It's kind of uncanny seeing 2 people of indirect relations with me smoking in public. One was a sporty ex-marist and another unrecognised overaged-NY guy. Quite appalled when he's wearing the NY house t-shirt and chopsticking a cigarette. Woot. 不怕死!
Couldn't comprehend why so many people wants to try smoking, chasing dragons etc. Not that they don't have any idea about the slow annihilation part of them but perhaps it was a rushing decision they have made which they wouldn't regret now but later. That's life --Once bitten, twice shy. Always hearing "You wouldn't know unless you try it" this kind of "encouraging" remarks. But some things are better left alone. Not that I want to donate a healthy organs to someone who needs it badly (actually I don't! lol. cause I do not want to donate my organs to someone who destroyed their own themselves.) but I prefer my last couple of decades living on Earth to be less of an agony and dependant.
There's still alot of other unacceptable doings of imbeciles like spitting, digging nose, uninitiative acts, selfishness, littering etc.
Would like to listen to what they have to say about their acts. Think they would give that air of arrogance! lol