comforting, they even have 2 massage chairs. Now you talk about poor services from the service sectors. This place is too good to be true.
The shuttle bus to Clementi is here already. Cya!