Come chu er, I was all alone in my grandma house for the whole afternoon until about 5 plus. Cause my sisters went to 'pat tuo' while my cousins don't know where they go to. So watched some nothing-which-interest-me tv programs. MY cousins came at last. Hao and my job is quite comparable. Comparably horrific! Lowly paid wages but highly demanding job. This is the real world! We temp. workers have to work literally like shit and earn like shit! Nothing beats an "I QUIT!" straight into the boss's face. lol.
The dinner was much better than chu yi's. More delicious and more wholesome. woot! Let me name all the curry[ hao and I ate the 'seh kor' potatoes...the one and only one which is 'seh kor'!! we damn suay man!], prawns,fried chicken wings, steam promfet,gor hiam,cai xin,abalone,lotong,meat with assorted vegetables, soup and last but not least SHARK FIN SOUP! But the shark fin soup was too 'hiam'.
Played pictionary after dinner. Damn funny. The hanger thing etc. lol. After that went to the playground downstairs to play some whistling sparklers. It was damn power! Some very loud, some explodes like it's the end of the world! Then don't know what come to us but we started playing hop-scotch after finishing up 2 boxes of whistling sparklers.[still got 1 more box left. maybe can play during yuan xiao.] Childhood games. Those were the days when we use chalks to draw the boxes on void decks. We suddenly remembered about our favourite childhood CNY game. DARK ROOM! The game is to lock everybody in a room without lights and one of us must close our eyes and start to catch people. The person who got caught will be the next one to catch people. It's whole lot of fun when we were still classified as children. Maybe we can play it during yuan xiao also?! lol. But we need a bigger room cause everyone had grown up quite alot.
WOOT! It has been 2 days already after the start of CNY. Had alot of activities till very late, so didn't get the chance to blog about them. Finally can take my time to blog about these 2 days.
During chu yi, went to my grandma house to bai nian. Collected quite a number of ang baos. Just say "gong xi fa cai, wan shi ru yi, sheng yi xing long, xing xiang shi cheng, fu ru dong hai, shou bi nan shan" etc 4 letter phrases with 2 mandarin oranges sure get ang bao de!
Good to see my cousins again! Ah mei, ah kat, aveline and alicia [ah hao didn't come on chu yi because of his job with meagre wages....very understand his chu jing!]. It's great to have cousins who's doesn't have a great inequality in our age. Can talk cock and play together.
Lunch and dinner was so-so. Played blackjack for 2 sessions. First session won $8, second session lost $3. In total won $5. woot! Extra cash to spend on kbox later with my gang [that includes aidan,eric,jc,loba and sherman].
"Swee" ar. Kbox like to "sha" people at night. $38 for 3 hours of singing. And it's per person somemore! What is this?! It's understandable that chu yi sure will increase price, but little did we know that they'll increase to such extent! Forget it, so we my gang went to S instead to eat ice-cream. 2 topeless 5 and fries again! Woot. Reminds me of that time after Mrs Ho leaving ceremony Mr Ng treat us to the same thing as well. In addition, we ordered a breaded chicken to be shared among 5 people. Nice!
Walked the same route everyday to work.Saw the same people along the way,asking what am I doing so early in the morning when I do not have to go to school.Damn!Missed the bus by a few seconds even though I was like 1 metre or so away from it.Paiseh,have to let les wait again!
Again,we work like slaves when we heard "Lai,kai gong le!".That's the beginning of a tiring day.During the afternoon,we were asked to go up to the packing area before the products are being sent to where it should be sent to.
It was 5pm when we saw most of the temp. worker already had their bags on their shoulders.WTH!!They actually went away without OT!NOT FAIR!!Why we 3 need to do then the rest no need?!sibeh sian!That's why we are quitting this terrible job.And I'm going to receive an even terrible job!Hai...don't feel like talking about it.
After alighting at Hougang Central,I walked to the busstop which was the same route as when I go to work every morning.At that time,I thought I was going to work!Craps!
At last,we have gain our liberty!Freedom is by our side now.Wonder what will we do tomorrow...
It's our second day of work and the aftermath of OT had surfaced.Legs in fatigue,feeling light-headed.Wondering if we'll just end it on Thursday.kelven and les had to stand whole day.Luckily I was the two 'chao keng' colleages.When they having phone-break,smoking-break and high tea break[all self-declared!],I'll be left alone in the room doing nothing.Maybe I was spotted doing nothing,hence was asked to help out in the main area.Too bad, cannot 'chao keng' anymore!=x
Today's OT was one hour less.Maybe the supervisor doesn't want us to claim the OT pay.I say SCHEMING!!
We seem to be detached from the society.Staying in a workplace is worst then staying in school for long hours.
Whatever it is,hope we don't fall sick!Feeling abit feverish now.
Today was my first day of work and I was late meeting les.Sorry!Cause wake up time clashed with my sis.Think I'll have to wake a a little earlier.Anyway,we missed our stop and took about 3-4 more stops before alighting.Sounds terrible for the first day of job yea?Can't help it,the work place is too ULU!Walking back is tiring.Was late for work for about 20 minutes.But then it seems like work hasn't start yet when we step into the warehouse.
Les and kelven were sent to pack the small scanner which cost a bomb[sad by the 'lao jiao' there.].And I was sent to unpack the big scanner which probably cost two bombs?The company quite welfare.My colleages will help me do my job when they got nothing else to do and even turn up the tempreture of the air-con when i sneezeed!But I don't like the idea of being scrutinised when we were spotted idling around doing nothing.Then we'll be asked to do other jobs.Currently I've done 4 different jobs there.Can be deemed as 'lao jiao' already?
OT until 9pm instead of the normal working hours until 5pm.But no OT pay rate for working 44 hours or less in a week!!What rubbish is this?Rubbish!Period.Now we are really dead beat!But can't see the tired look from those who had worked there before.Perhaps they've been OT-nised.No sweat for OT?!
Tomorrow will be another day of thirstiness,buay gian-ness,fatigueness and sian diao-ness.Must bring many bottles of water for tomorrow although the drinks there are selling like 30 cents to 60 cents.
Dead beat since yesterday after rushing to finish up a composition of a song with my own rendition.Think it'll turn out well with the orchestra. [anybody going to help me test test the song first?]Worked till ard 2am in the morning before I slept for the day.Then have to wake up at 08 45 to meet up with keven and les for the job enquiry, but it turn out to be we visiting a job agency.Filled up a particulars form which is so 正宗 while we waited for the so-called consultant requested by one of the worker there.Asked about skills like filling,typing with words per minute etc.We met the so-called consultant and the first thing she asked us was to speak about ourselves. Like duh!,everything about us is written in our particulars form.And what for do you need to know about our hobbies?It's not like we're in for a match-making session!woot!At first, we specifically mention about the warehouse job that we intend to do. But our words have turned to deaf ears. The so-called consultant told us the warehouse job assignment is full,so told us about other job opportunities like admin. and drinks promoter in some supermarket.
Spend our day in the National Library[the 正宗 one!].wx came much later.First time stepping into the new cosmopolitan library.Hope to get a sofa as comfy as that.Anyway, the agency called me after a few hours later[we were trying to contact the person there but they are either not free or went out of the have high tea i guess?!]. Fortunately,we were offered to the warehouse job and it's nearer to the original location we first got noticed. It's situated at Hougang[that means waking up much later!].And that job is starting tomorrow! woot!Finally can start my job ASAP!
Took our dinner at MS foodcourt.The uncle there is still as enthu. as ever.["not nice can come back change!lol!]After our dinner, walked to PP hotel to 'test' their elavator.From level 1 all the way to level 37[and with half of the lift carriage exposed to the outside world!] Cool!The acceleration is high!
Wish us luck for our first day working!Hope nothing cocks up!
Met wx,zy,kelvin[les friend] and les for a job interview which looks as if a good job. [AS IF!!] Felt so cheated after signing the contract. But then what to do when I've really got nothing else much to do for next month. But I swear I'll not get back to them anymore!! Anyway, who would want a job that pays $35/day[from 10am - 10 30 pm] or $4/hr[if it not from 10am - 10 30pm] with a $200 incentive? Only those people who got nothing to do and waiting for a job for days like lightyears [like me] will accept this slavery. Anyway, it's better to earn some meagre, not-very-worth-to-earn money than rotting at home doing nothing. Will I feel sian? Cause like nobody I knew working there. Except wx who's shortlisted to the same working place as me. But don't know when will they bring him in. Hopefully they do. Zy went to CP while I'm stuck at NP. Les - 'zai jie zai li, bu yao qi nei.' There'll always be greener grass on the other side. And I strongly feel that it'll be very very green compared to mine!
Can still find other jobs for the rest of the months. But I'll not be as easy-going. I'll only go for jobs that's pays reasonably. Not like earning $4.25454545..../hr!
After the 2 hours of interviewing and waiting, zy went out and the rest accompanied me for lunch. Not much appetite, so just ordered my redeemed burger. Talk cock abit with them. [but they did most of the talking cause like only knew les friend for 2 hours only.] Luckily it rained after I got back home!
It has been a week since I last exercised. Asked zy and les out for somework out this morning, but zy can't make it due to stomache and les overslept. Luckily I didn't go that early either! The sun is out and shining strong this morning, unlike the one last week due to thick clouds. Too hot to continue; the bars are hot, the bench is hot, everything is hot! Les nearly got blacked-out! Went to cool down abit at the shelter. Ate the not-so-tasteful 'cai tao kuay'. Too much flour i guess. Drank soy bean milk for the intake of proteins and calcium.
Went over to les house to watch anime - Flame of Recca. Looked throught the Recruit for some job hunting. Had a chance upon two rather highly paid jobs. One is for HT and the other some event assistant working as promoter which sounds like a scam to anybody who listens to the conversation when we talked over the phone.
Me:"Is this Y*W** [a.k.a. scamer]?
Me:"Yea, I would like to enquire on the job as the event assistant as a promoter."
Scamer:"Oh, you can come down tomorrow opposite Somerset Station."
Me:"Okay. Can I know more about the job scope?"
Scamer:"Erm, there's no selling needed. Just promote to our clients [blah blah blah... didn't really catch what he was saying really!]...
Me:"Okay. May I know the hourly pay?"
Scamer:"Erm, we'll tell you the pay when you come down tomorrow." [he was obviously bullshitting as they wrote on the papers "....$8/hr..."]
Me:"You scamer right? Bullshit so much! Must be some sai kang job!"
Scamer:"F*** O**!!"[slams his hp.]
P.S.:The last two dialogues are not for real. The rest is not a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are not the products of the author's imagination or was not used fictiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely unfortunate of you cause you've been SCAMED!
We finally decided on the HT job. Better pay and less of a scam. But we need to bring along the newspaper cutting for the briefing tomorrow. Hopefully, everything turn out well! Wish us luck!^_^
The environment is changing again. The old building and streets you knew have changed. The people whom you meet before have changed. Reminiscing about the past brings us back to the days before the evolution of the people and places around us.
I took the usual walk from home to school the same way I did since I walked into NY; before the new basketball court was built. It was like opening up a time capsule, revealing the past I've encountered which is now left as wonderful memories. Strolled around the school hoping to see old faces; old friends, old teachers. Had a short meeting with Mr Tan in the canteen, but the conversation didn't last for longer than photocopying a set of Mass Spectrometry notes. Paid a visit to the fishball noodle auntie. She insisted that she treat me, but I still paid her. Can't ask for more cause she had add all the 'liao' and it's like 'ji bu' one! While waiting to be serve, a notice struck my eyes. "No buying of food duing 7:00 am to 8:00 am." This is to prevent students from eating during their first lesson. Now I really believe that the new principal is strict. Can even get expulsion with 6 times of latecomings! Anyway, it's good to eat the noodle again after about 3 months, but the fishball sure is salty!
Got continously bumped into CO teachers. First was Mrs Wong then Mrs Lee then Mrs Liu Fang. It's uncanny that they said the same things. "Did you know that CNY we are going to Mac Ritchie in conjunction with X-country?" "Come back and help the CO lah!" etc... Maybe I'll come back. But they seem to have enough people.
Just when the CO teachers and I were in our conversation which seems more like a business conversation, Mr Ng walked out from the staffroom with his usual quick pace. Chatted with him at the open area outside the staffroom. Talked about the situation of 04S3A people now. He was quite flabbergasted when I said I was still on my job hunt! Until it started to rain, we walked to the hall. [actually he was supposed to go for assembly!] "Better make my face appear there!" That's what I say as a responsible teacher with a sense of slackness! Then we left the hall after finding it a boring session, back to the staffroom study area. Chatted about life after 'A's. How boring can it be by rotting at home without anything to do. Chatted about life in the Army. Recollecting and telling his acnedotes during his Army days. Also, chatted about life after Army; living a new phase in the education system in University and the future outlooks. Also chatted about his new phase of teaching career in RJ; leaving the MOE, being a private teacher.[must treat us,yea?]
Ms Chiew walked past us twice. Met her in the canteen after that but she looked busy. So, didn't chat much.
Visited CO. More people now with the new influx of the J1 batch. Yea, they can walk.
The influx of new teachers also made the environment of NY to change quite drastically. Felt abit estranged in it. But then seeing the LT4 study area flashback flooded my mind. From the heavily rainy study days to the hot and humid study days. All these lessened the hostility.
Hope next time I would walk out that school again happy.
It has been sometime before we went back to town. Me, zy and les paid our visit to Orchard after parting with it for about 3 weeks le. We actually wanted to meet marcus in town for lunch but in the end me met us at SR station. People rich liao, can afford to take train from one station then return back. It's the company's EZ link card anyway! =x Went cine for lunch at PM after zy knew the truth about the closure of the 'zai' stall at one of the food court near somerset station. [it's kind of uncanny when we caught the poster of the 'zai' stall outside by our eyes.]
Went to HMV to buy the DVD of "いま, 会いにゆきます" after watching it at les house. The plot is very nice although it may look unrealistic. The director breaks the facts into pieces and woven it into a nice 118 minutes 44 seconds movie by using flashbacks. Flashbacks may sound cliche, but then you wouldn't think about that if you got to watch it. If you're those people who'll cry easily, you'll cry for as long as the movie last. For those who doesn't cry easily, you tend to cry for the last 30 minutes or so. [if not you'll just 'ren zhu lei']
Walked to Taka, library @ Orchard, Paragon...then it started raining rather heavily. With my 'sui shen xie dai' umbrella, it managed to cover us. Walk to Wheelock Place where les bought a raspberry cookies. Went to borders to 'bi yu'. After browsing through afew books, went to PS for my interview. But they said must come between 3-5pm for interview, cause their manager not around. [sorry guys! make you all waste your $0.65 cents!]
Voted to go Hougang central for dinner. But then it wasn't zy's lucky day. The 'zai' stall there wasn't open today! He had to go home cook instant noodles. [so sad T_T..] Ate fishball noodles there. Sweat alot, cause it's too hot and spicy!
Watched the movie again after I got back home. A brand new experience. Maybe I'll get its OST.
It was 6th August 2004 and and we are going to celebrate National Day but many of us are still mugging away our life. It's not a spoof, it's averable.

JJ overly stressed when people take picture of him mugging.
John mugging or playing with HP?
We walked around the neighbourhood to complete The Amazing Race. I was somewhat the leader of the class cause I stay around this neighbourhood mah. The games along the way were very crappy. Let me name a few. e.g. had to slove problems, dress up 2 people with things like toilet paper[forgotten who they are le] and guess what's in the box with your sense of touch. Everyone was like so sian-ed so we walked rather slow. Didn't care much about the prize anyway.
After going through all the lame stuffs, we walked back to NY for the finale. Prize presentation and sing-along session.
Group photo during the finale.
After everything ended, we waited at the Atrium to discuss where to head to next. However, the crappers are up to something funny.
They actually did pull that notice down but wasn't on purpose, so they took this opportunity to make something comical out of it.
Once they start, they can't stop being crappy! Marc allegedly hit lim by the head and johnny caught Marc red-handed.
After those classic shots were taken, we went to Bishan to have lunch and watched The Village [as recommended by sf]. Time 13 55, Hall 2, Row P, Seats 01 onwards.
Chapter 11 - Ringing of wedding bells
We were kindly invited by Mr Tan to be at his before-wedding-dinner gathering but I couldn't join them due to other things. Those who went each got a picture of their wedding photo.

Did I see bare legs?! jkjk.
Chapter 12 - Leaving for a purpose
3 of us went to OCIP to earn their 100 plus service hours. Hk went to India whereas xh and zy went to China. Think we didn't went to send hk off. Did we? But some of us went to send xh and zy off at the airport.
Group photo of those who went for the sending off. Les sad cause they leaving?
Huang lao shi with zy and xh.
Good thing that they bought somethings back for us. zy bought us some candies xh gave us each a goodie package. Thanks!
Chapter 13 - Our first bbq
Our first bbq was at cheryl's house. Quite convenient as the bbq pit is big enough, adequate tables and chairs, water point and swimming pool in close vicinity! ^_* All the ex-uniform group people were made useful to start the fire. But it took them pains to make the fire visible. The food was those usual bbq stuffs - chicken wings, sotong balls, satays, some japanese ready-marinated fish, sausages etc...

Cheryl multi-tasking!
Before the war begins...
After much running,struggling etc...people got thrown into the pool. The rest might as well follow suit on their own!
After all that fun at the pool, we washed up at the toilet. Came out ready and it started to rain quite heavily.T_T...But luckily I have my 'shui shen xie dai' umbrella! We decided to watch the horror movie 'Shutter' at PS. [the plot was nice!]
The bus trip on the way to PS.
After traumatising horror movie [with a bit of touching scenes T_T], we sit down in a locus of radius 0.5 m just inside the front door of PS. Guess what. We are sitting there playing 'zhong ji mi ma'! Punishment? 1/3 of a 1.5 litre bottle of water for guys and 1/4 for the gals. After finishing up the sprite, some perpetually went to the toilet. Not only to refill the bottle after each 3-4 rounds, but also to purge out the reservoir of water in us!
After countless rounds, we got up and took the first train back home. Before stepping through the station gate, I and low felt the urge to pay the toilet a visit again!! We rushed to the station toilet on the triple!! And rushed back before the train comes. Finally, home sweet home. Think nobody drank any water for half a day!
Chapter 8 - Starting of 04S3A circle
We first met at the classroom 03-XX.[the one at the double stairs nearer to the staffroom.] We are having our first CT where I got to know zc.[he was suppose to be my buddy~lol.] Mr Tan was there giving a 'xia ma wei'. Told us all his expectations for our class, rules and regulations etc. all listed down which were associated with punishments if we did not follow them. But seems like nobody really bothered about all those things. The buddy system was a flop too. lol. That's just about it for the start.
Let's take a look at the first version of our timetable.[2004 04S3A J1 Timetable Ver. 1.0 published by 3rd April 2004]
Day | 07 40 | 08 10 | 08 40 | 09 10 | 09 40 | 10 10 | 10 40 | 11 10 | 11 40 | 12 10 | 12 40 | 13 10 | 13 40 | 14 10 | 14 40 | 15 10 | 15 40 | 16 10 | 16 40 | 17 10 | |
Monday | Physics Lecture LT4 | Maths 03-46 | General Paper 04-33 | PW Lecture LT4 | PW 05-65 | Physics 03-48 | Chemistry Practical N17 | Afternoon PE | |||||||||||||
Tuesday | Chemistry Lecture LT4 | Maths Lecture LT4 | General Paper 04-55 | CT 05-56 | General Paper Lecture LT2 | Maths 05-62 | |||||||||||||||
Wednesday | Assembly | Chemistry 04-61 | Physics LT4 | Chinese 'AO' 05-45 | Physics Practical N28 | ||||||||||||||||
Thursday | PE & Break | Chemistry Lecture LT4 | Maths Lecture LT4 | Staff Contact a.k.a. Break | Chinese 'AO' 03-37 | Physics 03-46 | |||||||||||||||
Friday | General Paper 04-53 | Chinese 'AO' 04-58 | Chemistry 05-62 | Maths 05-62 |
Note:This table is kind of tedious. So I wouldn't want to do for the next
Chapter 9- Ice Breaking
During our first official CT, Mr Tan co-ordinated an ice-breaker game. The usual name-calling game with the curtain in front of the players. It was kind of challenging to remember all of the other 20 persons names in such a short period of time. If I've remembered correctly, I didn't shout the correct names before or shout it before the other player did
Chapter 1 - Starting of CO circle
The first day wasn't an orientation. All of us didn't know most of us there. After the allocation of the people to their respective sections, we quickly had our sectional practice demanded by the conductor. No orientation on the first day?
I was the only J1 guy in TBY section. I just don't feel comfortable with it. 10 years in a boy school. Boy, it really takes time to adapt. Moreover, I was also uncomfortable with the instructor [also our conductor] when she says how good I am and how they should work hard. It's just very weird. Didn't like that. Then I'm always the neglected one when the rest practiced with the instructor. But it's inevitable cause they really need to instructor to be there. So, I'm always facing the wall practicing on my own.
When the instructor wasn't around, I had to assume her job. Sometimes, it's just very difficult to talk music to them. They just don't get it. Sometimes, I'm quite pissed off but then I still have to continue as it would not be good to leave them alone and the whole CO is being 'lian lei-ed'. TBY must be the best section! Always fight with the CGY section.
Imagine carrying something close to your own weight up and down a stairs after travelling from the old science block and passing the corridor of the hall. It's damn sian after a few times. I cannot do anything cause the new music room wasn't up yet and we need to use the 4th floor classrooms. These things had became a routine for me. Hopefully things turn out to be better when the new room is built.
Chapter 2 - Remembering of Names
After the committee election, I was given the post of the secretary. So, I'm obliged to remember everybody's name in a very short period. If not, taking attendance of people can be quite a chore. I would always mismatch their names. Stephanie is a good example. I'll always ask "You stephanie right?" and they will say "No lah, I'm XXX"[with an anxious tone]. After 3-4 tries, finally got the right stephanie. But then after a few practices, she didn't came back anymore. So, it was alright.
Chapter 3 -Fusion of the East and the West
Synergy was the event for all performing arts CCA. It was quite a new experience for me as we[the CO] will get to work with the CB [don't think otherwise if not, you are other than wise. sounds like Mrs Wong~lol.]. It's quite nice to be in a stage filled with people at every area of the stage floor. But I was anticipating a brand new compostition to be written for us. It came out as a disappointment as it was another rendition of "Yao Zu Wu Qu". But whatever, since it was another experience with the CB. Everything ended rather smoothly. Or isn't?
Chapter 4 - Pre-SYF Period
It's the competition again. It would be the third time and the last time I'm taking part the SYF. We got our choice piece ready. It was a brand new composition written for us. But it was too difficult for most of us. So we had to choose another. "Gan Jie" was it. All the practices were tiring. Had to go home late and all that. Luckily I stay near NY~ Halfway, we managed to use the newly built music room at the new block. It was smaller than the CB's room but it was cosy nonetheless. You'll think that you're trapped in Siberia if you stay in the room for too long.~
Chapter 5 - SYF
On the actual day itself, everybody was hyped up. But we didn't perform our best that day. So clinched a silver. Many were disappointed. Some cried. It was like a deja vu I've experienced it some 4 years ago.
Chapter 6 - Post SYF
We stepped down from CO and pass down to the next generation. The J1's organised a farewell bbq at east coast but it seems to us seniors that it was more of a J1 gathering in conjunction with some judo people coming to 'taste' some of our food cause their food sucks to the core.~ Well, they said they had prepared a farewell gift for all J2's but they are still in the preparation stage on that day. Wonder if it's true or just a 'fu yan' statement? Whatever. I won't ask for it anyway. The J1's enjoyed themselves more than we[J2's] enjoy watching them bonding and waiting for the food to be served to us instead.
Chapter 7 - The Revisiting
Went back a couple of times to see how they are doing. Still the same. Wonder when can we meet up with the HC/NJ/TJ that standard...
In your lifetime, there may be alot of friends that you've acknowledged but to actually have a 'zhi ji-s' or best friends and maintain this best-friendship is quite a difficult task. Let's see who are my best friends till now... ...
(xiang dang nian....)In my primary school years...
my best friends were the 2 jonathans. Jonathan Chng (a.k.a. johhny babe) and Jonathan Lau(a.k.a. loba).
I would sometimes go to jb's house after school to slack. Play games etc. So most of the time I'll take my dinner at his However, after we graduated, most of us had gone our separate ways, so do not have contact with him le. But sometimes will see him around, cause he just lives at the block behind me.
Loba was my best friend for 12 years already. We are in the same class throughout our primary school lifes. He's always crappy and optimistic. Also shows alot of leadership potential. Usually will attend his birthday party or a christmas bbq then ton at his place. A good listener too.
In my secondary school years...
my best friends should be Melvin (a.k.a. Mel C), Chris (a.k.a. KC), the MSCO people and of course the '77' gang.
Mel C was always my next table friend since I knew him from sec 3. We always chatted about work, teachers, anime and sometimes some 'xin shi'. He's a crappy guy too but sometimes he can be pessimistic about his life. Think he's those 'qiang yan wei xiao' people. That's why I'm there to counsel him.~lol. Think he should be living well. Long time never contact him le. Hopefully we can meet up with the class again.
KC is also my next table friend.[you may wonder why I have so many next table friends. cause our tables are joined together in a row. total of 4 rows in a class with about 10 people in each] He's a com genius apart from being a genius himself. He's also a crappy guy. Sometimes will talk no[ so now I'm between 2 crappy guys~I've been crappinised~] We also talked about lots of things. Mostly academic stuffs. Cause we'll usually stay back to solve the 'unsolvable' questions.
MSCO people includes ken, alvin and wei xiang, gary and en qing. Ken is a smart guy. Determined to do things that he aimed for. He's quite a crappy guy too. When you got problem can always approach him. Alvin is another smart guy. Always working towards excellence. Serious in everything he wants to do. He also cherish his friends much. 'Huai nian' the times we spend during the sectional practices. How the instructor told-off some people. We'll always gossip during breaks. lol.
WX is a damn crappy guy. Will always say and do crappy stuffs. But he has earned his respect from his juniors. He may not look serious but he's always serious. He can be a good listener too. Will provide his own advice if needed. It's enjoyable to have these seniors.~
Next 2 are my juniors. Gary is the guy who'll always find fun in whatever he does. But he's serious in his studies though. Now, he's a well-toned guy due to his DB training.~ Really cannot imagine cause he was a small guy EQ is a very vocal guy. Tell poeple straight in their faces. He's also determined to excel in whatever he think is worthy to do so. 3 of us usually will practice together when instructor wasn't around. It was fun then. All the 'mo qi' and stuffs. Maybe we can have an ensemble again?~
'77' gang is formed after watching the 'Wo jia you ge he dong shi". [Wo bi shi ni~] '77' gang includes loba,jiang cheng [a.k.a. JC], eric soong [a.k.a. soong] and ambrose [a.k.a. brose]. JC is tries very hard to work hard. Can be crappy and able to do extraordinary stunts like climbing over a wall at 2nd level. soong was also another crappy guy. Always 'ya jian zui li','yi zhen jian xie'.~ brose is a crapper who can crack serious jokes. But most of the time he's serious about anything. So, i suppose '77' gang are full of crappy people?~lol
In my JC years...
my best friends are yx,zc,zy,les,lim,low and cheryl.
yx will always be there to talk to when you need a listening ear. Will be around to provide encouragement and advice when needed.
zc will be around to end your boredom. Will do crappy stuff sometimes. Also approachable to 'tan xin shi'.
zy is a rather mature guy although he can be stubborn at times.[usually in a good way~] But he'll be there to lend a helping hand if needed.
les is a relatively easy-going guy although he likes to niao people. He's always there for his friends subtlely. Trustworthy.
Lim is a 'jiang yi qi' guy. Can depend on him on almost anything. Someone who cherish his friends.
Low is an approachable guy whom you also can talk to. Someone who you can share your burden.
cheryl is a gal who you can always depend on. Take care of her friends well. Concerned about her friend's well-being.
"I trust them all with my life."
Chapter 4 - PE Teachers
Usually I would be averted towards PE lessons during secondary school years. This is because I usually fail NAPFA test.[okay...I always fail since Sec. 2] Hence, training was tough. Always got niao-ed by my PE teacher. [who is also the DM] But I look forward for the games part. However, the NY PE teachers were quite nice.[mostly~]
Firstly, let's talk about Mr Gurmit Singh. Nope, he's not the commedian on Channel 5 who is slowly moving to Channel 8. He's the first teacher who took my first PE lesson in NY. Taught us the standard way of pull-ups. He's always crappy. Always. But he can be serious if he wants to. Approachable teacher to talk to. But I've only had 1 lesson with him. Pity.
Our afternoon PE teacher, Mr John Lim [a.k.a. Zidane], was also a crapper. He'll be always sitting on that red chair under the trees beside the sit-up bench drinking coffee which is bought by some students.[cause he always ask those students who are going out of the school to buy for him.] Sometimes, it's not coffee but waffle!~ While he's enjoying his High Tea, we are doing our usual pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups,squats,and running. But if he's in a good mood[which he always is~],he'll deduct some exercise we need to do!~ Anyway, he oso taught some of us basketball during the games module class. He also joined us in the game as well. In a nutshell, he's a good teacher too!~ Pity that he had parted with us.
Our new afternoon PE teacher, Ms Tang, looks stern at the first place. But after more afternoon sessions, she's also those type of teachers that you can joke with too. But she's very strict with the training. It's still bearable After giving us the card of various exercise, [that includes the ones mentioned earlier plus jumping to and fro for a distance, step-up, running up and down the school etc..] most of us managed to get a Silver miraculously for our NAPFA re-test during Friday 13 May 2005 afternoon. [low who went for bowling competition didn't pass~]
Ms Yap, my Ultimate Frisbee teacher, is a very book-by-book teacher although she doesn't looks like one. Sometimes she can joke with you but sometimes she can be so strict.
Mr Loke, is my part-time PE teacher. He's quite good in teaching us skills to excel in NAPFA test. Also taught us some ways to warm up and cool down. An encouraging teacher. But he was only for a short period of time. So didn't know him very well.
Ms Audrey, trains us very well. Really well. Her card of exercise is hell. Step-ups not counted in the number of reps but in minutes. But then she's also an encouraging teacher.
Lastly is Ms Ong. She's also a hell-trainer. She got 3 cards for us to choose. Varying from easy,intermediate to advance. Luckily, we only had her for a short period only. If we unlucky, we'll get the advance card which will have the most reps!~IT'S CRAZY!~
P.S.:Look out for the next series
Chapter 3 - Teachers
During my sec. school years, most of the teachers said "once you get into JC, you are all on your own cause the teachers would care less about you." However, this doesn't apply to the teachers in NY.[at least the ones that have taught me] Without the teachers, 04S3A will not be able to be what it is.
Our CT [also our Physics tutor], Mr Tan K.Y., can sense that he's not really into the teaching profession but he's trying to be into it. However, sometimes I feel that his way of teaching is not there yet; like missing something. Passion? Or maintaining the relationships with his students? Hope that he'll find some other jobs that he'll like to do after his teaching bond is over. Or maybe he'll continue his teaching career?
Our Chemistry tutor, Mr Jeremy Ng, can be deemed as the epitome of a good teacher. Always eager to teach us new things, ensure that we have learnt something out of every lessons, gave private motivational chats with all his students and finally able to teach well, and at the same time, bond well with his classes. He's serious when tutoring but can be jovial at times.
Our Maths tutor for J1, Ms Tian, is a rather book-by-book teacher. She also teach very fast. "Any more questions? No questions? Okay, take out your foolscape paper. We'll have assignment now." These are her usually phrases during class. Then all of us will like "Huhhhh..."
But she'll not be 'dong4 yao2' by our 'sa jiao-ness'! She had retired this year. So hope she'll lead a good retirement life ahead!~
Our GP tutor for J1, Ms Avril Tay, is very busy with her PW stuffs cause she was the Teacher-In-Charge of PW. That's why she seems not to have enough time to prepare for our GP lessons. So, we only manage to learn some basic stuffs. Although her class may be quite interesting, but it lack some depth and bonding.
Our Chinese tutor for J1, Huang Lao shi, is a very 'shan4 jie3 ren2 yi4' teacher. He really knows the mindset of students. He also interact well with us. We can joke in his class. He'll also talk about topics outside of the lesson for very long. That's why we always take about 1 week to finish 1 Passage. However, he left to another school. Hope that he'll feel better there cause can sense his aversion towards the school administration.
Our PW tutor, Mrs Cynthia Tan [but wanted to be called as Ms Cynthia], is a very kind teacher. Would always approach her to ask about PW stuffs. And each session can last for a couple of hours. Hope she doesn't mind our nagging!~ She's also very nice to talk with. Will not sense any barrier between us when we are holding a conversation. Maybe she'll try for another baby?!~lol.
Our Maths tutor for J2, Mrs Wong L.Y.,[ a.k.a. can infer that~] is also a book-by-book teacher. [same as Ms Tian~] Her pattern also same as Ms tian. Do all Maths teachers have this universal characters? She'll ask you to write letter if you didn't complete the tutorials. Sometimes, she'll joke but it wasn't that funny. Mostly are cold jokes. lol. Nice to be a Maths rep. anyway. Wrote me a thank you card as well.[together with a pink badge~] lol. But I didn't reciprocate it. Think I'll write to all tutors when taking back the results.
Last but not least, our GP tutor for J2, Ms Chiew, is a very cheerful teacher. Also interacts with us well. She also have the mentality of a student. That's why she always say "I know how you all feel." Sometimes, we'll visit her house for mahjong sessions.[ but not for me~] Think this year also no exceptions, ya? She even treated us 'tze cha' after our A's. Thanks a million!~
As I saw my name on the transparency,I really could not believe my eyes. After staring incredulously at it for a split second which seems like forever, I finally accepted the number that I saw and came back to reality. When I received my results from my form teacher, I saw that number again.
Now I start to believe that miracles do happen. Usually, what I see in my results are numbers of two digits and starting with '2'. Finally I can get into NY without getting an appeal.[and getting rejected.]
Chapter 1 - The Orientation : Alsein (As One)
Stepping into a new environment means that you will have to take the initiative to make new friends. I got into OG 20 - Delvok under the house Vulcan. Met a whole lot of people.[sorry that i couldn't remember all] Those that i still get in contact [or at least a Hi-Bye friend] are my OGLs, yu cheng and of course marc.
It was the time to choose for the subject combination. I was deciding on S1, [Maths, Bio and Chem] S3 [Maths, Chem and Phy] or S7 [Maths, Bio, Chem and Phy]. After a day of consideration, I decided on S3.
Chapter 2 - The Class Of 04S3A
After the long orientation week, I found myself in the class of 04S3A! Everyone was quite cool but the atmosphere wasn't stilfling. Some chatted,[since they've already knew each other] some introducing themselves.
Allow me to introduce all of my fellow classmates from 04S3A before I give my anecdotes during my 2 years in NY... ...
[In no position of Merit. By index number~] First on the list is Kevin. He always give the cool face. However, his interpersonal communication wasn't that cool towards others. He's an approachable guy,but a homophobic.~["eeeee,so gay", "chao mugger", "ku ku lah" etc are his trademarks~] You can share your problems with him. Can be a good soulmate I guess. He's as close to a professional in soccer. That's why he's the vice-captain. He's a mugger.[although he refute this statment alot of times already] Always motivated to study. Your results will prove everything!~
Up next is Cheryl [a.k.a. cher cher]. She that gal who will give that innocent face and smile. Sometimes, I feel like covering her mouth with somthing[like NH3~lol] when she's calling for me.[jkjk~] It's just embarrassing. Anyway, she's also another person that can lend a listening ear. She's always optimistic about things. That maybe why she's a cheerful gal. Good life that she can go to US to study. Visit us soon!~[my next-table study buddy]
Next is myself. I was a loner during my growing up years. Most of the time I would be by myself at home doing my own stuffs.[ and talking to winnie~I love my winnie~lol.oh no! I sound like ZC~lol..jkjk~] Perhaps because I was a cancerian? [An introvert? A homely person?] That's why I interact less with strangers. However, I tried to open up when I was in my late secondary school years and more during my JC life. Hopefully I can come to a stage where I can be comfortable with friends around.[and even strangers]
Zhen Cong[a.k.a. zc] was my class buddy supposedly. That's during our first CT when Mr. Tan assign the person sitting next to us to be our buddy. However, we wouldn't care Still remember the conversation we had during our first CT. Anyway, he's a cheerful guy. Perhaps that's why people label him as "gay". lol.[jkjk~] Also an optimistic person. A person who can encourage you when you're down. You will not get bored with this guy around!~Top ranking in late coming.[my part-time study buddy][member of b-ball gang][MU buddy]
Xiao Hui[a.k.a. xh] is the vertically-challenged gal in class.[jkjk~] Can share anything with her also. She's also a person who strive to study hard. When comes to mahjong, she'll 'ning ke sha cuo, bu ke fang guo!' Never see her lose before.[not before my eyes that is~] So, people must think thrice before playing with her. If she lose, she will use the petanque ball and throw you!lol.[my part-time study buddy]
Ding Zhan[a.k.a. dz] is best to be as a friend. [PW guys should know what I mean~lol..jkjk] She can be good friend. But she's always very blur. However, we didn't notice when we're in PW. She can be as fierce as she can be. That's why she always win the arguments. One 'jue zhao' is to bring a turtle close to her and she'll do whatever you say!~lol.[jkjk] [my next-table study buddy] [my PW mate]
Marc was in the same OG as me. However, I got to know him better in class. He's this crappy guy who always generating 'leng xiao hua' in his mind. From the classic 'hong dou and lu: dou' to the 'robber and victim'. He'll crap just about anything. He's also good in his general knowledge. His 'gao nan du dong zuo' is to sleep on two roller chairs!~
Sok Fong[a.k.a. sf] is this intellectual gal who joined the science society. Can be authoritative sometimes, but not overdone. Approachable and easy to talk to. She's the first few people who'll vanish straight after class when she had finished her assignments. Only got to know her more during year 2. She has the 'work hard and play hard' character.
Kelvin Lim [a.k.a. Lim or Mole] He's the first person whom I've seen to talk 2-3 times faster than any other normal person. So, you'll have to go through his tutorials and dictations to obtain the cert. which certifies you that you are a trained listener of himself.[jkjk~] His way of doing things is also extraordinary. But he's still a good friend to have. 'jiang yi qi'.~ By the way, you'll get a whole lot of treats if you go to his house!~[no exploitation intended~][my PW mate][member of b-ball gang]
Johnny is a person who'll give that cool expression but will suddenly spill out some 'yi zhen jian xie' jokes from his mouth. Be it during tutorials,afternoon PE or breaks, he'll always tell jokes on whatever thing that is before his eyes. He's a rugger, so it's no point fighting with him.[unless you're one yourself~] He's someone who will share his experiences and you can reciprocate it.
Leslie[a.k.a. les or lasini] was also another cool guy to me when he was a stanger to me. After getting to know him better, he's actually quite a crapper. Will always have some talk-cock sessions during breaks and even afternoon PE.[cause both the teachers and us were slack~] Most of the time people will get niao-ed by him.[people like zc, ad etc] So don't take it seriously. Can sense that he's a 'gan xing' but reserved guy. He always have the drive to study. When it comes to food, he'll be able to finish whatever is there.~[my regular study buddy][member of hougang gang][member of b-ball gang]
Kelvin Low[a.k.a. low or kelv] is another crapper but a mild one. Always like to act 'sey' but still stuck with us in afternoon PE. The one who had missed out the 'Friday the 13th NAPFA Test'!~ Always motivated to study. He's this scheming guy who'll scheme all the way if he wants to. So, don't be easily tricked by his 'tian yan mi yu'!~ But it was good to have him in PW. If not it's impossible for us to scheme our way through it.~[my PW mate][my regular study buddy][member of hougang gang][member of b-ball gang][MU buddy]
Marcus[a.k.a. eva] is someone who can be extremely enthusiastic in the things he deem worthy of it. Had the same ambition that is to be a teacher. Think he'll be much appreciated by primary school kids.~A straightforward guy. 'gan cui li luo'. A smart guy too. But when he encounter a difficult question, he'll spend his rest of his day trying to solve it. A determined guy!~[part-time study buddy][member of b-ball gang][MU buddy]
Pei Wen [a.k.a. pw or Anastasia] is another intellectual gal. Same as sf, she's the first few poeple who'll vanish after class. Strives hard for her basketball as well as her academics. She also knows how to play hard too. That's why it seems that she doesn't study at all but results still 'tok kong'.
Adelene[a.k.a. ad or yaogui] ,as the nickname suggests, likes to eat. Eats alot. Eats alot more than usual gals. She also likes to shop. That's why she's slogging her life with her multiple jobs. If you want to make an appointment with her. It must be at least 1 week in advance. Cause she has commitment and her jobs. Also, she cannot stay overnight. That's why she wasn't seen in our chalet. She likes to gossip. To know any 'nei mu xiao xi' can approach her.~[my part-time study buddy]
Yong Xiang[a.k.a. yx] is an intellectual guy. Most of the time his name is in the Honour Roll. But he very 'zhao gu' his friends as well. Able to share problems with him. A good listener. Sometimes, crap abit to liven up the stressful atmosphere. He like no stranger to strangers. Can even crap with people he didn't know.[part-time study buddy][member of hougang gang][member of b-ball gang]
Ho Kong[a.k.a. hk] is a cheerful guy at times. Money is not a problem to him~.But hopefully he'll try and save up abit cause output is more than input. Don't be surprise when he calls your name for[part-time study buddy][member of hougang gang][member of b-ball gang]
Xie Qiang[a.k.a. quek or xq] was from the same secondary school as me but didn't know him then. He's another person who'll provide encouragement to friends and lend a listening ear. An active person as he'll usually go for morning exercise and other outdoor activities. Top ranking for the biggest room for himeself~.[member of b-ball gang]
John is quite a holy person. Visits church more often than meeting us.~He's also a cheerful guy. Optimistic about anything. He runs alot. Sprinting is what he'll usually do. Must eat more calcium tablet if not have high risk of getting knee problems~.(jkjk~) A person who has a good listening ear. Sometimes providing sound advice. He craps alot too.~He'll try and taste every food place in front of him.~[member of hougang gang][member of b-ball gang]
Zheng Yu[a.k.a. zy or fi5hy] is our only vegetarian in class. Always have to 'da bao' his food when we go out to eat unless we are eating vegetarian food. Always optimistic. Strives hard to excel. Someone who is dependable. Always able to counter the niao-ing from others but soon it'll come to a point where he can't say anything~.[regular study buddy][member of hougang gang][member of b-ball gang]
Jin Jie[a.k.a. jj] is a afraid of 'ma fan' guy. So, everything he does is nice and neat. A perfectionist. Always there to provide extra notes for us. That's because he's always determined to study hard. Sometimes u can see him at the photocopying machine printing extra notes~. A reserved guy.[PW mate]
*Check out next entry for Chapter 3!~
it's another day of endless rain.from morning until night.hai...when will it ever stop?how to dry the washed clothes lidat?!~lol.
anyway,me,zy,les and marcus went to low's house for dinner.bought fortune fiesta.quite a reasonable price.[i say quite because it's still quite ex.~lol.]since the meal consists a whole lot of food in a BIG tub,we waited for quite some time for the food to be ready.[while we waited we encountered a vulgar female malay waitress.]she asked for a 6 pcs nuggets but it wasn't ready yet.[as said by the cook boy in the the waitress goes 'CB'.[in a soft tone]i didn't catch that but marcus managed
watched 'qi tian da shen' while we were munching a BIG tub of chickens away~[zy was there kindly serving us drinks and helping us to open chilli sauce~lol.thanks zy!]
after 6 resumes sent but none replied.was going to try for HD.tomorrow perhaps.but my sis just gave me a lobang.sell so things at chinatown.$5/hr or so.maybe i'll try that also~.if not i'll have no jobs for this week~
it's raining yet again... ...when will it ever stop?
visited guan yin miao to qiu qian.overall, it was quite a good one.
"A good home where peace and happiness abound. By deeds of merits will they acheive peace. The time is right for marrying.[quite cynical about this sentence~lol.] The farm produces a good crop of silk and harvest. A remedy to cure all illness."
"The day is cool and fine with myraid of flowers blooming. Why do you fret when what you seek will soon be yours?"
i like the last means alot of things to me!~
then went to bugis to walk around.nothing much to new arrivals yet.zy and i accompanied
les to SLS to buy his the time he went back to the shop,the price had increase quite a lot from the previous one he noticed.a 'hei dian' indeed~lol.after balancing with his opportunity costs,he decided on one.[which i will not disclose cause i DO NOT want my blog to become their FREE ADVERTISING MEDIUM!~lol]
clouds are getting naughty nowadays.they are like gangs gathering together waiting to's has been raining perpetually since early afternoon.i felt so dumb as to go back home to retrieve my umbrella when it starts to drizzle.[it wasn't raining before that~]went to zhss to sent in my's kind of funny to write your own qualities.but anyhow,hope they'll contact me soon since i was so sincere as to walk personally to the school TWICE!~lol.
tomorrow will be going to visit guan yin ma~hopefully with my sincerity together with guan yin ma's power,schools will start calling me~lol.jkjk.
and clouds,please stop raining! least for tomorrow~lol.
dined at PM at J8 with hk,sf,zy,les,lim,john,quek and's a farewell dinner for the next batch of 'sacrificial articles'[NBSA in short].lol~tried a new 'pattern' for my pasta.ordered fusilli.[usually order linguini]
bought a brand new shoe after wearing my old shoe since my secondary school days.nice~should i buy a running shoe?
the NBSA went some shopping for their army's kind of stupid of the Ar-me[which term themselves as the decisive force]to provide things for them but did not want to let them use.strictly for display.perhaps decisiveness is their only virtue.[but i beg to]they should change their slogan."the deceitful force".
good luck for those who are getting in to be trained like farm animals,fed like farm animals and let to die with ignorance as the only reason like the Ar-me.[oh...they are already going into the Ar-me~]
just tried my luck at zhss, yzps and nyjc.the clerks there seem friendly.[at least friendlier than mshs!=x...they are literally out to devour you!] however,need to write a resume for zhss and nyjc.[hopefully can hand in by tomorrow~] the good news was i just need to wait for yzps call,but the bad news was they might not even contact me~lol.just pray hard that i'll receive a phone call soon![even emily got it already!!~]
anyway,going for the class dinner soon at PM.if at least 1 person is late schools will start to contact me. [hmm...that means they will call rite?!]
yesterday was the eve of the new year of 2006!~marcus and i went to suntec at around 4 plus pm[by sacrificing ourselves to go down there]to reserve seats for the dinner.but all restaurants are in their festive mode now."No reservation during festive seasons."but luckily only some restaurants have the festive menu only without their basic we waited at city hall station for the rest to come... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
walked around the fountain to search for some cheap food.but all we get was menu with set dinner in double digits and 2 or 3 being the first digit.finally we decided to try SnT after much deliberation.[that was until 7 plus pm mind you~lol.]horrors of horrors,the soup sucks big time [say NO to french onion soup]and the baked rice was fishy[pun not intended;thumbs down to bake rice].looks like it was a wrong choice then.[1 more noted onto the blacklist~lol.]
jj,low and marcus came to my house afterthat followed by les to take some games over to lim's house.looks like i've not explore SC II enough yet.missed out on the command list.should try and unlock the rest of the stuffs when i had the free time now.low was just too reluctant to be apart with the controller.that's why we took the 23 50 bus.[and that's our last bus using the identity of a student!~]
played saboteur for awhile.[looks like the game has got over its summit long ago~]then went to watch some vampire show.[really an old show.]but most of us were busy eating the macs supper brought and bought to us by lim's father.thanks a million~afterthat was MTF.was hilarious.soon after the show ended and the clock was showing 7 am.time passes by quite fast eh.
went to the nearby hawker for breakfast.[was still quite full after the supper~]now we really got to plan our journey well.find the fastest and cheapest route we can take from almost all areas.well i guess i'll have to confine myself at home for the next 4 months~the first bus trip i took as the identity of an adult was 85 to survive with bus fare as an adult in multiples of x to the bus fare as a student where x is an element of an integer?!~
feeling drowsy now.need to catch some sleep le.