Chapter 11 - PW & Low Birthday
We organised a combined birthday celebration for pw and low, cause pw's birthday clashed with 'A' Levels. haha. It was held on the 22 November 2005 at Galilee and Friends. Before the actual dinner, yx, john and I went around Orchard to find The nicest cake for them. It started to rain on the way, but 不管風吹雨打也在所不辞! Started dinner at 19 32. Let's see what hk, jj, zc, lim, low, quek and I ordered...(The menu quite cute and creative.)
jj:The T.C.
zc:Great Balls of Fire
lim:As Good As It Get
low:Galilee Special
quek:Finding Nemo
me:Finding Nemo
Plus an additional of 2 Fisherman Basket shared among us. Woot.
Total:$102.60 (inclusive of GST)
This is the picture of the cake...
Low:"I wish to gain weight after eating this cake.."

Pw:"Why leh?"
Low:"So that I can cut the largest portion for myself! heheh."