Woot! This is my 100th entry! Time seems to fly pass so fast. I've got another 11 days before I get into SCDF. Lots of things that I want to buy and do before my 2 weeks confinement begins...
Today went to grab a new zero-dollar HP and changed my plan too at CP. As usual, the thick cotton-like dark clouds are looming above the sky. It looks as if it would be comfortable to lie on but it's not. Anyway, I went back home and ordered a new plastic spectacles for NS. Sigh, my eyes degree have increased again. But not that considerable though. haha
Shall continue to grab my NS stuffs and enjoy myself for this countable days before it's too late! =p
The first MMORPG introduced to the class by marcus was MU. Some of us were jio-ed to join in the game party. Think people like me, hk, yx, zc, zy, kevin, low, marcus started playing during J1. Train our characters together and gain experience. But the server sure is lag. (And it still is!) Sometimes it's damn lag until you've been killed but you won't knew it after a couple of seconds later. That's why we always have to wait for the KIA people to return to the party. But some of us left the MU league after playing for several months. Only left me, zc, low and marcus still going on up the levels. But the 3 of them really chiong real fast man! Now level 180+ while I'm still stuck at 110+. We tried to psycho the ex-players back but they seem reticent about it.
Come J2, kevin introduced us Gunz. Again, everybody like rushing to play. (hmm, perhaps rushing is too strong a word...) All the allying, backstabbing and scheming sure was fun! The rest played quite zai. Their agility, accuracy and all that. That's why I always one of the first few to be KIA. (Or maybe I'm too innocent to play such first-person shooter game? Yea. lolx =p) We've played against other teams as well. Think we thrash them right? lol. We zai okay! =p But gradually we all felt 'sian' of this game. So, it's left into the history. Even my ID and password was lost in my memory. lol
P.S.:This entry was supposed to be within the entry on the Director's Cut. But due to unforseen circumstances it's a stand-alone entry now. lol (Hope that there's nothing more that I've left out?)
Remember all your first movies of restricted age - NC-16, M-18 and R-21? Kind of forgotten my first NC-16 show but my first M-18 show was Munich, which I've just watched it about less 2 weeks ago. Didn't expect my first R-21 (unofficial though =p) movie was Brokeback Mountain. lol
Watched it with wx, jon and ken 18 March. Woot. Too much salacious scenes, quite revolting. haha. The show was quite good albeit draggy. Will have to eat chips to divert your attention from those scenes. LOLX Nonetheless, it ought to be a sad 'love' story.
Met up with jc and eric afterthat for dinner at the nasi lemak restaurant near Kovan. Quite expensive I say. No surprise if they're earning lots of cash! Drank a mug of 'gan zhe shui' before playing an hour of pool. Definitely not on form that day. haha =p
Can't believe that our class could decide on watching a moive on the spot, which was less than 2 hours before the commencement of the movie. Watched cry_wolf at PS, 15 15, Hall 10, seats C-04 to C-11. We got 9 vouchers (although honestly speaking we should only take 8) for buying the tickets. lolx
The game they played in the movie seems so much like the games we usually play during chalets called Hunter and Bear. Same concept but different playing style. The whole movie was full of schemes. An epitome of what some of our class people are like. jkjk~
Went to eat TE for the long-decided dinner. First time dining there and the meal I had there was quite alright lah. Just that their serving was a little too small for yaoguis. lol~ Had dessert at the 'dao huay' shop. Quek treated us 'dao huay' while low treated us the drink. Thanks mans!
They suddenly said want to go lim's house to ton and we could also play PS2 there. So, yx, lim and quek followed me by taking a sod cab who's either cheating on our hard-earn cash or doesn't know the streets of Singapore well enough. Took don't know how many donkey years to reach J8. The shop really didn't looks like closing soon anyway. Could have taken a train to Bishan instead. Sod it!
But whatever, my PS2 has finally been re-fixed and is working fine. Now is just to find more games to play. Hopefully different genres. Played for the whole morning while having a short break for our Macs supper again! Thanks uncle for treating us yet another time! Me, les and low continued our game while the others are bored of playing 'dai dee' and bridge and they went straight to the room and sleep.
Finally found ourselves getting bored by the game so that we changed to watch HP instead. But it wasn't that fantastic either. Nearly went to snoozing state a few times during the movie.
The morning had broken and most of us are awakened by now, (Only me, les and lim are the survivors of the day who didn't catch any sleep at all!) while low and john(john who woke up and went back to sleep again =p) didn't.
Everyone went back with a sleepy mind. Hopefully we didn't took the wrong bus or something. haha
and you're on your own.
And you need a friend,
just to be around.
I will comfort you,
I will take your hand,
and I'll pull you through.
I will understand -
and you know that.
I'll be at your side;
there's no need to worry.
Together we'll survive;
through the haste and hurry.
I'll be at your side
if you feel like you're alone,
and you've nowhere to turn.
I'll be at your side.
If life's standing still,
and your soul's confused.
And you cannot find
what road to choose.
If you make mistakes,
you won't let me down.
I will still believe;
I won't turn around."
It has been 3 months since we meet again today. Had dinner with cs, wx, alvin, gary, jon and ken at J8 cartel. (Too bad most of the juniors need to study for their coming block test after their short 1 week break.) Such a 'suay' day cause there are lots of mistakes during the ordering part. Chaos I should say! lol (Sorry for the cashier but she was partly at fault too.) Thanks cs for the treat! (He promised me to give me a treat from the day I received my 'O' Level results. haha)
Don't really know if it's a tradition or not, but it seems like all the outings I've been with will usually head to Swensens for ice cream after having a meal at cartel. (and it's the same location mind you~lol) However, today was abit different. We ordered a bowl of regular earthquake!! But it was nothing special except the toppings and the smoke thingy. We all crapped alot!! Really can laugh until stomach pain!! Since when did I had such a laughable experience? waahaha
We were actually 'chased away' by the restaurant (in a subtle manner) to get out of there. How clever of them to switch off the air-con. Instinctively, all the costumers got out of there. But we went to Macs to chill out abit. Crap about jokes again. lol
It was an enjoyable gathering, eh!
Since the people get into NS, we didn't have time to have a game of bball. Finally, we could continue the tradition today after they POP. Woot! But sad that zy cannot be there...he should be busy with his training, eh? lol
Anyway, heard that all of the gals know exactly what course they want to take. Us, guys, still considering. Maybe it's because we still got lots of time to ponder about it.
The choices given doesn't seem to be a choice to me though. Arts faculty not suitable for me cause writting essays for assignments are not to my likings. Engineering courses may be too complex for me to apprehend; may have problem coping with it. Moreover, I may be outwitted by the foreign talents. Sciences maybe a safety net but its job prospects may not be as good. Sigh.
Choice=No Choice
Went to fix my PS2 after being spoilt for about 2 years already. Hope it will really be fixed by the time I get it back!
Sony Gallery is offering $120 for normal console and 3 times of this for modified console. Sod it! That's cheating of money man! Anyway, tried my luck at another shop. They are offering $80. (Hmm, I thought the market price was $60?) Nonetheless, I went ahead and accepted that offer after my request for a bargain had failed.
Would be investing in XBox 360 or PS3 in the next 3 years bah. For now, PS2 it is.
After my 10-days experience in the teaching profession, I've come to realise that I'm teaching hk's brother's class!! Okay, okay, you've just wasted your precious 5 seconds. lol
Anyway, it was quite an enriching experience for me. First class I took was somewhat mischievious and heck care of their own studies. But this doesn't just happen in 1 class alone. All the classes I've taken are like that. However, there are ought to have some nice people there who are willing to listen lah. Too bad they're the minority of the class.
It's fun delivering the lessons to the classes. Marking their work can be hilarious too! All the funny mistakes that they've made. But hey, who doesn't make such silly mistakes before at their age? It's really tiring managing the class, let alone controlling them. Practical lessons were horrible. Students delibrately attach 9 batteries (original question asked for 2) connected to a lightbulb - 3 bulbs were fused. Tsk tsk tsk...
They're a bunch of crazy and lazy people, albeit friendly and easy-going. It's kind of great when you've earned the respect from your students. Students will greet you (in a casual manner) along the way. Some even say they would miss me. I doubt so; they miss more of the early recess i guess. haha
zy will be stripping off from his civilian identity to become a military soldier...very soon. So, we ought to help him 'celebrate' before he goes in.
Yesterday we went to catch Munich at cineleisure, 14 40, Hall 8, seats H-11 to H-13 & J-10 to J-13. We made an agreement that those who are late (meeting at 2pm at somerset mrt), will be treating popcorn! lol. Surprisingly, quek was the last to arrived and the rest arrived earlier than 2pm!
Zy couldn't have dinner with us due to other activity. So, the bunch of us went to eat the chicken rice again and as usual, went to the soy bean shop. After dinner we went to walk around bugis area. Watch people playing House of the Dead 4. They finished the entire game. Zai!
Took train back with zc and les (while zc's gf and her friend is at another carriage). And zc came up with the idea of me escorting his gf's friend back home since I'm alighting on the same station (and he goes on predicting the future... ...). Craps!
Here's to wish zy a happy trip to tekong and come back as happy! Better don't unleash your overdrive, ya?! lol
The Other Lecturers
Under physics department, nothing much to say. Mr Sim deliver his lecture and that's it. Mr Kooh likes to waste time on 1 slide and do lots of demostrations. Mr Tan adds abit of his lameness into his lecture by adding characters such as Mr Potential etc. Mrs Heng is that motherly-figure who just deliver her lecture; doesn't care much about her target audience. But when she does, she start to give her long nagging session with us. Mrs Lee sometimes we feel that she doesn't really understand how to teach. That's why people starts to question about her ability in physics.
Chem department was abit better. Mr Ng is unanimously voted for the best lecturer, ya? Have earned respect from us. Mr Lee just breeze thorough his lecture. Mrs Lim SH like Mrs Lee in physics department. Mrs Celine Lim was quite okay, just that she thinks it's unbearable for her when she learnt that the questions we asked are expected for us to know the answers already. Mrs Huang would tell cold jokes and sometimes talk to herself. Really nags alot whether she's giving lecture or not. Mr Low just a mediocre lecturer. Ms Sim sometimes like to suan people during lecture, maybe Mrs Lim as well. lol
Maths Department seems to just revolves around Ms Yue and Mrs Wong. Ms Yue also like to suan people, and sometimes give abit of scolding here and there. Mrs Wong will just start talking once she got hold of the mike and will only stop when she hears the bell. But, sometimes, she'll still continuing with the lecture. Both of them have the habit of talking loudly into the mike and blasting the PA system. haha
GP lectures were boring in nature. Can't be helped. So the lecturers must be something to deliver a good lecture. Mr Tong Yee should be the best lecturer. Deliver idea across well; with some visual aid along the way. But then some of his ideas quite complex. Ms Chiew also quite good in handling her lecture. Put across interesting points to us and made us want to know more about them. Interactive indeed. Ms Agnes is quite a jovial lecturer. Gives interesting lectures and keeps us thinking. Mrs Too didn't fare very well as the others but nonetheless, she's still able to deliver her lecture.
Honour Roll and Toilet Roll
Not only did we have academic hierarchy in class (The Elites), but the school also have some kind of a Dean's List which is called Honour Roll. Elites were given by Mr Tan to those who excelled in their academics, especially in physics. Some elites were hk, pw, sf, yx, quek etc.
Our class had quite a few who got into Honour Roll. Some had their names written on the Roll for the numbers of major exams they had taken! Those who got into the Honour Roll once or more were hk, sf, pw, yx, marcus and quek. Indeed, the class is honoured to have them in the Honour Roll.
Then, Johnny suggested something of the opposite - Toilet Roll; where the people who can't get into the Honour Roll will have their names 'engraved' onto the Toilet Roll. haha. So the rest of us were in that Roll...permanently. (But at least we got ourselves out of that vicious cycle when we got back our 'A' Level results! Perhaps on the More than the toilet,less than the honour Roll.lol)
The Afternoon PE Once Again!
Looks like we've alot to share about our afternoon PE experiences. While we were doing our serious training for the up-coming NAPFA test, a couple of us suffered from injuries like wear and tear of our knees, muscle cramp etc. lol. Cause we had to jump alot and run alot. Jumping across a distance of about less than a 100m to and fro, running round the tracks for god knows how many times already! No wonder some of us had knee problems then. I couldn't walk properly after that jumping cause my knee really in pain. haha Doing lots of pull ups and push ups also made our muscles 'suan' like hell on the following day! Look how terrible is our afternoon PE. That's why we ought to find ways to slack, ya?! haha
However, we'll always be pessimistic about our NAPFA results. Always seem to us that we could not pass this test by the end of year 2. And this song will be heard now and then...
Untitled - Simple PlanThe Canteen
I open my eyes
I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light
I can't remember how
I can't remember why
I'm lying here tonight
And I can't stand the pain
And I can't make it go away
No I can't stand the pain
How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge
I'm hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered
And I can't explain what happened
And I can't erase the things that I've done
No I can't
How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got no where to run
The night goes on
As I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me
During our first year, we would always be one of the first class to rush to the canteen and start to flood the wanton mee stall. That stall was one of the best, if not THE BEST stall in NY. (but then they have shifted to YJ. sad...T_T) Mian gou Q, la jiao gou la, wanton gou xiang! You'll start hearing "Lai,hou mian de boy/ger!" as the uncle calls for the person at the back for their orders. No doubt, the auntie and uncle are both quite skeptical about the age of low. haha
There are afew better stalls, like the fishball noodle. But then it'll be quite sick if eat too much, cause of the thick layer of oil and the gravy. But still, the 'mian' and other 'liao' she give is JI BU one! So, you'll either feel very full finishing it or you won't get a chance to finish it(for those who can't really eat much).
The Malay stall was also quite good. With the fried drumstick and curry. Swee! But then, the PE teachers banned all stalls to give fried food to us!! So we can't eat the drumsticks from that stall le. Sad. So, didn't patron her stall as much.
The rest of the stalls we just condemn them if situation permits us to do so. haha. Usually, we'll either eat those not-so-popular stalls if the queue of the more popular ones are really damn long! If not, we'll just give our 'brunch' a miss.
We've a special case for adelene as she doesn't like to eat her vegetables. Well, at least for 99.99% of them. haha. So, she doesn't patronise the 'zai' stall before. Meat rules for her!
Conversely, zy only can get vegetables. Sad for him as he only has 1 pathetic stall to patronise. Had to eat the food from that stall for 2 whole years! Having a meal with him must think where to eat where there'll be 'zai' around that area. So, most of the time, he'll need to 'da bao' over.
You'll be at a disadvantage if you are one of the last person to start eating. Cause you'll be sure to help the rest of the table people to clear their plates for them for the same stall.(Usually, most of us ordered from the same stall! So, it'll be quite jialat.) This was our table rule. lol. Will see the last 2 guys competing to finish their meal to the last second! Usually is zc, low or me. Sad. haha
Yaogui No. 1 - Adelene! She claimed that she could eat a regular pizza all by herself! Congrats in getting this title! There are also other yaoguis in our class. Some have the potential to surpass adelene. People like les, john and low. But john and low seems to lost their ability after getting into army. Once adelene challenged them in eating a regular pizza. But she can't even finish her own small personal pizza still want to challenge. lol. Some allegedly claimed that I'm a black horse. Shrugs. I just help to finish people's food if they can't finish themselves that's all! haha
John's Ass!
Who has the firmest ass of us all? - John! He always claim that his ass firm (still do!). We can't confirm with his statement unless someone had experienced it before! When we're changing for PE, he'll be that metrosexualist who stands in front of the mirror above the basin and 'ADMIRE' his ass! And he would ask around to confirm his above statement. ER DAO! lol
No doubt that low is the absolute schemer in class (well, some may say our PW group are all schemers! But low is the ultimate, ya?! haha). Before you knew it, you'd been schem'd. For those who are immuned, good for you. If not, you'll have to suffer from his wrath.
Class Scandal
There are rumours going around about the uncanny relationship between dz and lim. lol
Though the rumours are not proven, but the evidences given by several eye-witnesses who actually caught them red-handed was scadalous! Instances of dz sitting on lim's bed etc...some may even heard her declaration to him. =x Rumours come and go, so nothing actually happened this 2 years and the rumour had somehow vanished...(who wants to revive it?!)
Although our class are somehow bonded together, we still have some cliques in our own circles. Usually dz and cheryl; sf and pw; and xh and adelene would be the couples; zc, zy, les, low would be in their circle; hk, yx, zy, quek would be another; jj, lim, low and me would also be in a clique; the rest would just join in any cliques. But over the years (seems as if we've known one another for more than 5 years already, but whatever lah!), small cliques have somehow mixed together; some transference and fusion happened along the way.
Some information were spread saying that people in our class are being pai-chi-ed. Some correspondances said that xh and adelene were being pai-chi-ed by some small minority in our class. Wondered if this was true. Those who are inquisitive enough can ask the 'dang shi ren' themselves!
A Funny moment
Once adelene was accused for spoiling the chem lab door, but she claimed that the door was already spoilt and she's the one who had discovered it. haha. But then Mr Ng and the rest all arrow her! 'Tiao dao huang he ye xi bu qing!' Wondered what was the verdict... ;P
Classic Jokes
Marc always like to share some of his classic jokes (should be original bah). There are couple of examples like The Robbery and The green bean and red bean...
The Robbery:
Robber:"Yao qian hai shi ming?" ("Want money or life?")
Victim:"Yao qian!" ("Want money!")
Robber:"Nah! Gei ni!" ("Nah! Give you!")
The green bean and red bean:
There was once a green bean stall selling green bean soup. A customer came up to the stall owner and asked if he sells any red bean soup. (Cold zephyr blown past...)
Dz and cheryl like to call people by their self-invented 'cute' names with their 'cute' tone.(e.g. me - shun shun, zc - cong cong.) When they want to complain about certain things they'll come to you with their 'cute' voice again. But it's okay after all these years. lol
The rest of the gals not that much, but still they do! Especially when things are not in their way.
Catching a movie was one of our favourite hanging out pass time. Usually after school, we would go down J8 for lunch then catch a movie. Let's see what movies we've watched up till this day... ...
1.Van Helsing
8 May 2004, 19 05, J8, Hall 4, D-01 - D-08.
2.The Village
6 August 2004, 13 55, J8, Hall 2, P-03.
3.Exorcist - The Beginning
8 October 2004, 12 35, PS, Hall 1, L-14.
4.Ouija Board
22 October 2004, 13 35, J8, Hall 3, F-11.
5.Shark Tale
5 November 2004, 14 30, Cineleisure, Hall 3, L-21.
20 November 2004, 01 55, PS, Hall 3, F-02.
7.The Incredibles
28 November 2004, 16 35, PS, Hall 3, E-04.
24 Febuary 2005, 12 55, J8, Hall 2, P-01.
9.Initial D
1 July 2005, 13 25, J8, Hall 4, J-08.
10.Saw II
7 December 2005, 21 30, PS, Hall 7, D-16.
11.Aeon Flux
14 December 2005, 14 10, PS, Hall 6, H-13.
12.The Island
?? ?? 2005, ?? ??, J8, Hall ?, ?-??. (details unknow for the time being.)
Chill-out Places
We always chill-out around J8 after school for lunch. Usually go to the nearby S11 or the other coffeeshop around that area too. Occasionally, we'll go PM for some pastas. Afterthat, we'll catch a movie and just walk walk around J8.
Favourite Eating Venue
We like to visit the chicken rice stall and the dou hua stall near selegie road area. Those who haven't try before should try the chicken rice and some of their side dishes like 'tai shi dou fu', 'sha lv you tiao' and 'shui jiao tang'! You'll want to visit them again when you taste it yourself. Usually, we'll just walk down the road to have a bowl of dou hua or just the dou nai after we had our meal at the chicken rice stall. Best duo you can have for a good meal!
Influx of MP3s
Some of us saw the advertisement about sales of MP3 players in the newspaper. Some were gian-ed to buy one. So they ' ji bu lang' go buy. Next day, all came back with 'sat sat' MP3 players. lol. Listening to music while studying is good and relaxing anyway. ^_^
After every morning PE, most of the class people will stay over at the bball court to play a game or two of bball. We always play OT and went to class unchanged. When Mrs Wong came into class (her class is after the morning PE break), she'll say "Those not in proper attire better go change now! I don't want to see anybody in PE attire!". Then most of us will reluctantly go toilet and change while some scheming gals will place their skirts at the top of their PE shorts, covering it. And i suppose Mrs Wong didn't notice it unless she feigned ignorance.
After her lesson, most of us will go to the toilet at level 1 to shower. That toilet is damn humid and stifling. Fainting over there is imminent. After zc, les, low, marcus and me found out the other cleaner toilet at the other island, we always visit that one for bathing. But the con was that one of the shower tap doesn't deliver much water. So we had to go in turns to use that one and only normally-working shower tap there.
Slacking Side of Us
Don't see us as if we are nerds and geeks who only like to study. We actually mastered the essences of slackism. During afternoon PE, we'll try to 'chao keng' as much as possible by skipping some of the reps and most of the time we'll hang around the sit-up and monkey bar area for shade as the sun was scorching hot! But had to continue the exercises when Mr Lim/Ms Tang niao-ed us.
For most of the short breaks we had after lessons, we would play bridge. You can see 2-3 groups of us bridging! It had been the lastest trend at that time. However, after marcus introduced the Go Fish (a.k.a. diao yu) game, our trend has somehow shifted to playing Go Fish. However, when prelims were around the corner, the slacking trend seems to died away...gradually.
Eating Places After School
Before we start our daily routine at the study area, we'll go to the coffeeshop outside NY for lunch cause usually there's nothing nice to eat in the canteen at that point of time. Usually, the rest will order from that Indo. stall, which I try to abstain from.(the guys should know why. lol) We still went to S11(now it had changed to another company owning it) but on rare occasions.
The Most Visited Area
This must be the study area! The study area outside LT2/3 was almost our 'favourite' place in school. Usually almost the whole class will be hanging around there to study before lessons or lectures. Even when school ended, you can find us over there. However, only zy, les, low and me were able to survive there into the early night. It had became, more or less, our second home. The four of us would stay back almost everyday at that study area (perhaps with other people like dz, xh, yx, adelene, cheryl and marcus.) to do serious revision for prelims and 'A' Levels. We would give ourselves breaks; like visit the canteen to buy some snacks and drinks back for a bite. Then, the rest will all go home gradually at around 5-6pm, while the four of us will continue our serious studying until 7 plus. Sometimes, we'll stay back until 8pm, when there'll be announcement made saying "The school will be closing in 15 minutes." (X 2) Everynight, we'll be very lightheaded and then sleepy. When the next day comes, the routine starts all over again. haha
Letter writing
Took my time in writing letters (or testimonials) to the rest of the class. Some (yx, zy and quek) also took the same action and wrote to each and one of us too. Really great to receive little notes from people writing how is their impression on thee isn't it? Thanks man! For those who had spent their time writing~
Class Bond
After we've graduated, our class seems to be more bonded together. We still have frequent outings to chill out - exercising (among zy, les and me...wonder when will we have our bball session again...), meals(lunch/dinner/supper...but usually turns out to be flopped. haha) or just walk walk around to chill out.
Cheryl IS dying to see us guys! haha. She said she really MISSSSS US LOADSS! Hopefully she can come back and have a reunion with us one of these days.
Class T-shirt
We had our class t-shirt in Year 2 cause we didn't tought of making one during J1. Designed by me. haha. But then, think there's still room for improvement. Nonetheless, it's the thought that counts, ya? To make ourselves identified as people of 04S3A. Woot!
Basketball Sessions
It was in our 2nd year when we frequent in playing basketball almost once every weekend. We would meet at Hougang court at 10am. Usual people were me, hk, yx, zc, zy, les, lim, low, john, marcus and quek. Loser team would have to walk out and buy drinks for everyone. haha. If not, then it would be 10 push ups.
There were afew of us who shows great potential to join national team. haha. Yx would be able to intercept any passing by the oponents cause of his long arms and agility. Zy was the one who would let his potential surface when provoked. Once provoked, nothing can stop him to be enthusiatic and would he would be in offense mode. Lim's always in his offensive mode. Once you got the ball and he's charging at you, you better pass the ball or else get ready to play tug-of-war on ball with him.(sometimes both parties would be found lying on the ground. lol) Low was the schemer who taught of scheming strategies etc. He would always 'qiang yi' before the start of each game as he allegedly claimed that his 3-point shot very accurate (which most of us reading this would be swearing by now and the main character himself would be acting 'seh' and giving that grin! haha). John always like to try his own layout, where most of the time he would be tyco to earn his 1 point. Lucky guy with his 'zhao pai dong zuo'! Quek will always station himself below the net when the ball was going to be thrown in so that he would be able to 'qiang lan ban'. The rest of us (me, hk, zc, les and marcus) helped to earn goals for our teams in the most subtle of time. We are the deciding factors okay! haha
The Many Suppers
The NEL people ( including hk, yx, zy, les, low, john and me) often went to Hougang for supper and talk cock at 10pm or so. With food and talking cock is good! Sometimes would order more snacks food if we're still gian of eating. haha. Usually we eat prata then maybe order rojak or popiah to fufil our yaogui-ness. lol. We stayed before the next day comes to take the last bus back. Then the rest of the people who stayed in vicinity would walk home. Went back cannot sleep as yet cause too full. haha
'A' Level Results Day
The finale of our JC life came and went recently - that's the collection of our 'A' Level results. It's 1 March 2006 where the truth had spoken. Some of us were somewhat dissapointed but still satisfactory. Congrats to our class! All of us at least should be able to get into a university. Must really thank our tutors for sacrificing their time to give us extra consultation during our study break.

The Afternoon PEs
Gone were the days when we have to stay back every Monday (during J1) and Tuesday (during J2) for afternoon PE. Half the class was down - me, jj, xh, yx, zy, les, low, cheryl, johnny, marc. The days with Mr Lim was memorable. It was kind of him to cut down the number of reps and rounds. Everyweek, we'll be seeing him under that tree, sitting on that red chair with something on his hand. Nope, it's not only the attendance clipboard but also some food or a drink. Would always call students he knew who's going out of school to help him buy on the way out. Be it waffle or kopi-o, it seems that the victims were obliged to accept this mission.
We had Ms Tang in J2. She's always very serious about the training and stuffs. However, she can joke sometimes. You can be sure that her exercises were definitely more demanding than Mr Lim's. All the squats, pull-ups, pull-up hang, running, jumping over tall cones... ...sometimes we 'chao keng' abit. haha. We would self-declare to cut down the number of reps for squats etc. Nonetheless, most of us have cleared the silver standard for NAPFA test on that Friday The Thirteen.
The Lessons
Chem lessons were fun and interesting with Mr Ng around. He delivers his concept rather well. He would make sure that our theories are reinforced in our minds although sometimes he might not be able to explain some questions (he would always say "eh, actually I also dun know leh...think it's not in the syllabus lah!...). Most of the time, he would talk about mundane stuffs, but in an interesting way. Like the burning of diapers which will result in worsening the global warming, how detectives, like the ones in CSI, break cases using chemical test etc. During lab pratical, we would always joke about the necessary precautions after every experiment. "How do you supply more oxygen to the flame?"..."Put a plant next to the flame!" Usually after his lesson, we would have some chit-chat sessions before the period has ended. The first topic he chated with us was what do we want to be in the future. He wants to be a waiter. haha. Quite a peculiar choice of job. Most of us were still unsure of what courses to take in university let alone what career path will we choose.
Mr Ng - A good teacher that anyone would like to have.
Maths lessons with Ms Tian were surely crapping sessions for us! We always crap about the way the mathematical symbols were to be pronounced. Like 'theta' and others. She also very willing to re-iterate certain concepts we could not apprehend at first. However, if there were to be no further questions asked, you can expect to hear "Okay, no more questions? Let's have class assignment now." And she could also always expect the reply to be "Huuuhhhhh......we got questions leh!" or "huuuhhhh.....can next week anot??!" Sometimes she would yield to our plea. However, most of the times, she would just continue with the class assigment. Now, she had retired from the teaching profession.
Ms Tian - A teacher who you can crap with without her knowing what's going on.
Physics lessons were quite boring at times. Think most of us agree with this. Might be due to its nature of the subject that made the lessons to be qite dry. However, Mr Tan tried his best to deliver his lessons in a more interesting way. With the usage of characters like Mr Potential, it has made the lecture to be less boring but it had somehow increased its lameness. He always like to ask people who had failed the latest test to answer his questions during lessons, and he would also give nicknames to people. Like The Elites, Mr Fantastic etc...Craps. haha
Mr Tan - A teacher with a tinge of lameness.
GP lessons were sleep-inducing periods in excess. Ms Tay tried to make her lessons as interesting as possible and making the lesson to be fruitful. However, she's ever busy with her PW stuffs, so she did not have much time to really put in time to prepare for her lessons. Can't blame her either. We would always have th News of the Week quiz every Monday if I'm not wrong. Once a week, we were suppose to read the week's news and she'll ask questions on the following week. Sometimes, it's in test format, other times is turn-based, where you need to answer her one question to gain immunity to stand. As you can guess, as class of 04S3A, we would always believe in teamwork! haha. Will pass the answers around for those who were remaining standing. She had left to MOE HQ this year.
Ms Tay - A persevering teacher who's always on the search for the answer to deliver her GP lessons for the better of the class.
Chinese lessons were one of the lessons we anticipated for. Cause we could slack. Huang lao shi is a flexible teacher. Can eat in class, joke in class etc. He also doesn't like to be involved in unwanted trouble, so whatever we're up to, he tries not to know it.
Huang lao shi - A teacher who just wants to deliver his lesson.
PW lessons were the periods we dislike most. Even when the word PW is spoken, everyone will be in their sian mood. Luckily, we had a fantastic PW tutor, Ms Cynthia, who guided us thorughout the whole year. Helped us in the proposals, how to write the wrriten report and improving it and not forgetting the oral presentation. My group (NY091) was abit guilty to always find her to ask questions about our written report and stuffs and we would always be taking much of her time.
Ms Cynthia - A motherly teacher who takes care of the interests of her students.
Our Maths tutor changed to Mrs Wong come J2. She was quite demanding to her students. Once she said te last few batches of S3A had straight As for maths, so she demanded us to get all As. Even threatened some of us to write letter with parent's signature in it when some of us didn't complete their tutorials. However, she can be quite lame at times - usually cold ones though. Sometimes, she'll talk about her anecdotes when she was a student herself. A classic example was "Last time when I was in secondary school we all learn AP,GP. Now syllabus change, you all should be able to do better. etc" and "Last time our calculator not cheap. Was bigger and the screen will show the numbers in green colour one." Her niao-ing ability is quite powerful. Fail her test and you must prepare yourself to get niao-ed by her.
Mrs Wong - A teacher who have multifarious character traits - authoritative, lame, perfectionist and more.
Our GP tutor also was changed to Ms Chiew. She the fun-loving type of teachers who knows exactly what their students have in their minds. That's why we were thought to be in the same generation. haha. Deliver her lessons rather interestingly. Screened some flicks to us like Ferenheit 911 and Dead Poet Society,but I'm not sure about the National Day Speech...Allowed us to go to her house during CNY period and create havoc! Played mahjong, cards and watched tv. She even treated us to 'tze cha'. After prelims, we would always find her at least once a week to go through many of the essays and compres we've done over that study leave period. She'll always say "make sure you attempt all questions and complete your AQ with at least 2 side of the agument", "Choose the right question before you start writting. The question may look simple but it's a huge booby trap!" etc.
Ms Chiew - A teacher who understands the plight of her students.
PW is the most hated exam. Hated to come out with the proposal, hated to do research, hated to write out the written report and still have to edit it, hated to go through the rehearsals for oral presentation....the list goes on...Had to stay back in the library during school days to come up with the proposals and do research, but the school library doesn't seem to have the full list of the materials we needed. Went through alot of misery finishing up the final written report. Those were the daunting days. Oral presentation was alright, but the process to churn out the script was quite a chore too. After the whole thing had got nothing to do with our life anymore, it's like gravity changing to o.1G.
Promos were our 2nd major exam in J1. All of us pia-ed for this last lap. Some came out to be in the Hounour Roll while others, qouting Johnny, are in the Toilet Roll. haha. Prelims came and went like a breeze but the process isn't so. Fortunately, all of us could get promoted to J2. Some of us wanted to try out 'S' Paper - most of us opted for chem 'S' Paper. After that tiring battle, we gave ourselves time to relax - hanging out, watch movies, etc...things were rather eventful in J1...
Today was the day! Everyone was anticipating to the collection of their 'A' Level results. Our class did quite well. All should be able to go to university. Congrats to those who obtained straight distinction, congrats to those who passed their GP, congrats to those who got A for chem!!!, congrats to those who got their complete cert!
Quite dissapointed with my chem...think some of us also dissapointed to their results too. Nonetheless, we've already passed this stage and going on into uni. Hope everyone will have a course they want to take in mind and will get their course.
3 Cheers for 04S3A!