Once again, I'm appointed to LF for the 4th consecutive time (going to 5th for the next duty)!!! There we go again watching late night movies.
The first movie was Crash. It's about race-intolerance of the whites to blacks and asians. The storywriter uses flashback to make up the plot. The story was abit haywire but it all linked up at the last part when it shows the 'present' time frame. I rate it 7.5/10.

Next was The Road to Guantanamo. It's about 4 friends going for the wedding of one of them at Pakistan. However, they wanted to go over Afganistan for a short trip but ended up arrested and suspected to be members of Al Qaeda. They were locked up in one of the camps Guantanamo Bay. For 2 years, they live in terror and uncertainty under the wrath of the US military and batches of intelligence. They were forced to admit to things that they weren't or didn't do. When they were finally released, they got back the freedom they used to have. However, 1 of their friend were lost on the way due to the blasting during the war period in Afganistan. It also shows the incompetence of the US government in ensuring the humane treatment of the suspects. I rate it 10/10.
Wonder what will we be watching for tomorrow's late night movie?

Huo yuan jia is a movie about a boy who wanted to bring glory to his family's martial arts but misused it as fame got hold of him. However he changed for the better after an incident. As always, the action scenes are matrix-ised. The moral of the story is to earn respect, not forcing it. Very true for us (the NS people). I rate it 7.5/10.
For Shinobi, it's about 2 ninja clans being feared by the overall ruler of the country. To exterminate such unorthodox jutsu (techniques), they were asked to send 5 people from each clans and fight all the way to the palace. In this way, the ruler sent his army to destroy both their hidden villages. The movie was taken in the natural landscapes of Japan, which blends into the expected era. Its action scenes were great. I rate it 9/10.

Apart from these, I've watch 15 (by Royston Tan) afew weeks back... ...at home... ...UNCENSORED! xD (So what if Singapore only screens the uncensored version in the cinema and doesn't duplicate DVDs for sales...All in the name of 'internal security'.) It captures the real life of being an 'Ah Beng' in Singapore. All the fighting, drug trafficking, tatooing, piercing, smoking and the most important of all - brotherhood. Other than being fearful and repugnant about their behaviours and actions, they are also a bunch of people with a sad life. It's a must see movie for all Singaporeans. I rate it 10/10.
This afternoon went back ny to exercise although the dark clouds were already looming at half the side of my area. (The ny side wasn't with the dark clouds.) When I started my stretching on the track, I could sense that the atmosphere was filled with methane-like smell (as what you'll smell in zoos). It must be the fertiliser used to maintain the field. Wonder if it's 'natural' fertiliser or synthesised one. And there goes the soccer fanatics lying and kicking around the field. hahaha

Instead of banning smokers from smoking in certain public areas, here's a food for thought. (Refer to the picture on the left.)
Let them try the all-new cigarette. But should be done in an air-tight enclosed area. Slogan - "Once you puff, you can't stop convulsing."
Woot~ Just done our BAPT (Breathing Apparatus Proficiency Test) on Monday and I did better when I was still a trainee. =) I got an A; having 100 bars of air left. But my arms and legs were all wobbling after the test. xD
Tomorrow will be taking leave. *No callback please!* Still need to rest for the aching muscles.
Here are some photos we took on our YQ trio gathering at Mind Cafe... ...
One of the cards from uglydolls~ (*The forfeit was for me to drink up to the height of the card =x)
Went back for CCA Maze at maris. The school has changed quite abit. New decor, new CCA (they even have a YFC!! Why didn't it come in earlier..), new teachers and not forgetting the new APPLE FARM!! =p
The school changed the entire iMacs in the staff room, classrooms and the iMac labs to the new eMacs, which said to have the Dual Core thingy. Rich...But wonder what they did to the old iMacs...throw into the incenerators loh! hahaha
Anyway, went out with the juniors to kovan's yoshinoya for lunch. Coincidentally, we met keith! lol It has been about 3 years since I/We last saw him. lolx Later, we went for a game of bowling. Was so tired that I nearly fell asleep while waiting for my turn. xD After the game, the kids just ran (literary) away after paying. Left ronald and me, walking slowly to the busstop. Was like so lost. *_* Later than knew that they had a curfew at 15 30. =x
Finally the MSCO YQ Trio had a full strength gathering today at Mind Cafe. Actually we headed to Settler's Cafe at clark quay, but there wasn't much places for eq and me to eat (gary ate Macs at sr central with his gf =p), so we went back to PS foodcourt instead. Later walked all the way to Mind Cafe. Luckily it wasn't raining at that time. =)
Was quite surprised that their weekdays promotion package was so attractive - $5 per person from 1400 to 1800 with free-flow of boardgames to play and drinks ( choice of coke, sprite, iced lemon/peach tea), and inclusive of 10% service charge (exclusive of GST!). Total adds up to $16.50 for 3 people. Think it's more worthy than settler's cafe who charges its customers according to other entertainment like watching a movie. Definitely will recommend to people who would like to spend little cash for lots of fun! xD
The free-flow of drinks made us visit the toilet for like 5 times. LOLX And together with some forfeit as drinking half/full cup (about 400-500 ml in full), it's immediate effect! xD
Anyway, we played quite alot of games. We started off with I'm The Boss! Then Monopoly (requested by gary but ended the game within 1 1/2 rounds around the board. lol), Snorta, You Must Be An Idiot!, Jurassic Jumble, Ugly Dolls and lastly Jenga - Truth or Dare. Took some lame photos of our forfeits~ lol (will upload later cause the camera was eq's one) But too bad didn't have the chance to take a group photo cause everyone was late for their next programme.
It rained when we came out and we were drenched from head to shoes while walking back to PS as I'm sharing with gary. Sian...Damn cold.
Here's wishing wen shu to have a good PS today in his platoon and good luck to gary for tomorrow's enlistment! =p
My chemistry bible is back after lending gary (FJ? lolx) for more than half a year. Shall start revising on my chemistry stuffs; looks like I've conveniently forgotten some of the topics. =x Suppose to meet eq and gary at j8 for dinner, but seems that eq's hp no. had became some gal's no.! lolx When we verify with his sis, it's still the same number. Wonder what happened to him...MIA! So only left gary and me.
We had our dinner at cartel then had dessert over at swensens. He thought I was treating him for the dinner then he wanted to treat me for the dessert. lolx NONONO~ I treated him the dessert only. lol Had apple crumble. The funny thing was the waiter was scalded by the sizzling syrup when he poured onto the extremely hot pan. lol So sad lah~ Still must give that 'cheng qiang' look. =p
Think we'll be having another gathering soon. Hope it's a trio~
I went back to ny on Friday as my friends were selling lightsticks as part of their fund-raising project. Little did they know (so was I! xD) that lightsticks were too dangerous to be used by the students while they were having their "Disco Nite", as claimed by one of the teachers.
Hmm...I was still quite puzzled by that judgment about lightsticks causing danger to young adults of age 16/17. I could only come out with these plausible reasons that can, well, 'justify' the above statement. Here it goes... ...
1. Students will tend to get violent while dancing and accidentally throw lightsticks around hitting fellow peers.
Student A: *dancing to the music "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi with a lightstick....make it 2!*
Student B: *Singing along with the audio (with a armband lightstick)*
Student A: *Getting over-hyped and loses the grip of the lightsticks and coincidentally hit on Student B*
Student B: "ARGH!!!!!!!........" *Fell onto the ground, unconcious*
Student A: *Continued dancing*
2. Like movie censorship, lightstick also has it's own user age criteria.
It wasn't overtly announced to the public but I guess only adults of age 21 and above are suitable in using lightsticks. Also, the age criteria increases steadily year by year. This is evident as during my time (2 years ago), we were allowed to use lightsticks, but now, these people, who were of the same age as us 2 years ago, were forbidden to use lightsticks. Perhaps, people of the newer generations get mature later.
3. Students might break the lightsticks and do undesirable actions.
At their age, they would tend to try some things which ordinary people wouldn't have done before. To search for more excitement, students will break the lightsticks and do all sorts of daring stunts. For instance, sprinkling the chemicals at people (like what they do during some religious rites), or they might as well drink it in search for a new 'drug' which can give them a new 'high'. Whatever.
Whatever the reasons, we will never find out the real one(s). It's such a vagary to stop students from using lightsticks in the midst of partying on their last day of orientation.
Anyway, their 'Disco Nite' was much better than ours. At least they ended around 9pm, while we ended like 7pm? lolx However, their Happy Hour, as a matter of fact, was interrupted by a 'silent clap' requested by one of the 'bouncers' (student coucillors). The lively atmosphere suddenly turned into an austere one. The J1s were told to go home and report back by 07 30 the next day (Saturday...wonder what they were doing on a weekend?). Sad.
Looks like we're bumping into those good old friends these few days. Suddenly got into contact with a couple of primary school friends last few months ago. Also, met up with the MSCO gang which we've never met for about a year already. Good to see one another again in a concert. Chatting about anecdotes back in the good old days.
Also caught up with the full strength of '77' gang yesterday. Talked about how '77' gang came about. Some of the members (well, 1 actually haha, that'll be aidan xD) didn't know how this name came about. Cause he always MIA when we were having a gathering. Eric was the one who'll be late as usual. And it's like 1/2 - 1 hour late that kind of thing. Jc is always the one who'll be always 'suan-ed' at at anytime, anyplace and anywhere. lolx Loba usually is the start of the 'suan-ing'...maybe with the help of eric as well. =p We also talked about all the things we joked about one another. lolx Hope we'll have more such gatherings.
Yesterday met a long-time-no-see 'si dang' - mel c. (who was then my class buddy since sec 1.) at one of the bridges while the '77' gang was walking from clark quay to esplanade. Didn't change much though. haha
Today most of the S3A guys went to lim's house for a new year gathering. Quite a high turn out rate. Just this afternoon, we met Mr. Ng, our crappy ex-chemistry teacher in ny, at bishan. Didn't catch up with him much as he was in a hurry to somewhere. Sigh...
Hope to get in touch with more long-lost friends. ^_^
The first few hours of new year wasn't that happy afterall. Was doing sentry from 00 00 to 02 00 then I went straight to bed. Within 30 minutes, there was a fire call! RTA. When we just returned back to fire post, there was another call; case of person trap in the lift. When we got back, I only managed to rest for 15 minutes before a third fire call rang; case of vending machine on fire. Sigh...I knew it that I couldn't sleep that day for 24 hours.
When I'm back at home, I quickly bathe and went to sleep...Zzz...Zzz...was supposed to play bball with the S3A guys at 16 oo and I was woken up by my HP ringing at 16 15. LOLX I was late, and so were some of the rest. xD We thought of going ny to play then we could bathe there after the game, but to our surprise the school wasn't opened for public during public holidays. Hmm...that seemed to be something amissed. Well, we then head to the court near the interchange.
I play for about an hour then went back home to bathe as I was going to meet the '77' gang at clark quay at 19 00. It's quite rare for us to have a 5/5 strength when we organise such gatherings. The usual people were me, jc and loba, and usually aidan will be MIA and eric will be late. But 'mei dao hao guo chi dao!". hahaha After dinner, we walked all the way to Esplanade to watch a live band concert until 22 30.
I got home to take some things to lim's house and arrived at around 00 00. There were some pranksters throwing bomb bags into lim's house while we were playing. Adreneline over-dosed kids. His parents called the police though, but I doubt they could do anything to solve this case as it's quite impossible to capture those culprits. We played through the night. (while some of the people, like john =p, slept earlier.)
Woke up and lots of questions were thrown at us like "do you all want coffee?" "we going to the market and buy mien chiam kuey for you all can?" by lim's parents. Woot...such warm hospitality. haha
Me, les, low, quek and john went to J8 to eat PM for lunch then went back home afterthat. Damn tired now. Think I'm going to sleep until tonight! =p