A brand new year - A brand new beginning. We've gone our separate paths but we still find ourselves meeting up once in a while. The army guys meet up on their book outs. The waiting for ns guys (zy, les, marcus and I) found some jobs or just meet up for exercising, lunch, chilling out and whatever the four of us can do during this waiting period.
As the release date of the 'A' Level results is drawing near,(about 21 more hours) pray that everyone will be satisfied by their results. Hopefully everyone will do great!
Whatever the road lies ahead, we still have to move on, but we'll always remain as the bunch of zai people of 04S3A.
Special thanks to:
-people from 04S3A who provide us with the relevant photos used for this trilogy,
-les who has offered his assistance to help edit some of the photos,
-and those who took their time to read!
*Stay tuned for the extended versions!
Chapter 13 - Bon Voyage to Cheryl
We went for MFM and then watched Saw II on the 7 December 2005 at PS at 21 30 before cheryl left. Was at Hall 7, seats near D 16 and some at E i suppose. Anyway, xh, les, lim and I went to send cheryl off on the 9 December 2005. We headed to Deli. for some snacks. Well, more like it's cheryl who wants it. lol
Took some pictures before she left us...

Chapter 14 - Happy New Year
Watched Aeon Flux on 14 December 2005 at PS at 14 10; Hall 6, seat H 13. Anyway, chilled out at Esplanade on the New Year's Eve. But we didn't stay there for the countdown though. Went to lim's house instead, while jj, low, marcus and les went to my house to collect things. Think playing PS2 was also part of their objective. haha
Funny that we spend our last few moments of 2005 in the bus. Ton-ed at lim's house. Watched some VCD's and had Macs for supper which his father drove personally to buy for us. When the morning broke, we went to the nearby hawker centre for our breakfast, but I was still full with the Macs supper.
Took the first bus ride which gave the single 'beep' sound instead of a double 'beep'. The sign of adulthood? Maybe they should revise their concession system abit.
Today was my first dat of relief teaching as many of you would know by now. My first lesson was with a sec 5 class. As predicted, most of them are more interested in talking, what to eat for lunch and reading papers to spot for a nice flick to watch rather than listening to the lesson. Had to speak at alot more decible louder than what I usually speak. Nearly lost my voice. I need a 'pi pa gao' marcus! haha
The sec 1 classes I've taken was a little bit better. Maybe much less than a little bit, cause I never really teach them so can't comment much. Just gave them worksheets to do and left them alone to do. Quite controllable nonetheless.
Borrowed a couple of shirts from zy. Thanks!
KTV-ed with zc, les, low and marcus. Returned to the same branch I went yesterday. Think the people there would have 'experienced' some deja vu? haha
As usual we like 'working' OT over there. Over-stayed for another half an hour and we're off to have some snacks outside HM. It was alright - not that fantastic.
Tomorrow will be my first day of school. haha
Didn't expect that I would be going for kbox with sis and bf and his sis. Kind of weird combination, ya? lol. Anyway, it was alright. Lunch was fish and chip. However, their version was alittle bit peculiar. It came along with rice and 'guo tie'. Stayed there; reluctant to go off even though our period was over. It took them 30 minutes before politely chasing us out! Very kind of them indeed! haha
Went to somerset to meet up with jj, lim, quek and marcus. Sat outside the station and talked about army. Zc told us to meet at 4pm but he came at 5pm! But he admitted he was lazy, so it was alright. But hopefully no more next time! lol
Headed to TCC for some drink. Low came; with les and john arriving afew moments later after john got his jeans. Everyone just kb about their ns life for the past 1-2 weeks. lol. Couldn't understand most of it though, just listened along.
Had our dinner at MFM. Ate hake today, but I think alaskan pollock was better. Maybe next time will try dory. haha
Saw some pros playing House of the Dead 4. Quite a big improvement in the game plan. Think would be good if it's console friendly.
Low gian of having his SCC, so we had dessert at swensens. haha :P But in the end we all ordered our regular order - Topless 5! Think les, marcus and I pro liao, can decipher what the scoop was without even tasting it - just by looking at it we'll be able to guess. Don't play play, we regular customers le. Can discount abit anot? haha 3 of 5 scoops was what we ordered. Passed around the 3 bowls - refrain from getting the rasin thingy if possible. lol. Saw the same waitress who served us the other time les, marcus and I went to the same outlet. haha
The day is around the corner...'A's results is releasing this coming Wednesday!
With adreneline rushing more each day, anxiousness cannot be calmed. Think everyone will have their what-if-it's-not-what-i've-expected mindset, but just hope that everything will turn out well for everyone!
加油, 加油, 加油!!
Chapter 12 - DnD
Had my hair dyed and highlighted on that day. Then head to zy's house to meet up with hk and yx to take a cab down Grand Hyatt.

Yea, finally get to relief teach from 27 Febuary to 10 March. Going to teach combine science (Physics) for 3 Sec 4 classes and 1 Sec 5 class at Holy Innocents' High School. Was brought to the HOD of Science, Ms Tan, for a rather fast interview. Actually I don't think it really was an interview. Just told me the things I need to know, asked about my results and some Q&A. The teacher I'm taking over, Mr chang (same chinese surname as me), is a nice person. His wife is sitting the table next to his. Coincidentally, the 3 other teachers at the same area, including Mr Chang himself, are all from NY. Woot. NY one happy family. haha
He told me about the things I need to go through for the next 2 weeks, tour me around the school premises etc etc...his wife even photocopied the class list, staff room and school plan. Nice people I should say.
Think I shall work abit on my electricity, getting rusty. haha
Chapter 11 - PW & Low Birthday
We organised a combined birthday celebration for pw and low, cause pw's birthday clashed with 'A' Levels. haha. It was held on the 22 November 2005 at Galilee and Friends. Before the actual dinner, yx, john and I went around Orchard to find The nicest cake for them. It started to rain on the way, but 不管風吹雨打也在所不辞! Started dinner at 19 32. Let's see what hk, jj, zc, lim, low, quek and I ordered...(The menu quite cute and creative.)
jj:The T.C.
zc:Great Balls of Fire
lim:As Good As It Get
low:Galilee Special
quek:Finding Nemo
me:Finding Nemo
Plus an additional of 2 Fisherman Basket shared among us. Woot.
Total:$102.60 (inclusive of GST)
This is the picture of the cake...
Low:"I wish to gain weight after eating this cake.."

Pw:"Why leh?"
Low:"So that I can cut the largest portion for myself! heheh."