It was 6th August 2004 and and we are going to celebrate National Day but many of us are still mugging away our life. It's not a spoof, it's averable.

JJ overly stressed when people take picture of him mugging.
John mugging or playing with HP?
We walked around the neighbourhood to complete The Amazing Race. I was somewhat the leader of the class cause I stay around this neighbourhood mah. The games along the way were very crappy. Let me name a few. e.g. had to slove problems, dress up 2 people with things like toilet paper[forgotten who they are le] and guess what's in the box with your sense of touch. Everyone was like so sian-ed so we walked rather slow. Didn't care much about the prize anyway.
After going through all the lame stuffs, we walked back to NY for the finale. Prize presentation and sing-along session.
Group photo during the finale.
After everything ended, we waited at the Atrium to discuss where to head to next. However, the crappers are up to something funny.
They actually did pull that notice down but wasn't on purpose, so they took this opportunity to make something comical out of it.
Once they start, they can't stop being crappy! Marc allegedly hit lim by the head and johnny caught Marc red-handed.
After those classic shots were taken, we went to Bishan to have lunch and watched The Village [as recommended by sf]. Time 13 55, Hall 2, Row P, Seats 01 onwards.
Chapter 11 - Ringing of wedding bells
We were kindly invited by Mr Tan to be at his before-wedding-dinner gathering but I couldn't join them due to other things. Those who went each got a picture of their wedding photo.

Did I see bare legs?! jkjk.
Chapter 12 - Leaving for a purpose
3 of us went to OCIP to earn their 100 plus service hours. Hk went to India whereas xh and zy went to China. Think we didn't went to send hk off. Did we? But some of us went to send xh and zy off at the airport.
Group photo of those who went for the sending off. Les sad cause they leaving?
Huang lao shi with zy and xh.
Good thing that they bought somethings back for us. zy bought us some candies xh gave us each a goodie package. Thanks!
Chapter 13 - Our first bbq
Our first bbq was at cheryl's house. Quite convenient as the bbq pit is big enough, adequate tables and chairs, water point and swimming pool in close vicinity! ^_* All the ex-uniform group people were made useful to start the fire. But it took them pains to make the fire visible. The food was those usual bbq stuffs - chicken wings, sotong balls, satays, some japanese ready-marinated fish, sausages etc...

Cheryl multi-tasking!
Before the war begins...
After much running,struggling etc...people got thrown into the pool. The rest might as well follow suit on their own!
After all that fun at the pool, we washed up at the toilet. Came out ready and it started to rain quite heavily.T_T...But luckily I have my 'shui shen xie dai' umbrella! We decided to watch the horror movie 'Shutter' at PS. [the plot was nice!]
The bus trip on the way to PS.
After traumatising horror movie [with a bit of touching scenes T_T], we sit down in a locus of radius 0.5 m just inside the front door of PS. Guess what. We are sitting there playing 'zhong ji mi ma'! Punishment? 1/3 of a 1.5 litre bottle of water for guys and 1/4 for the gals. After finishing up the sprite, some perpetually went to the toilet. Not only to refill the bottle after each 3-4 rounds, but also to purge out the reservoir of water in us!
After countless rounds, we got up and took the first train back home. Before stepping through the station gate, I and low felt the urge to pay the toilet a visit again!! We rushed to the station toilet on the triple!! And rushed back before the train comes. Finally, home sweet home. Think nobody drank any water for half a day!