As seen from yx's should know the protocol...(click on the hyperlinks and do the necessary! haha thanks! =p)
It's quite a once in a blue moon thing to get the gals from S3A out. lolx Met up with yx, xh, zc, les and adelene for Klunch at marina square. We (yx, les and I) were quite overwhelmed by how luxurious the room was. haha (had seen the other bigger 'party' rooms...with pool table, huge tv and menu screen and big open spaces around) This time round they learnt their lesson. They actually installed a timer such that the screening of the mtv will stop on the dot at 2pm. Hai... ...too bad can't drag the time like other locations. The funny thing was our last song was cao meng's ai bu pa. lol (strongly requested by adelene! =p)
Later went to have some dessert at the hokkaido restaurant. Ordered a soft ice-cream with chocolate and milk. It's just a scoop of vanilla ice cream and 'minced' ice at the bottom topped with a jar of chocolate (just like the one winnie the pooh is carry all the while =p) and this cost $7! Really know how to do business. =x
Parted with xh and adelene after our dessert and the rest of us went for some guy shopping (quoted from zc haha). I went to search for some reebok long pants so that I could use the 30% discount voucher. It took me quite some time to finally purchase it. Walked from marina square to ngee ann city just to get that. tsk tsk... ...
Followed les to HMV while zc left to cine to meet up with his gf. He bought a korean movie and spiderman 2 then we went straight back home... ...getting ready to book in again... ...
Things that had happened yesterday... ...
Was quite reluctant to wake up in the late morning for some exercise but still manage to drag myself off my THICKER-THAN-THE-CAMP'S bed. When I start to do some sit-ups on the sit-up bench, a thought struck me - I didn't bring along my socks (but I had brought down my shoes in the shoe bad though). How forgetful of me. All I can say was that's what will happen to your mind when you wake up early in the morning of a weekend. ("Early" is relative here. To me, waking up at 10am on a weekend is considered early. Lol)
Went to check out the timings for Pirates of the Caribbean - The Dead Man's Chest and Lady in the Water. Yup, you should have guessed that I am catching 2 movies in a day. Haha (think this was my first time) Was quite stressed when the seats of the POC was filling up each time I refreshed the page. It's kind of hk to come down all the way from suntec (with his gf along as well) to present his SAFRA membership card so that we all could enjoy the $1.50 off. Thanks ah! Actually zy, low and I had decided to watch the 16 40 show (same as hk and his gf) but they left single seating only, so had to change to 17 25. This shifted the timing of my plan. Sigh. SCDF had taught us well to be flexible. Haha Had to change the meeting time for the rest who were watching LITW from 19 30 to 20 00. It's quite a time-beating challenge as we only have about an hour to have a quick dinner before the movie screens at 21 10.
Bought some drinks with zy before meeting low to watch our first movie of the day. POC was less fascinating compared to the first part of the trilogy-to-come. The conclusion was uncalled for. It seems that the scriptwriter was enjoying writing the story such that he overwrote it, so he had to cut it into 2 parts. I guess the 'coming' (everybody feels that there'll be a third one) sequel will be inextricably linked to the second. There was not much of an action but more of a story telling about getting a key to open a dead man's chest. The best point about this movie was perhaps its cinematography. Shrugs. Anyway, I rate it 6.5/10. Anyhow, was quite disturbed by the sms-es and calls I received throughout the movie. lol
Managed to get hold of the rest after they part to their separate ways when they arrived. Had dinner at BK cause the rest of the restaurants/fast food was packed with people queuing or eating. Went to buy some quick bites for Kevin cause he had not ate his dinner yet. (and I presume he didn't have his breakfast and lunch as well. Lol) Quite guilty for Kevin to come even though he got injury (or something along this line) on his left shoulder. Get well soon ya. M. Night Shyamalan is quite different from other writers. His stories were unique in the sense that he made use of some far-fetched plot to unravel the underlying theme of his that was the bad things about mankind. LITW was an interesting one as a traditional folktale came to reality. Also, all of the characters were unique in their own way. The bad things were the audio went flat most of the time and part of the mic can be seen at the top of the screen (if anyone noticed it...). There was also a tinge of humour throughout the movie. I rate it 7/10.
Quite shiok that we were able to book in to HTA on Monday morning albeit I need to wake up damn early! lol We left the last 3 days before the end of the HTBC (Home Team Basic Course).
We had our usual lectures all day. Some were so boring that most of us dozed off straight away. On Monday night, we planned and rehearsed for our social nite (which is on the following day!) until 11pm. We were dead beat by then.
Come Tuesday, we had our so-called "mass callistenics and cross country run" before our dinner. But we were told that we'll be able to return to what we had been doing after the mass callistenics. We thought we would be doing the standard PT style as the whole of the HTA people were down at the Unity Square (parade square). YES! That includes all the police people as well as the officers. What we didn't anticipated was that the most 'xiong' exercise was actually jumping jack! LOLX The rest of the exercises we were doing were mostly stretching. Critics said that it's because they did not want to over-exert the
Social nite was definitely a successful one. Everybody was hyped up for the night and did their best to stage such hilarious skits. Most of the skits have some homosexual content in it...that includes my group as well. lol I can say that my group was spontaneous enough to change the first part of the skit at the last minute (how last minute? well, just before we got on stage! =p) However, my group was the last out of the 6 groups cause of the other criterias we did poorly in. But our group morale is still as high as ever! =p
Was quite sad to say goodbye to HTA (wonder when will I get to go in again... ...) but we still had to do so. Had to bid farewell to the friends we had made throughout these 8 days. Was quite motivated to endure the last 9 weeks of my course when some people from the other HT Dept. came up to us and wished us all the best. At the end of the course, we were given nights-off! Woot!
Back in CDA, we woke up to our usual time - 05 15 (instead of 06 10 at HTA). We were lucky enough to have lectures for the whole day. Also, we were to receive our senior trainee rank at 3pm. Due to the
Here it goes... ... We were told to go back our dorm for inspection. When our encik came, we were not prepared yet, so we were told to change to our PT kit and fall in. Some were slow to fall in, so we were told to change to our full bunker gear (full fire suit) in 5 min. We went down by 6:04 min. Then some didn't forgot to bring along their fire gloves. So had to be punished by them (those who sabo-ed us!). Afterthat, we were told to change to our No. 4 with SOC gear (rescue helmet, water bottle and rescue gloves) in 5 min. We got down by 6:14 min. We were told to take off our helmets and carry our bottles on top of our buddy next to us. Guess what! We were forced to pour water over each other's head! LOL That's a
Today, we had our Term 2 IPPT. Well, I did improve on all my stations but I still got a pass again, but it's a progress anyway. =) Here are my results-- sit-ups:56, pull-ups:10, SBJ:221cm, shuttle run:10.0s, 2.4km:9:35min (not very sure about my exact timing but should be around there). Hopefully I can get my silver grade by Term 3.
The next thing to worry now will be SOC test, which is next week. The most undesired part of it is that we'll be having the practice on Tuesday and the actual test on Thursday. The only rationale I can think of is that they are trying to tire us out! =x
Cool! Tonight we are having our nights-off after completing the Home Team Basic Course. Quite sad that we are going our separate ways now but anyhow, we will continue to keep in touch right Forza?! I'll definitely miss the tea breaks, food, fun, laughter, dorm, toilet (in a nutshell everything in HTA) and not forgetting the new friendships I've forged throughout this 8-day course.
Anyway, hope tomorrow they will not have the urge to tekan us after these 8 days. =x Also, tomorrow we will be receiving our senior ERS epaulette and fire badge. Swee~ =p
Was jio-ed by the '77' gang to go for an outing yesterday night. Of all places, we met at West Mall. haha...but then aidan got difficulty moving around cause he had broken his leg. (How many bones have he broke already?) The worst thing was I took a bus which I was foreign to and I had overshot the busstop which I was supposed to stop at. So, had to take a train from chinese garden back to bukit batok.
Had dinner at the foodcourt there and ate dessert at swensens until we were chased out by the waitress. lolx Hanged around outside the shopping centre and talk cock. Little did we know that there was actually a 24-hr Macs in vicinity. haha...then we went there and talk cock somemore...mostly about NS (Army) stuffs.
Shared a cab home with jc and eric. The fare-meter was increasing so fast that it would have increased by a couple of dollars the next time you glanced at it. =x Their new charging system is quite absurb. tsk's all a SCAM!
Got home around 1plus am and I only went sound asleep around 2plus am. haha To think that I have a bball session with the S3A people at 9am! =p
However, I managed to got up in time but still was late for the game. The bad thing was zc and quek PS us at the 11th hour. lolx So the players left were yx, les, lim, low and me only. 3 V 2! Challenging. But we only managed to play 1 game then we went for makan at KFC. Ordered the family feast and redeemed 5 of the 3-hot wings + drinks. We ate until we er dao liao~ haha =x Too much chicken for the morning...
Anyway, was about to go and watch pirates with zy and low but zy went to his uncle house at the last minute, so all of us just went to low's house to chill out. Played dai dee, bridge and our long lost game saboteur. =) Went back home afterthat. Felt quite tired as I didn't sleep much. But the good news was that I could sleep more tonight and I would be sleeping at home~ Swee~ Book in tomorrow morning!
I love HTA! =p
WOOT! This week is the week that I can say that everyone enjoyed and loved it to the fullest. Although we screwed up on Monday morning, (dorms not really clean and didn't fall in for breakfast on time) our stay in the HTA is definitely our reward for suffering under the wrath of CDA! =p
First step into HTA was indeed an eye-opener. It's so huge that they need a directory and signposts everywhere. A thought came by that I was standing on the ground of a new mini-university. I came across to one of a building there which had a uncanny architecture similar to one of the glass pyramid building as described in The Da Vinci Code. The architecture is definitely superb. It is spacious and fresh air everywhere. If I may, I can say that that place is dirt-free clean! lol
In the dorms, lockers are bigger, beds and pillows are thicker and toilets are cleaner. Their cafeteria is air conditioned and there's even a mini-arcade and an POSB ATM beside.
Some lectures were boring while some was interesting (but partly also because of the way the lecturers give their presentation). The best thing was that we need to wake up at around 6am and fall in at 6 30am for flag raising ceremony.(it's good cause we had to wake up at around 5 15am back at CDA) =(
On top of that, we did not have any morning PT at all! The food there was damn nice! Much better than Stamford; and that's a unanimous opinion. The food they serve have variety and we did not have to eat on trays akin to those used by prisoners; we eat with normal hard plastic plates and cup with utensils sterile clean. (As many of us know that the trays back at CDA is definitely lack of audits as food is still visible although they've clean it...yucks)
At around 10am plus, we were given tea break. You may think that it's just an ordinary break where we just visit the toilet and drink from the water cooler and get back for more lectures, but we were really given snacks and hot coffee( or COFY as what they had written on the canister)/tea. Cool man! =p
How I envy the police NSF. haha (anyway, saw my long lost & found primary school friend martin as a police NSF there...heard that terrence leong is over there as well~)
Anyhow, I was in the orange group and we named ourselves Forza (Go in Italian); and I was selected to be the group cheerleader. lol Everyone was quite surprised! Our IC is damn welfare. Like try to let us be the first group to have breakfast etc.
Had a few activities among groups like familiarisation run and tug-of-war. It was fun miggling together as a group and participating in such activities. Well, most of us (SCDF people) were the ones who brought up the atmosphere. =)
We have another 3 days 2 nights over there before we are going back to the dreadful CDA. sigh... ... Whatever it is, must enjoy the rest of my stay at HTA!! =p
I had bought some stuffs for my OBBD trip at CP with les and low. Got myself a lock to lock my locker over at HTA. The original price was at 15$ but the special price tag wrote 13$ honest is the sale assistance to tell me that there's a further discount at only 10$! =) Bought a tights at 39.90$. The thing is that others bought it at 5$!! Damn. >_< Now you all non-NS people know where our monthly allowance goes to. Well, I also bought some food so that I can fully enjoy my stay in HTA! lol
Next weekend a more happening one? We shall wait... ...=p
It has been quite sometime since I last watched Naruto anime. Surprisingly, the episodes are still on the rise. The lastest episode is 195; while I'm at the 96th episode. Long way to catch up!
Les, john, quek and I had a late night supper at thomson for some prata. Should have topped-up my ez-link card earlier. Luckily I left 7 cents to qualify myself for the return trip back to AMK to top-up.
Tomorrow will be going to HTA (Home Team Academy). Urgently need to get another lock. This coming 2 weeks will be quite slack but hope it will not degrade my stamina cause IPPT is around the corner. =x
And this picture caught my eye while I was browsing through gary's blog. I presume the student is a kindergarten or primary 1 kid. lolx Enjoy!~

Monday had never been so slack. We had a CD shelter lecture for the entire morning and we visited the shelter in Jurong West in the afternoon while we had our MOI presentations simultaneously. During our freetime, I spent some time to brush up my footdrill commands as I would be assessed the next day first thing in the morning. =x
Don't know if it's fortunate or otherwise, that Tuesday morning was raining heavily. So footdrill assessment was changed to MOI presentations. Following that was a series of 5 lectures and mass PT.
Wednesday is the favourite day. 9 lectures straight throughout the day!! woot! =)
Come Thursday morning was our 2nd session of footdrill assessment. Luckily I passed, albeit I had made one mistake when commanding my squad to salute in the front. =p After 4 lectures and MOI presentations in the afternoon, we proceeded to our long-time-no-try SOC. =x It was very tiring. Had cramps on my legs. haha We did 4 rounds of 700m and 3 times the obstacle course then we did the whole trial.
Friday was the best! MOI presentation followed by 2 lectures. After lunch is dorm cleaning and we were told to book out!! swee! However, we were punished for several reasons and we had to pay back 490 counts of any exercises. So, we did 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 half squats, 100 lunges and 90 counts to 0 of leg raise. We walked out of camp around 3 15.
Since I came home before 5, I went to NY to collect my A level cert. Saw Mr Tan on the way there. haha
Good news this week...I was appointed to be the Guard Duty IC a.k.a. Director of Rota 2! lolx Now who dares to bully me?! hahaha Nah, I would take it personal.
We were told that we would not be able to get any allowance raise unless we have taken our HRCT (Hazmat Rescue Certification Test). Sigh...that would be until end of August... ...
Woke up this morning and was eager to find out the ending of The Da Vinci Code. Was quite amused with the ending; the series of codes brought them back to the first scene.
In the afternoon, met up with les, low and john for lunch at kovan; eating the western food. Saw zy (with a female counterpart beside) while walking around kovan. =p He claimed that he was buying a bag for himself. haha (nothing much intended here =p) Following up was a 3-flavour ice-cream (belgium chocolate, choco mint and cookies n' cream) which I shared with low. Talk cock here and there.
I travelled to clementi to wait for my 2nd sis's bf, max, before heading to UCC for the graduation ceremony of my 2nd sis. Well, we were quite late; everything had ended...even the refreshments!! =( haha Nonetheless, we still took some photos together. =)
My father suggested to go for dinner at geylang. Went into a 'tze cha' restaurant and ordered 4 dishes and 1 soup. (FYI, there's no menu around) The dishes came and it look too much for a 5 pax table. haha Had to force ourselves to finish up. Finally, had to pay up the bill. As there's no menu, we didn't know how much was the actual price. (They may just tell the total off-hand.) Who knows anyway? By the way, all the dishes were quite salty. I can say that the healthiness of the restaurant is comparable to Macs. lolx awaiting for the journey back to camp. Here we go again... ...
Once the morning has broken, I held "The Da Vinci Code" in my hands and started to read from where I'd last stopped. And I carried on reading throughout the noon. lol Really a page-turner; can't wait to reach the ending...
Anyhow, went out with jj, les, lim, low and kevin to watch Re-cycle at The Cathay. But first we had our dinner first after purchasing the tickets. As you would have guess...Yes! We went to eat at the regularly-patronised chicken rice stall! hahaha Ordered 'ban zhi bai ji; ban zhi shao ji + salad you tiao'. Instinctively, as always, we headed towards the 'dou hua' stall to have a drink before walking back to the cinema.
It's quite surprising that this movie doesn't focus much on pouncing on its audiences at specific intervals but was more concentrating on some civics & moral issues. About resources wastage, abortion, rememberance of your ancestors etc...It's also quite a touching show. Had a slight twist to the story closer to the ending. The ending, however, was somehow hard to apprehend. lolx I rate it 7.5/10.
Finally, I'd managed to obtain the full trilogy of the Lord Of The Rings VCDs. Bought The Return Of The King just now at one of the lowest price I've came across. Can't wait to watch it! =p Afterthat, perhaps I'll continue with Naruto, which I had stopped watching for quite long ago; so long that I couldn't even remember when I had last watched my last episode. lol Maybe I'll grab its movie too! =p
Surprisingly, so of my dormmates knew of my birthday. lol They threatened to do something to me. =x But nothing happened. haha
The first day of the week was so slack that we could virtually sleep the whole day. YES! I mean from 08 00 till 05 30! Cause we had "lectures" on how to use the new email account (well, only relevant to the regulars =p) and how to operate the mobile data terminal (something which tracks down the cases around Singapore and location of the force vehicles). But there isn't anything much to talk about, so we spend the time to slack... ...for more terrifying days to come... ... lolx
For the following 3 days, we had lectures with BTM revisions and mass PT or endurance run in between. Those were the really
Mass PT on Thursday was the worst. We had to complete 5 sets of exercises, of which includes exercises that train our arms, abdomen and legs. More to this, the 5 sets follows a goemetric progression with a=10 (in counts of 8 for some exercises e.g. squat thrusts) and d=10. On a lighter note, I was told by our PTI that I had an uncanny resemblance to one of their PTI. And he starts to spread to the rest of his fellow PTIs. hahaa
BTM revision on Tuesday wasn't much of a revision. We just sat down at the basement and talked; and went back to our respective dorms to clean up. Wednesday we had a mini exercise-basement fire. I was counted quite lucky as I (and about 5 others) wasn't given any appointment, so we just sat down and observe and acted as DART members. lolx Well, we weren't activated for that exercise! We were asked to pick the appointment we are going to be assessed on our final exercise. Luckily, I had picked the basement fire as Sect. Comm. 2! Anyway, we did a few random BTM revisions; relatively easy though. Afterwhich, we were given a tour around the sewage. It was pitch black somewhere in the middle. Really can't see a thing. We was told that on the actual exercise, we would need to be submerge in water for sometime to get across as the place would be flooded with water. Yikes... ...
Later on that night, we were given a nights-off! Woot! It maybe because our Encik was worried that we would do something stupid that would disturb the on-going POP of the firefighters. Went to library to browse through some psychology books then walked around Jurong Point.
Friday we had Director's Parade. Yes ah! This means that our mass PT in the morning will be cancelled. We were left with 2 more lectures before the day's schedule ends. However, the sad thing was our dorms would be inspected by CPT. >_< Fortunately nothing happened to me and my lockers. =p We booked out quite early today. Around 5 plus. =)
Heard that next week we will be getting our fire badge and senior trainee rank. Swee~
Went out with sis to Compasspoint to get my birthday gift. She bought a Pierre Cardin belt for me. =) My sis's bf came along afterthat. Borrowed The Da Vinci Code from him, so that I could read after my trainings. Met up with zy around 14 30 to get a pair of jeans. However, zy doesn't have the size he wanted, so we didn't buy anything. Sigh... ...
Suddenly got the urge to watch the Naruto anime. The price of the vcd have dropped quite abit, but shall ask my friend whether he can sell me at a second hand price. =p
Finally, I've sent the scores I've written to the MSCO people. Hopefully they can play it before the concert starts, which is at the end of the year. Can't wait to hear it in realtime!^_^
Quite sian of booking in on my birthday night... ...And I'm quite worried that I'll get sick this coming week. =x *Touchwood! With BTM revision and mass PT in between lectures could really induce flu and fever! Cross my fingers that nothing bad will happen this coming week! =p
Yesterday morning, I received an SMS from zy asking whether I want to watch Superman Returns. Thought that he'll be organising this movie outing but was told to ask the rest and check out the timings. lolx Well, he was still busy in camp...
It's nice of hk to take time from his 'uniform-sewing' task at kovan to head down to bishan just to present his SAFRA member card to the cashier in order to enjoy a weekend movie ticket at the price of $8! He being a helpful friend, I let him take the free superman pillow. lol =p After getting the tickets, I travelled to orchard to meet les while hk went back home.
We walked around town somewhat aimlessly. However, les managed to get his book and belt. I'd ought to get my 2nd pair of jeans. Have to wait for zy acceptance of offer to the 'buy 2 get 50% discount' at U2. haha Hopefully not after GSS have ended.
Had dinner at bishan S11 with les cause the rest were eating home-cooked food. haha We met the rest (hk, yz and kevin) around 8 20. Zy was late cause he just came back from camp. He arrived about 10 minutes after the screening of the movie.
Now let us analyse the movie - Superman Returns. The flow of the movie was surprisingly okay.(cause the movie has a running time of 154 minutes!) There's one part which they didn't answer for - How did Superman get resuscitated (after he got kryptonite embedded into his back) from asystole to 40 bpm? Don't think the defibrillator works for him! The machine even caught fire! lolx The ending was quite predictable. In fact, the whole movie was quite predictable. Most of us would have guessed that Jason is the son of Superman. I'll rate it 6/10.
And yes! Today is my birthday! =) Most of the people might say this is the last year I'll be getting a '-teen' in my age. However, I must refute as it's not that bad crossing over into your 20s. 20s is just the intermediate stage between teenage and full-fledge adult. So, we'll still be considered as youth right? lol A thinking youth if I can say so. (Well, sometimes there might be some exceptions =x) My birthday wishes are to get my first ever composed song, adapted from the jap movie, to be performed in the MSCO concert and able to pass out from the ERS course!~ =)