ARGH!...the hammering is getting on my nerves!can somebody please tell the government not to spent what it seems to me to be unecessary money on frivolous the whole block of flats around my area are undergoing changing-of-wire-casing-with-a-hell-lot-of-noise-to-irritate-the-residents project.[i can even feel the vibrations of the hammering under my feet now when i'm writing this entry~!]what on earth is the government trying to do?too much money to spend?or they got no other issues that interest them or have no solutions to those issues?so they had to increase our taxes and pay those people for such's not like the casing is rusty and dangling there's as good as new!just that it's gone out of it's original colour!
sometimes you may even see some banglahs on the road side drilling the road out and then put on the new surface.may i ask again,why is there a need to change when that tinie-winie part of the road is perfectly okay?new things are good but think again,it's the tax payers money!
what's next?tearing down the esplanade by January and design a new esplanade?there are still alot of other places that need such services.think about it.
[finally the hammering has stopped already....hopefully it's not because of lunchbreak~]