Covertly Overt

Back in SG! =)

Favs: 4 F's- Family, Friends, Food, Final Fantasy
Wishlist:(updated as of 28/1/11)
1.Every birdie stay happy =)
2.Spectacles with a HIP style
4.Maintain 2nd-Upper class
5.GPA >=4.2
6.INSTEP York/Newcastle/Ottawa/Northeastern
7.Tour Europe!
8.GSS Hong Kong in 2012
9.Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
10.Final Fantasy XIII-2





'77'党 - 我鄙视你!





MSCO gang~


Chang Sheng




MSCO yq bloods~



NYJC 04S3A gang~


Ms Chiew

Pei Wen

Yong Xiang

Zheng Yu

NYCO gang~


Luo Jun

Shu Min


Wan Ying

Alexandra Fire Station


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Friday, May 19, 2006

surviving 21st ERS course (week 5 out of 24)

Had my first guard duty on Sunday. It wasn't that bad afterall. Perhaps it's because I got the lucky slot whereby I only need to go for one round only. (equivalent to 4 hours out of 24 hours!) We got to sleep in the air-conditioned Guard Room. However, didn't brought any extra clothings, so was very cold when sleeping in the night. lol Swee, can skip morning PT on Monday morning! =p

"It's mind over body"..."Cannot take it go drop course!"...These are some of the psychoing they did to us this week. I can safely deem this week as the xiong-est week out of these 5 weeks we've endured. All the 200-300 pumpings everyday, shoutings, scoldings, mental torture, tests... It's really all in the mind.

Had our REPT (Rescue Equipment Proficiency Test) on Thursday. Luckily this week wasn't my turn for the footdrill assessment yet. =x We did our REPT revision on Wednesday and I clinched 2 records out of the 5 equipments, but I wasn't on form on the actual test itself...sigh... nonetheless, I can still manage to get a 2nd Class grade.

We didn't get any SOC training this week, but we had IPPT conditioning! It was really exerting ourselves to the max! Did 5-BX, push-ups, 2.4km involving some sprinting, and MORE PUSH-UPS!! Think we did 200 plus or so that day.

Thought I could book out today (Friday) safely. BUT...that very morning I tio extra guard duty!!
Sian. This week is a suay week for me. Cause we went for the BA (Breathing Apparatus) Maze, whereby there's lots of smoke and in the absence of light, we had to find our way through toward the exit. The suay thing was that the last man from my section got lost in the middle of the maze and nobody knows until the rest got through the exit. At the end of the lesson, Encik punish us for not taking care of our own men and gave us extra guard duty tomorrow(Saturday)!! Even more sian!! Cause I've already done my weekend guard duty on this week's Sunday. And now, I'm serving my weekend guard duty again. Consecutively. Sigh... Hopefully none of such stupid things will happen to me and anyone of us ever again! We desperately need our weekends!

Rumours about the Pandora Exercise is spreading this week again. But it was a false alarm yet again. Hopefully they can end it once and for all by next week ya?

Now I've to enjoy my few hours outside. Luckily Encik extend another 30 minutes for our book in timing to 21 30. Swee! I can stay outside for another 30 minutes! Cross fingers nobody will book in later than 21 30, if not Encik will shorten the book in timing. =x

DSZeng scribbled this at 9:41 PM

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